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SOME AND NOW NONE OF YOU ; death - Printable Version

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SOME AND NOW NONE OF YOU ; death - Suiteheart - 08-26-2018

It was truly intriguing how Suiteheart's story first began -- one thousand years ago -- and how it ended. Her great tale was so often filled with fast-paced chapters and quickly worded sentences that it was difficult to just live and breathe in the moment. Suiteheart was forever swept up by the tidal wave of her life; resting was never truly an option. Not until now, anyhow.

Baby blue eyes were cast out like a line, scanning the horizon of the sea. A deep tranquility rested within the azure depths of her eyes, and those faint traces of gilded amber were nowhere to be seen. Her posture was relaxed and calm. For perhaps the first time in her entire life, Suiteheart was completely at peace. The faintest rise of the corners of her maw even hinted at happiness.

She was aware of everything that was about to transpire, but that was okay. Everything was okay now. And everything would be okay going forward.

Gently, the warm waters of the ocean lapped at her snow-white paws, beckoning her to go forward. Their persuasion was easily heard - Suite rose from her seated position and took a few steps forward. A soft buzzing sounded in her head, but the cozy feelings in her chest made the former forgettable. This was where she was meant to be. This was where she was always meant to be.

Her locket and pendant were removed from her person, and the necklace-like scar Niklaus presented her burned brightly against the pristine white of her fur. For the first time ever, she made no move to cover it. Bastilleprisoner had left her with only her name and bright emotions so she had no reason to hide anything; he had taken all those bad feelings from her. He had lifted a great burden off of her shoulders if only to bear it himself.

"Suiteheart, are you ready?"

Selene. An ancient force wrapped itself around her, and in this moment, she was finally aware something had shifted within her. It felt as if part of herself were missing. It was as though she were tethered to something, no, to someone. However, Suite allowed that thought to tumble out of her head. She had nothing holding her back anymore. It was finally time.

"Mm-hmm. Take me home."

Her voice was rosy. Summery.

A lopsided grin, her signature, traipsed her pink lips for one final time as her baby blues lifted skyward.

The white feline's form slowly sank into the waters. The waves pulled her body out to sea for the briefest of moments before returning her to the sands of the beach. The sideways smile no longer painted her porcelain features, but a look of absolute peace did.

Suiteheart Folie-Mikaelson was finally at rest and finally, finally, at peace.

Re: SOME AND NOW NONE OF YOU ; death - ONISION. - 08-27-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
His family was known to live longer than other generations, bound to live for thousands of years without end. It was gruesome, suffering through years of life, having to watch your loved ones die before you yourself did, watching your friends, mortals, die day after day. Oni couldn't understand this yet, as he had never felt loss like this, nor had he felt loss before at all.

Until today.

Oni had awoken to the stale smell of his mothers, fading away as if they had been gone for a long while at a time. Something didn't feel right to Oni. He felt sick to his stomach, he felt disgusted by something. What was this sickening feeling?

The chocolate feline struggled to stand up, stumbling over to the door despite how dizzy he actually felt at this moment. In this moment, Oni didn't know what was going on, but it didn't feel right to his gut. He didn't know that his parents had lived for so long on this planet, he only knew that his race was bound to exist. Just.. Exist. Vampires couldn't die easily, Oni knew that. But he was still scared. Something was wrong, so very wrong.

It had taken a while, but Oni had managed to make it to the sea just in time to see the form of a white feline's soul be captured by waves, a look of utter peace on her face. Why was she going? Why was she leaving him again? Why did this have to happen?

He didn't even get to say he loved her. He didn't get to experience his many trials in his trainings yet, didn't get to show off his children and Alex to his mother. Now he had to fall asleep without her scent, without any sense of comfort to the young child at night. Why did this have to happen to him?

"Don't leave me!" Oni cried out, tears welling up in his eyes for the first time in what seemed like forever. Onision never cried, he always managed to keep a tough face, to stick it through.

But how could he in moments like these? Oni couldn't understand. He didn't want to be alone. He wanted his moms. He wanted Suiteheart.

Oni made no movement to run towards his mother's dead body, not anytime soon. He was stuck in the spot he stood, eyes widened in fear.

Re: SOME AND NOW NONE OF YOU ; death - MirrorEdge - 08-27-2018

"Suiteheart?" Thea's voice was quiet, cheer still in her voice as she bounded forward, gently poking her mentor in an attempt to wake her up. "Suiteheart, wake up. We haven't even gotten to train yet today. Don't you want to train? What're you doing lying on the beach?"

It took a few long moments of this to realize something: Suiteheart wasn't gonna be waking up, and while Thea was plenty familiar with death, this only caused a wave of confusion. She wasn't weak, so how'd she die? The strong didn't die. So how did Suiteheart, of all people, die?

She was weak. For once, Thea didn't swallow that little voice in her head's words. "She wasn't. She wasn't weak..." Strong emotions were hitting the poor leopard like a ton of bricks, emotions she'd never experience, not when it came to death. No, she had usually felt indifference, and she went and nudged Suiteheart, harder this time. "C'mon, Suiteheart, you're not weak!" A hint of desparation had entered her voice, and she pushed harder.

"No..." She didn't know how to cope with these emotions, and for now, she just kept nudging the little feline, as if that would wake her up. "You're not dead. You were strong. You were strong. The strong don't die."

Thea's world was slowly crumbling, the walls she had unconsciously put up her whole life crumbling down, as if they were nothing. And yet, this feeling was all to familiar, as she saw somebody burning in the back of her mind, and somebody, somebody with a kind smile and scarred face having their throat ripped out, flashes of it lasting less then seconds, and she sat there, frozen, as the wave of helplessness washed over her, taking away any words that had been in her mouth.

This feeling was worse, in it's own way, because it was here and now, and because she hadn't been there, and these were new emotions to the young Fireball, and they were strong. Something had broken within the Fireball, and even the darker essences that had been trapped in her for more than one lifetime couldn't affect her right now. Replace these feelings with the need to hurt others in order to feel accomplished. "No..." She sounded like a broken record, as if that would bring Suiteheart back.
Template by Quill

Re: SOME AND NOW NONE OF YOU ; death - tori - 08-27-2018

This couldn't be happening again, could it? He looked up to Suite, found her antics charming and would have lived out his life trying to keep her safe, after all, he owed her and Margaery his life from the first moment within the Ascendants. He didn't think he would have been able to open up even in the slightest without them, specifically Suiteheart and her charismatic nature.

He was already down by the beach, it was were he was usually in his spare time. Usually, nothing much happened, minus that once incident where one of their own got launched out of the sea. But this was...worse. Suite....wasn't waking up.

This wouldn't be the first person he lost, he was already used to a feeling of loss and abandonment. It was, quite frankly, all he really knew as a child. But that didn't mean he wasn't affected. He just couldn't find the tears to cry when he stumbled across Suiteheart's body, Oni, and Thea. He felt tremendous guilt for that, but no matter what he did, how hard he tried, all he could manage was a wide eyed expression, soft brown eyes full of shock. He felt those eyes water some, not nearly enough though, not for this.

"This can't be happening, this can't be happening this can't-" Somehow, some way, he felt this was his fault. Maybe he could have interfered, or maybe this was a planned path and he was too weak to have stopped it anyway. He didn't know, everything was spiraling out of his control.


Re: SOME AND NOW NONE OF YOU ; death - Luciferr - 08-27-2018

it would be later she'd find margaritta similarily gone but fr now the okes were silent and the greater spined queen simply stood sentinel over Onions and Alexa - even Angrea.

it reminded her of when her father - adopted or not, blood was thinner than the bonds they'd made - had died, she but still a cub and all.

she simply spread those spined arms to almost hug the three into her shadow and a tired voice spoke up "Guess we all choose to go sometime hotelhell, glad I knew ye" it had never been there custom to mourn long or mourn an end so peaceful - they who had run headlong into the jaws of death.

hope yer havin a party wherever ye are, know yer missed tho, was the thought.


Re: SOME AND NOW NONE OF YOU ; death - Zjarr - 08-28-2018

[div style="width: 48%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Even the supernatural were destined to meet an end.

When he gazed upon that corpse lying on the sand, deposited by the waves that lapped at the ground hungrily, there was surely conflict that was stirring within him. A struggle to feel, to sympathize with those that rushed to the lifeless form of Suiteheart, that begged for her to rise from her slumber. Begging for it to all be some sickening mirage, a lucid nightmare that the whole group would experience at the same time, something that would fade away in a little while to return to normal. They willed for her return. They cried for her to move once more, if not merely the organs within her to function.

He knew better than to do the same.

The scent of cigarette smoke filled the air around them as slow, lumbering pawsteps gave away the presence of the cyborg wolf, watching the young children squeal and cry and beg. Mortals are pathetic. Could he afford to be heartless now, with the death of a beloved mother? No, perhaps he couldn't. "Que será, será," a mumble rose from within his maw as he stood before the group.

A rattling drum kit banged in his ear drums, a cymbal and a snare and some bass drum crashing and thumping, followed by loud and crackling distortion of some old amp that did the job just fine in spite of its age and state. And then a motherly voice. Suiteheart was a mother as well as a rocker. A blunt, punk, yet maternal figure. Something he strived to be. It was then that he realized that perhaps he shared some things in common with the dead, and he felt the slightest of remorse for not having spoken to her, this role model. But he would not feel vengeful, nor upset. This was not a death caused by homicide, by bitterness, by fury, by despair. She was at peace now more than ever.

Perhaps it was for the best that she would rest in peace than live with any more torture.
[glow=#f24b00,2,300]how'd it get so scandalous?[/glow] —

Re: SOME AND NOW NONE OF YOU ; death - Warringkingdoms - 08-28-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]To reduce Suiteheart to just how she had impacted Rin's life was a disservice- she was so much more than that- but Rin was, in the moment, preoccupied with what she had experienced firsthand.

  Given the haze of confusion that had surrounded her when she woke up, Suite might as well have been the first person she had ever met. She had welcomed her in and treated her as a friend rather than a stranger- as family, even. She had been a constant presence, almost like the North Star, to keep the rest of the clan from getting lost or giving up.

  Even the soft echoes of ukulele strings, and Suite's encouraging voice, alone meant more than Rin could ever put into words.

  Discovering her body, though Rin had known somewhere within the recesses of her mind that it was coming, was no easier than having found Margaery's- but she had had to be sure. She could not just let her friends leave unacknowledged, even if she understood why they were gone. That was all this was, a goodbye for the foreseeable future, yet even that was difficult to swallow.

  Descending on the shore, her face still freshly stained with tears, Rin cautiously took Suiteheart's form by the scruff and pulled her onto drier land. Though she was peaceful as could be, she deserved a more proper send-off than to be taken back in by the sea. "We won't forget you, so long as we live," Rin whispered hoarsely, exhaustion creeping into her tone bit by bit, as she touched her nose to her fallen friend's fur.

  "Be... at peace, now."