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BONNY AT MORN | o, m&g + guild choosing - Printable Version

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BONNY AT MORN | o, m&g + guild choosing - CROSSFADE - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Sign up if you're interested in meeting like minded individuals. That had been the phrase that rung in the owl's head over and over again since his very first meeting within Sunhaven, now he was pretty sure he was ready to make a choice of which guild he'd like to assimilate into. Warfare... the band of great fighters that protected the group and struck down evil. He pictured himself as a grand knight, wearing a helmet and honing metallic claws for battle, striking down anyone that dare harmed his new home with power and might. He even shook his body at such a thought, flexing his uninjured toes as he imagined the weight of alloyed steel upon his talons (almost like the one who had saved him that day). They were sharp enough already, but against creatures bigger than him an edge was probably needed. Then there was the Medicine Guild, a way for him to give back to those who had helped him through use of herbs and soothing words. Admittedly out of the three it probably intrigued him the least. Helping others certainly wasn't a bad thing by any stretch of the imagination, but Corryn didn't want to limit himself and his value elsewhere by being known as just a medic.

No disrespect was intended to those content to help people outside of chaotic environments, but Cory didn't have the patience to do such a thing anyways. Then there was the Art Guild, a way to decorate the land and preserve a culture that had perhaps been passed down through dozens of year. It felt awkward for one not born into the ways of a Sunhavener to consider participating in such a thing, but it was still a way to give back to a community of 'friendly' furred ones. Sitting on a wooden post in the pier, sitting so gently on his now bandaged leg that he probably put less pressure on it than a feather, the Tyto Alba would stare longingly over at the bustling civilisation closer to the town centre. Was he really in a position to ask for help yet again when he wasn't in a position to return how many favours he was stacking up? It's not that big of a deal... just choose later... but he couldn't. This was their tradition, being sluggish and going against it was unreasonably rude. Clicking his beak in thought, Corryn said 'screw it' to waiting, tilting his body left and right quickly as he stood himself up as straight as he could. Cranium still slightly hunched due to aforementioned issues with putting weight on a wounded limb, the grounded owl would let out a far from graceful screech.

Hey, blame the species, not him. Hoping that'd get some attention from some individuals currently not busy, Corryn would then call "Hey, I'm having a uh... meet and greet over here!". Oh racdrops that's not what I wanted to say at all. "I could also use a little help with picking a guild if that's alright. I'm stuck between Art and Warfare, I can probably do both if given the opportunity," the couple or so month old creature added on quickly, as to avoid backing down from his initial plan to bring others over.

Re: BONNY AT MORN | o, m&g + guild choosing - miss ririchiyo - 08-27-2018

coma baby
Persephone paced forward, the young akita-german shepherd mix curious to see the bird of prey that had seemingly called out for a meet and greet. Was this fella new? "What's your name?" She asked, tail wagging behind her as she sniffed at the fluffy feathers attached to the owl. Ah, ah.. She wanted to eat him, but he was sentient, that'd be cannibalism.

"Mine's Persephone, I'm apart of the Warfare guild." She woofed, sitting down to dip her head to the owl. He was beautiful, she had to admit.
tags :: updated 8/26:

Re: BONNY AT MORN | o, m&g + guild choosing - CROSSFADE - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]Quite happy to see that someone had heeded his call so soon, Corryn's posture seemed to relax as his own eyes grew friendlier towards the stranger. A nod was offered to the hybrid, trying his hardest to ignore the darkness of her muzzle. She was but a baby in comparison to the first dog he'd seen roaming these lands, but those shiny teeth highlighted by a black snout would live on in other canine's appearances for quite some time through Cory's vision. Pausing as she sniffed him, momentarily returning to a rigor mortis-esque type of stature as he picture the pup's throat around his neck, the barn owl allowed himself to breathe once she'd finished identifying him. Focus on the tail... left right... left right... his head unknowingly tilted along the jovial movements like a metronome, only reminded of his duties once Perse began speaking to him again. "Oh right, sorry. Name's Corryn, it's a pleasure to meet you Persephone," he dipped his head once more, perhaps a little flustered that he'd been caught messing about as a way to calm himself down. "So if I joined the Warfare guild, I'd be working with you, right?" he asked, curious. "What do you guys do in it? Like do you go on cool adventures? Fight crime?". Corryn had done as much research as he could, but even with impending adulthood on him it was hard to be responsible enough to figure out every little detail.

Re: BONNY AT MORN | o, m&g + guild choosing - Luciferr - 08-27-2018

the future is not a river to carry us, it is the ocean in which we drown if we are not prepared
Clawed feet dark as pitch and spun with starlight padded over to the two, practically dwarfing both in height, but that seemed a shared trait of the Grimm family - or at least the non-adopted ones, height a common factor.

but he'd heeded the call, might as well get to know whom he'd be living beside and not simply the sunhaven's own cryptid variation wandering the stores and houses, so the God inclined his head to the two "Anzarel Grimm - also of the warfare guild, though recently" he'd joined both clan and guild but a scant few days ago - war was an old friend after all - he offered both barn owl and canine mix, Corryn and Persephone a polite smile in response.

"and I would guess training for the most part currently" though with the unfortunate existence of somewhere such as the pitt, that might turn into counter attacks and raids.


Re: BONNY AT MORN | o, m&g + guild choosing - GORDON CIPHER. - 08-27-2018

"I-I'm apart of the Art Guild!" Gordon squeaked excitedly as she came waddling over, her green eyes shining with excitement. She quite liked the Art Guild, and a potential joiner was nice to know, even if she didn't have the authority to accept them (or... she didn't think so, anyway). "Um... I-I'm not sure what we do, though." She admitted with a small frown. "We-we just kinda decorate the camp and such, I-I think?"
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: BONNY AT MORN | o, m&g + guild choosing - Beverly Resurgam. - 08-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]She heard Corryn's call and approached the source, blinking at him in curiosity. Most all of the animals here were predators, at least from what she'd seen, so it was odd to see a bird of prey living among them. It wasn't anything that bothered her - a Clanmate was a Clanmate, regardless of species, right?

"Oh, hi, I'm Beverly! You can call me Bev," the short girl chimed as she joined the forming group, making mental notes of everyone's names. "I haven't joined a guild yet, but I vote the art guild. I'm not a warfare-y type of person."