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UNRAVEL ME && internal conflict/confrontation. - Printable Version

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UNRAVEL ME && internal conflict/confrontation. - ONISION. - 08-26-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
Oni could feel the anger that welled up inside of him, but it didn't belong to him. It belonged to that thing.. That thing that always came out right when he was in trouble, or when he got too mad. That.. Entity, wasn't himself. It was a different part of him, a part of his genetics that was split from his own personality. A second body, a second personality.

It was a monster.

It had no problem killing those who defied it, tearing a limb or two from its enemies. It knew that Onision needed blood to survive, but it didn't matter. Even if he wasn't hungry, the wolf would still find the perfect chances to kill something. To fight, to show its dominance over this body.

Oni was tired of it. He didn't want to let this.. Creature.. Control him.

It was sundown, Oni hadn't woken up from his long sleep after having gotten his eye bandaged up. He had lost the eye that had been cut up pretty bad, leaving only an empty socket and a pretty grueling scar taking up that eyelid. The sleeping feline twitched restlessly, as he dreamed, faintly, of the form of the wolf's body.

Covered in gruesome scars, the wolf seemed to glare towards the much smaller, weaker form of Onision. "What the fuck is your problem?" Oni managed to snap out, taking a limping step towards the much larger, stronger figure. He could easily be killed, but this was a dream. Merely a dream. A confrontation with an entity that wanted to control him.

Oni wouldn't let him take over. Not forever.

"Your ancestors have lied to you, child. I'm a part of your genetics, a part of you." The wolf finally spoke for the first time, his voice deep and rough, almost strict in a way that surely did trip up Onision. He sounded like he was fully grown, a grown man. Not old, still young, but he had that raspiness to his voice that he couldn't get enough of. He almost laughed in the wolf's face, but managed to stay quiet.

"Your time's running out, kid. You might want to wake up soon, others are waiting for you." The wolf spoke again, shaking Oni out of his dissociating day dream. Oni stared back up at the lupine, before grinning up at the larger creature. He seemed much more chill in his mind, in his dreams, was he different when let loose. Oni inched forward, finding himself running into a barred cage. The wolf gave a look of distaste. It was obvious that he couldn't leave the cage.

"What is your name? Why are you locked in here?" Oni asked desperately as he felt himself grow dizzier by the second. The wolf's blue eyes narrowed slightly, his jaws parting momentarily before he shook his head. "My name is Aloysius. I can't answer your other question, but don't visit me again. Dumb kid." The wolf's voice faded off into nothingness, as Oni's sight went black.

Then, Oni's eye snapped open, trying to get up in a fast manner. His head hurt. Shit. What happened?
"Is anyone there? Fuck, my eye hurts.."

Re: UNRAVEL ME && internal conflict/confrontation. - BASTILLEPAW - 08-27-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille was certainly not one to judge others for losing control of theirselves, which was perhaps the only reason why he wasn't feeling compelled to rip into Oni for his blatant disregard for any form of authority. Sure, he was also bound by general familial loyalty and the conscious acknowledgement that he wouldn't really hurt his pseudo younger brother, but more importantly he wasn't angry. He understood. He was able to recognize the shift in Oni's aura back there, to see that there was something off. To recognize the sense of anger and frustration that followed the Fireball. That was something he could get very easily, and he couldn't be mad at him in the face of something familiar. It was just a matter of proving to the little shit that he could rely on him.

[b]"Hey," he greeted as he ducked into the Cleric's hide, gaze sliding over Oni briefly. Bast hadn't been far, waiting for him to wake up, and now he checked to make sure he wasn't distressed. He could get his pseudo-healers later. "I'm here. How you feeling, hot shot?" he drawled, arching a brow at him. He wasn't very impressed with his antics, clearly, but there wasn't much judgment.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: UNRAVEL ME && internal conflict/confrontation. - ONISION. - 08-27-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
"I feel like ass." He groaned, lifting a paw up to rub his eye only to wince as pain hit him. A bandage blocked the path to his right eye, he couldn't see out of it. Ah, he must have lost his eye somehow. Oni seemed to take it better than he thought he would, in all honesty. It just left him with a cool scar and shitty story to tell his kids in the future.

"What happened back there? All I remember is that bitch trying to square up with me, then everything went black." He muttered, rubbing behind his ears with his paws.

Re: UNRAVEL ME && internal conflict/confrontation. - tori - 08-27-2018

Onision was taking the eye injury well. Alexander, however, was not. While it was more of an internal turmoil over the injury when he figured out the extent of the damage, he despised his lack of action during the fight. "No one would get maimed" they said. "This was a clean fight" they said. Surely he could have done something, anything, to change this course of events instead of simply cowering beside Eternal.

The young canine shut his eyes for a moment at the sight of the bandaging, inhaling sharply before continuing on as normal. "You took on the wolf form again." He answered simply, slipping past Bastille quietly to lay down near the injured Fireball, tilting his head as he inspected the injured side of their face, as much as he would rather not do that. "Let it heal, don't mess with your wound. Soon you'll look badass, little Icarus." His first scar and he hadn't even been in battle. While that was unnerving, the idea that a fellow group mate would tear another's eye out, it would look cool. He would not be able to forgive Thea for this though.


Re: UNRAVEL ME && internal conflict/confrontation. - MOONMADE - 08-27-2018

[size=9pt]Listen, everyone was overdramatic and ridiculous. That was Moon's stance on this whole ordeal. Thea and Onision were both dumbasses, and everyone else were bitches for making such a huge thing out of it all. Let them both tear each other apart; that's what kids do.

So Moon's a little bit surprised when he walks back into the Cleric's Hide, having been out and about under the glow of golden hour, to see a gathering of Onision's number one fans. He quirks one brow, walks to the window sill and dumps his bag there. "What's this, a wake?" comes his cynical voice as he roots through the drawers, glancing up occasionally. "Relax, Alex, it's a paper cut. You won't be reenacting Romeo and Juliet anytime soon, don't worry."

He carries poppy seeds to Onision's bed, all the same, and drops them there. Golden eyes scan his injury, assessing it for any mess he'd made of the balm in his sleep, but it seems fine. "Poppy seeds if the pain comes back. Or just poppy seeds because, poppy seeds. Who doesn't love a bed-bound high."

Re: UNRAVEL ME && internal conflict/confrontation. - ONISION. - 08-27-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
Alex's presence was soothing in moments like these, but even Onision knew the look of frustration on Alex's face. With a soft sigh, Oni weakly lifted himself from his makeshift bed, wincing as his fur adjusted to his movements. His wolf had taken over again, eh? Well, that was shitty.. "Did I kick her ass, at least?" Oni groaned, pushing his head against Alex's side for a moment to catch his balance.

Then, the old man entered the room. He dropped some poppy seeds at his paws, and Oni let out a grunt of acknowledgement. "Still gonna look more badass than you, old man." Oni retorted, ear flicking as he waited for anything else before he limped over to his mentor and older brother, his side pressing against Alex's to quell any anxieties, or aytempt to, at least.

Re: UNRAVEL ME && internal conflict/confrontation. - imperia - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px;"]”You should not be saying that sort of thing to children,” chides Imperia in a soft voice as she approaches, following close behind Moonmade. Luminous silver eyes flicker over Onision, observing him for signs of other injuries or ailments. ”Are you experiencing anything else besides general aches and pains?” she asks, delicate words laced with concern. The fireball is a troublemaker, but she cares for him all the same. It’s a shame that he and Thea do not get along, for she believes that they could use each other as an outlet for their high energy.

Re: UNRAVEL ME && internal conflict/confrontation. - MOONMADE - 08-27-2018

[size=9pt]Old man. It made no sense. Did the kid see his mane? He looked like one of those prepubescent freaks trying to grow stubble. He was hardly an old man. But he could cut him some slack. When Moon was his age, his comebacks consisted of "dumby" and "stupid idiot" and that was about it. Old man wasn't far off, but it wasn't quite as bad.

"So the end goal is badass-ery, huh?" He says, quirking a brow. Onision's statement is odd; if scars are what make you badass, Moon's making his way to the top. The Typhoon left him fucked in every way of the word-- a limp to his gate, his left eye fogged over and blurry, scars down his flank in every which way. But you don't see him walking around, flaunting them like they were merchandise. "I'll give you a couple more, if you want to add to that one. No charge; it's on the house."

Imperia's voice takes him off guard, and he turns slightly to offer the wolf a grin. Here she was, telling him what to do as if this really was some student/teacher dynamic. He turns away to sort his herbs into the closet, but not before saying, "Right. My mistake, Master. Onision, don't pop poppy seeds. Catnip is where it's at."