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BORDERLINE HAPPY / o, disappearance - Printable Version

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BORDERLINE HAPPY / o, disappearance - Character Graveyard. - 04-05-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Early in the morning, Luna had seemed to wander about the territory before her presence could no longer be sensed in the territory. It seemed she'd accidentally left the territory and into another group's and her current whereabouts were unknown.

//Luna is fine but she accidentally wandered into Tanglewood's territory and she'll be captured for a few days but she';; be back! All of her posts in The Ascendants will be retro to her capture for now!
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: BORDERLINE HAPPY / o, disappearance - ghostpact - 04-05-2018

this young boy is a problem you should call it in ! - tags
Immortal didn't exactly keep tabs on everyone in the group because it was too much work and he didn't care where everyone was 24/7. He did his own thing and if he hadn't to see someone, then cool. If not, then cool. However, in as small as their group still was, it was hard to miss the absence of someone. When by the afternoon, he hadn't seen Lunafreya, he realized something was up. Trying to be discret about it, he'd taken a walk around the compound before deciding something was definitely up. Back in the main area of the Observatory, he glanced around for anyone else in the area. "Uh, anyone seen Luna? Think she's gone or somethin'."

Re: BORDERLINE HAPPY / o, disappearance - Roy Mustang - 04-05-2018

Mustang got barely any sleep tonight, the tiger wide awake when the sun rose at dawn. Roy was still wrapping his head all around this- he got trapped in the middle of a transmutation circle(one he assumed was powered by a philosopher stone, considering the red light he saw), got turned into this tiger, ended up in Ascendants territory and was somehow convinced to join their ranks. It was a lot to go through one's mind, and it hasn't even been 24 hours yet for Roy. He tried to get some rest, but his night had been rather sleepless, and long. He almost never thought the sun was going to rise, but after a few hours, it rose in the east. That was when Mustang decided to get up, and pad out of his private quarters- that provided of a bed and an empty cabinet. He didn't have much to store in his room, considering he came here with nothing.

Mustang decided to take a short walk, as he assumed that no one would be awake right now. Meaning there would be no one to disturb, hopefully. But it didn't take that long for his new senses to pick up on things that his human self wouldn't have done. That being scents, specifically Lunafreya's and Immortalhd's. Lunafreya's scent wasn't as strong as Immortalhd's, instead it smelled stale and that it was fading away. Roy didn't put much thought into it- he didn't know Lunafreya that well and didn't come to assume she wandered off, meaning he didn't feel exactly concerned for the female. But it was Hd's voice that grabbed his attention, his ears pricking up at their voice. "I doubt anyone has, it's quite early in morning after all," came the comment from the flame alchemist as he padded his way over, nose scrunching up as he picked up her stale scent yet again, not having an idea where it may lead to.

Re: BORDERLINE HAPPY / o, disappearance - BASTILLEPAW - 04-07-2018

the ascendants — starstruck guardian — tags
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Bastille had not seen Luna, and he had noticed already. He had yet to go a full day without seeing his mentor in ages, between her being so quick to participate in activities and his tendency to seek her out frequently to train or just to hang out around her (she had a calming presence). When he wasn't immediately near her, he usually had tabs on her aura, was tracking it idly from the other end of camp or scanning the distant territory for it when he was patrolling without her. So, when he didn't sense her any where, Bast was on edge.

"She's not in our territory," the bengal said gruffly as he suddenly just appeared beside HD, sounding agitated. His head was aching, and the headache seemed to have grown worse the more he worked himself up. Bast's fur was starting to glow a faint black as he added irritably, "And she would have told me if Starry sent her somewhere. Her scent trail ends on the border, and I didn't smell anyone else nearby, but she wouldn't just leave."

If something happened to his mentor, he was going to murder someone. His fur pulsed more violently, and this time Bast seemed to notice. His scowl deepened as he lashed his tail and added, "We need to look beyond the border."

Re: BORDERLINE HAPPY / o, disappearance - Starrynight ! - 04-08-2018


Starrynight was late to the little party that was gathered together. Trying to piece together what he'd heard, a frown planted itself on his maw. Luna was missing? That didn't sound right. There weren't many places he could look without seeing her out and about! "She's not in the territory?" he asked, looking between the three for confirmation. "Are you sure she's not just paying a visit to someone in another Clan? It's not impossible to have a friend or relative there. I wouldn't worry- it hasn't been very long, after all. Maybe wait a day or so for her to come back?" He didn't quite want to believe the other groups would go out of their way to kidnap someone for greedy purposes. What would be the point?