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tin man / o, lost - Printable Version

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tin man / o, lost - Character Graveyard. - 04-05-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
//Please wait for [member=67]beck.[/member] to reply!

It was the middle of the afternoon when Luna accidentally crossed The Ascendants' border and into Tanglewood's territory. She had believed to have crossed into loner territory, so she had wandered around for a few hours, before realizing there was a camp nearby. There was a group living here and she was afraid she was trespassing.

"Hello?" Came the feline's somewhat-loud voice. "I don't mean to intrude, but I stumble upon your territory by a simple mistake!"
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: tin man / o, lost - beck. - 04-05-2018

    He was downright sick of strangers sidling over his border, and loitering for no reason other than to nose around in others' businesses. Territories weren't a difficult complex to understand; you stay put in your land, and we'll stay put in ours. Yet somehow a concept having existed since the dawn of civilization failed to translate through this girl's thick skull. Beck assumed no sane creature would want to intrude into a creepy, diseased swamp, but perhaps evolution failed to pass natural intuition and common sense onto their peaceful neighbors. Nevertheless, he had known she was trespassing long before she had herself, stalking after her wayward trail both intangible and invisible. Not his favorite state of being -- he loathed his nonexistence, in fact. But it sure came in handy when hunting down oblivious animals.

    Somewhat impressed by how close she ended up to camp, the poltergeist decided he was bored with her nonsense the instant she opened her mouth. He couldn't have a foreigner waltzing right into their humble little town. It was time he put an end to her exploration. When she halted in her tracks, Beck seized the opening, managing to tear a rock from its vine netting despite his lack of visible apparition, and the seemingly floating rock clasped by unseen claws was heaved up to the treetops, unnoticeable despite the oddity. Besides, she was probably too distracted with her shrieking to notice what was happening behind her. The commander finally materialized after a long afternoon of ghosting, literally, nimbly perched on the branch just above the lost feline with the rock lifted in front of him. There was no flinch of hesitance as he dropped the rock right to where he assumed her head was, the stone plummeting to the earth with or without a proper hit on his target. Preferably with enough force to either knock her unconscious or teach her a lesson about home invasion, if his basic physics knowledge was correct.

Re: tin man / o, lost - Character Graveyard. - 04-06-2018

✯ — take these broken wings and learn to fly
Luna wouldn´t have been surprised if someone had followed her from behind. Her snowy-white pelt gave her away in the day as well as the night.

When Beck had lifted the rock, Luna´s ears twitched for a second but she kept looking in front of her. Then when the rock had struck the middle of the back of her head- she twitched for a few brief moments before her pale figure could be seen hunched over on the ground as the Commander´s attack had successfully knocked the female out.
✯ — Luna. The Ascedants. Easy. — ✯

Re: tin man / o, lost - COSMIIX - 04-06-2018

Well, that was quite the show yet it was ended once the rock hit the female's cranium did the jaguaress appear from her hiding place with her mismatched gaze locked onto the now hunched over form of Lunafreya. She raised a non-existent eyebrow with a twitch of her whiskers and would say with a light shrug of her shoulders "Well, that was entertaining to watch but what exactly do you plan to do with her?" She was sure that Beck would rough up the trespasser or quick them out, she didn't blame anyone that wasn't part of the clan to be walking in the territory like that and she would let a soft breath escape her slightly parted jaws in a moment of thought wondering if the borders had been marked properly. She personally wouldn't go there to mark the scented lines since she didn't want to step in unwanted fluids, she would swim in the mucky water of the swamp but thinking of stepping on urine made her cringe inwardly. She'd probably tell a few NPCs to take a patrol and do it, her gaze moved from the passed out femme only to turn in the direction of Beck with an unblinking gaze and a curious glint in her eyes. She had taken mental notes of how Beck reacted to certain situations and well, she had yet to figure out how he would run things but she had confidence that he wouldn't burn this place down or well, not accidentally anyways.


Re: tin man / o, lost - Belladonna - 04-06-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 450px;; text-align: justify"][size=8pt]Belladonna flinched as she watched Beck deal the blow, and she she-cat sighed, glancing from Lunafreya to Beck. "Was that really necessary?" she asked, padding over behind Amunet - concern was spread over her face, but it was more of what the heck would the Ascendants do once they realized she'd been kidnapped?


Re: tin man / o, lost - beck. - 04-07-2018

    Old memories of a similar action, an act with a drastically gorier outcome, caused him to since as the rock connected with the sweet spot of her skull. Blinking away flashes of spilled crimson in his vision, Beck shifted his weight uneasily as he waited for any further movement. Unresponsive -- or dead. The mangy feline shimmied down the branch, clumsily faceplanting on the boggy ground. He wasn't entirely accustomed to supposed cat-like reflexes at the moment, but Beck picked himself back up into a crooked stance and dusted off his face for a moment. Now at level with Luna, his blurred vision could trace the faint outline of a rising and falling flank, meaning she wasn't dead just yet. How disappointing. A cautious sniff informed of her alliance among the lone peaceful clan, and Beck's scarred features wrinkled into a scowl. Why did it have to be the Ascendants?

    His pouting was interrupted by rustling foliage, prompting him to jump and crackle with startled electricity at the arrival of both Amunet and Belladonna. As was expected, the two females were a powerful tag team when it came to being everywhere at once. He was briefly speechless at the abrupt questioning, disfigured maw going slack-jawed as he fumble for a proper answer. "I, uh, I dunno -- I didn't really think that far ahead... maybe we could, like, keep her hostage to try and get supplies?" He uncertainly wheezed, injecting selfless reasoning in the truth in order to satisfy Amunet's question while keeping her eyes veiled; in all actuality, he would be keeping her out of spite. "Serves her right for trespassin' anyways. Oh, hey, Amu, do ya think we can use her as one of them fancy piñatas?" Beck jabbed a frigid paw into Luna's motionless side, a giggle slipping from his mouth at the thought.

    But Bella was here to be the spoilsport -- again. Visibly gnawing on the inside of his remaining cheek, the poltergeist gave a careless shrug and a rattling cough to respond. "Well, she did walk right into our territory, I'd say it's necessary." Besides, it wasn't like they would keep her forever. And the Ascendants couldn't do anything besides waddle up to the border with flower bouquets and friendship bracelets. A crooked smirk warping his disfigured lips as if he was trying to convince himself that this was justified, Beck began to push and roll Luna from her slump. Obviously struggling and straining to budge her, the scrawny boy rasped up at the taller felines, "L'il help here?"

Re: tin man / o, lost - COSMIIX - 04-07-2018

So, he wanted to use her like a bargaining chip? Her mismatched pools would glow faintly with a bit of interest until she heard the next part quickly making sure she didn't release a giggle of her own. She cleared her throat as if to silence the possibility of a giggle only to stare at Beck trying to keep serious although, it was beginning to prove a bit difficult "I doubt that she would make a decent piñata. They're usually colorful and she is not, unless you're thinking of painting her as well." Her gaze would turn over to see Belladonna offering the dark furred feline a polite smile only to listen to the interaction that went between her and Beck only to snort a bit. She didn't think it was all that necessary maybe if the femme had been stealing food then she would have thought but, that wasn't the case and well, Beck was the leader of the joint so she didn't have much of a say in this. She blinked her eyes watching Beck struggle only to sigh quietly making her way over and aiming to pick up the femme by the scruff only to glance over towards Beck saying with her voice muffled by the fur of Luna "Where do you want me to put her, ogre?" She didn't mind if Beck got angry at her for calling him an ogre, it was all fun and games and well, she didn't intend in stopping either.
