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LONELINESS IS INFINITE && return, injured. - Printable Version

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LONELINESS IS INFINITE && return, injured. - miss ririchiyo - 08-27-2018

18 Y/O

They had come for him, but it was far too late for Chat to be able to walk home in his human form. He didn't want anyone to touch him, he couldn't let anyone touch him, with all of the knife wounds and whiplash marks he had all over his body. He was lucky that he had regenerative abilities, but still, there must have been something coating those knives.

Chat didn't know why he gave Adrien permission to wander outside of the house, especially when he knew that Adrien was bound to either get lost, or get captured and not take the heat of a fight. Chat was the stronger, dominant personality, built to defend and take the damage that Adrien couldn't. The moment the Berserkers tied him to that damned wheel, Adrien had switched with Chat out of fear. Each and every knife wound, whip crack, ear yank, Chat felt. He felt everything, and was paying for it now.

Chat Noir couldn't blame Adrien for this, though. Adrien had his reasons, but still.. It didn't feel right. Chat limped his way through the crowd, whether or not his rescuees had come with him or not, he didn't care. He was bleeding out, the droplets of scarlet dripping onto the hot sand as he made his way to the emergency room. He needed medical care.

Re: LONELINESS IS INFINITE && return, injured. - teef - 08-27-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

[color=white]a low distressed noise came from his side, jikai ripping pieces of his clothing throughout the trip to bandage the worst of the wounds on chat noir. his eyes were dark with rage, a rage he hadn't felt in near thousands of years. he motioned to wipe the blood from chat's face before stopping and withdrawing. hes in so much pain ... I want to kill them! no! I WILL kill them! he seethed in his thoughts, the witch despairingly looking at his friend.

the others had helped him to go get chat back. jikai was grateful for that at least, and was still yet grateful to be able to have chat close again. his magick wasnt enough to heal chat, but he was still using his magick to try to counteract what may have been on those knives, to draw out the toxins. he would have gladly switched places with chat, he would be happy to have been the one in the werepanther's place.

all but shouldering open the emergency doors he guided chat in, hands gripped tight in his dismay as he got chat to a room, discussing with whoever was around. finally, he let the professional people take over, standing at the back of the room with angry tears in his eyes. why hadn't it been him? why did chat have to be the one to suffer? why hadnt he gone sooner to check on chat? he would hold this on himself for the rest of time. he felt it was his fault, he could have been around with chat, could have shown chat and adrien around what little of the town he had seen himself. but he hadnt, and that's what he hated himself for.

Re: LONELINESS IS INFINITE && return, injured. - alexander - 08-27-2018

[table][tr][td][div style="width: 70px; height:70px; background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: top;"][/td][td][div style="width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 7pt; color: #ff0000; line-height: 100%; padding-top: 6px; padding-left: 6px; opacity: 0.75; text-transform: lowercase;"]my brother's friends explain to me, with breathless words and bloody knees; it's a black eyed trust, respect the pain.

Alexander had gone to help Jikai rescue Chat Noir, but it seemed that was the only thing they were going to do. The vampire walked on the other side of the man, not really touching him, aware that the blood would stain their new shirt. They might have been more eager to be near the cat hybrid if they knew Adrien's wounds weren't poisoned. They weren't sure how a bite out of Adrien would affect them now, but it wasn't worth the risk to try it out. They're sure Jikai would rip off the head of anyone who harmed Chat again, anyways.

When the trio arrives at the emergency room, they move away, glancing around the empty room, devoid of even a receptionist. Alex hums in thought, fingers tugging at their bangs. "I suppose I'll go look for some help. Sit him down, or get him to a room, if you can." They speak without turning back to the pair, already heading back outside. Pip or Ezra had to be around somewhere, and if not, someone else with medical knowledge.

Re: LONELINESS IS INFINITE && return, injured. - teef - 08-28-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

jikai looked up as alex spoke, the witch shaking his head to free his thoughts. he croaked a rough agreement before guiding himself to a place to sit chat down, getting his friend to sit, instantly going to remove the bandages he had applied. he focused on his magick, keeping the organic components from spreading further into his blood.

he didnt touch chat, he didn't dare. he knew he was in far too much pain to recognize everyone around them, probably not even him. [color=#151B54]"Hey chat. its jikai. we've got you back to San creado. you're in the hospital."

Re: LONELINESS IS INFINITE && return, injured. - Rialto - 08-28-2018

[table][tr][td][div style="width: 70px; height:70px; background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: top;"][/td][td][div style="width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 7pt; color: #8A8A8A; line-height: 100%; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 10px; opacity: 0.75; text-transform: lowercase"]Secrets on Broadway to the freeway, you're a keeper of crimes; Fear no conviction, grapes of wrath can only sweeten your wine

Outside the room Rialto was waiting the moment Alexander exited, the dark-haired vampire's face set into a curiously neutral expression; not that he was typically thought to be a well of emotion regardless, but for a variety of reasons his expression was downright grim. Maybe it was for more reasons than even he could verbalise - like protectiveness but for the wrong thing, a silent storm of discontent that Rialto didn't actually understand. Adrien - Chat - had passed into the room with dried blood pasting tufts of fur together, and wounds still bleeding sluggishly underneath, and there was a glazed steel in luminous eyes that said nothing yet cleaved deep impressions, but while the blood seeped into Rialto's nose and touched his fangs that in itself wasn't the root.

Something about an outside force tarnishing the sanctity of the shitty beachside town they'd cobbled into something remotely presentable. They hadn't built anything new, really, unless you counted some of the inhabitants' attempts at cleaning it up and setting up shop, but their mess was self-contained and content. That was how it should have been.

Up until that point, Rialto hadn't come to a conclusion. A storm had been what the figureless mess of his thoughts could be likened to, but somehow it was a calm one; calm as in feeling had drained from his fingertips but he was lucid. Thinking. Planning, if only by definition in that he hadn't immediately departed to try making a statement about San Creado's stance on trading blows. No. Don't fool yourself, Rialto. His stance.

But it was more than pride. Those wounds smattered over Chat's flesh hadn't been coordinated; haphazard, for the sake of doing it. The torture had been for the thrill as much as it was for their own delirious fantasies. If he knew sadism at all, that wasn't just provocative. They liked doing it.

For a clutch, Rialto crossed his arms over the hidden knives under his shirt, the subtle jut of metal handle under fabric. He wouldn't move yet. If Jikai tried, Rialto would stop him.

His mouth curled as if on cue in response to Alex's exit, breaking out of mentally constructing Etch-a-Sketch espionage blueprints and tilting his head at them while he leaned into the outside wall. He mouthed, only fractionally in jest, 'Alive?'

Re: LONELINESS IS INFINITE && return, injured. - miss ririchiyo - 08-28-2018

18 Y/O

A soft mumble left the panther's jaws as he laid on the hospital bed, feeling his vision becoming blurry now. He insisted on walking on his own, it was his own fault, but he didn't want anyone to touch him. "Don't come too close now.." Chat muttered a bit louder this time, too scared to let just anyone touch him. He couldn't tell who it was that was talking to him, he was too dizzy and disoriented.

Fortunately, it didn't take too long for Chat to pass out from blood loss, whatever poisons the knives were embued with, soaking into his wounds but thanks to Jikai's magic, it wasn't causing too much damage on him. He didn't know who was around him, it was like he was floating.

Adrien was terrified. Chat could see the form of the blonde with his face to a corner of their mind's world, hands covering his head as he rocked back and forth. A look of pity crossed Chat's features as the werepanther stepped closer, pushing his hand against the teenager's shoulder to comfort him. "Hey, it's okay. We're okay, our body is still alive." Chat soothed, or attempted to, Adrien not replying to the older, more mature existence.

It seemed like forever, that Chat had been sitting against the black wall of their minds world. But soon, he could feel the familiar tug of reality on him, and Chat stood up to leave once again.

The doctors were done patching him up, it seemed. Well, it was better than nothing. Toxic green eyes stared up at the ceiling, the black panther muttering a few groans of complaint at the bright lights. "Jesus.. Is anyone there? Fuck, I can't sense anything, must be the pain meds.." Chat groaned, scratching his ear gently.

Re: LONELINESS IS INFINITE && return, injured. - teef - 08-29-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

a low green glow came from the side of the hospital room. during the time that it had taken the professionals to bandage the panther up, jikai had secluded himself to a corner, dropping into a low energy mode. he sat with his potions and charms set out in front of him, a small ball of grass glowing like a light at his knee. he had to do something with his hands, kept in the room by rialto's presence at the door. somewhere in his rage befuddled mind he knew that he ought to be grateful.

if truth was to be told, he had tried to leave twice, both times wrapped in his anger and resentment like second clothes. rialto of course, hadn't let him leave to go do whatever he wanted.

when chat spoke, he stirred and was on his feet at his bedside immediately, coughing slightly. [color=#151B54]"Hey there kid. How are you holding on right now?"