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cake by the ocean / joining - Printable Version

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cake by the ocean / joining - cyantist - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Learn.

What is there to learn? It is a cryptic message that Lethe has been left, and she is not certain what to make of it. Her relationship with it is odd, but the tale is one that she won't tell, she will not tell, she doesn't want to know or recall. It is something that keeps her awake at night, when the sun has long gone and the sea calls her back. She is half shark, the ocean is her home - but she doesn't wish to be swallowed by it once again.

Her sword is with her too, a reminder of the deal that she has made. It is sheathed on her back, hidden away from sight. The scabbard is plain, but the hilt looks it has been abandoned to the sea for years, covered in barnacles and dripping with salt-water. Then again, at the moment, she is dripping with salt water, bringing herself out of the sea to look at the territory of the Typhoon.

They are pirates. She knows not what she can learn from pirates, but it keeps her close to the sea. She tentatively walks along the shore, coming up to the bell to try. Out of curiosity more than a purpose, she rings the bell once, twice, thrice single rings, enough to summon up something surely?

Re: cake by the ocean / joining - Luciferr - 08-27-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
a shark-feline was not the strangest thing he'd ever seen - and it certainly wasn't out f place amidst their merry band of misfits or would be depending on if this was indeed a joining.

for all that pirates have a reputation i all their varied form from space to sea - and they amongst them on this world - a surprising lot can be found amid them, the comradery often felt in such crews is a a sight to behold to some, for all the good and ill even if they have their own grudges they are a band together for all its potential flaws.

the dark dragon wings his way around the low skyline and comes in to land before the hybrid feline, quiet as a shadows kiss against bright sands and he inclines his head "what brings you stranger?"


Re: cake by the ocean / joining - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-27-2018

Caesar honestly was surprised that no feline-shark hybrid had appeared before. Sure, there was that one orca-cat kid, but orcas weren't sharks. "Once was enough." Caesar huffed about the bell as he came up beside Lucifer, his ears flicking irritably at the stranger.

Re: cake by the ocean / joining - guts - 08-27-2018

Aineias thought she had lost her. No, she knew. Her sister died, somehow, she had died in the water. They had grown up in it, and yet it had turned out to be Lethe's downfall. She still wasn't sure of the details, they were all still fuzzy in her brain. She most likely blocked it all out, but one thing was for certain: she was alone. The one person she had dedicated her life to protecting wasn't around anymore.

She didn't give up afterwards, because she would be damned if she let her own life go to waste. If anything, maybe her death made her better, stronger. But she wasn't happy. She felt like something was missing, something she could never replace. It tore her up inside, though it didn't show on her face. She wasn't the kind to get all emotional.

Despite all this, despite seeing what had remained of her sister, she was face to face with her now. She was here and she was alive, of all things.

Ain wanted to question how this was possible, and while she hesitated for a split moment, she didn't wait too long to rush forward at her twin, wrapping her paws around the other female's neck and pulling her close. "Lethe! Oh my god, I thought you were dead! What the hell happened to you?" she cried, pulling back for a moment to study her with a worried eye, though a large grin was still on her face. The relief and happiness she felt was immeasurable.


Re: cake by the ocean / joining - Grey - 08-28-2018

It's annoying to drift towards the ringing chime of bells knowing, already knowing, that there were pirates already gathered around the one who had touched them. He's on a roll when it comes to being late, only to approach and see that everyone has beaten him to it. Hah, but it isn't as if he will try any harder. He could, after all, be polite and bake cookies or something, bring about a basket of gifts and offer it like a sweet little girl. The privateer snorts at the thought. It took him more than enough energy to muster such an amusingly stupid thought. No one receives his condolences or respect without doing anything to deserve it. He expects people to work for it, prove to him their worthiness and let him judge him, allow his own ego and pride to gloss over their measly spirits with a critically superior detachment. Right now, he is only here to remind himself that he is living, a physical body capable of speaking and moving, ironically floating within gulfs of space and time like a mere speck of dust.

When he first sees the stranger his mind flickers back to the time of a dual joining and hybrids. He's seen another feline-shark hybrid before but can't quite place it. Bakugou, of course, was about to quickly dismiss the dwindling sense of deja vu when a woman comes rushing past him, joy decimating against his ear drums. Ah, right. That cat-shark. From the looks of it, they must be related in some way. He wonders if they are family but also ponders if the creatures came from their own tribe of hybrid fish. Bakugou feels himself shudder in discomfort, thinking about what kind of cat must have seen a shark and fallen in love with it. A strange, strange tale he does not wish to delve any further into. "Are you two related?" The privateer asks, though it came off as more of a demand.