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LAUGHING AT THE INNOCENT && introduction. - Printable Version

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LAUGHING AT THE INNOCENT && introduction. - TSUYU. - 08-26-2018

Oh, how she loved to see people squirm under her. she had just returned from the typhoon, having achieved her mission there. tokoyami didn't want her, he didn't want to be hers. so, she killed him. killed him, because if she couldn't have him, nobody should be able to. she watched him, tearfully, as he gave into the strangling of her frog-like tongue, tight around his throat. she didn't care if people watched. when tokoyami took one last breath before dying, tsuyu knew that she was a villain. he was eternally hers now, though. all hers.

a soft cackle left her throat as she stumbled back into camp, black feathers hanging from her jaws as her prized possession. feathers, his feathers. he was  a bird-hybrid, so it wasn't really hard for her to pick the longest feathers from his dead body before she left.

of course, not without a few scrapes and bruises of her own. her flank was covered in deep scratches and harsh bruises, but she didn't care. she got what she wanted. so, laying down, the slave merely watched the people around her move, weaving the bloody black feathers into a hair ornament, the three feathers hanging down from the tufts of fur behind her ear.

Re: LAUGHING AT THE INNOCENT && introduction. - ; albion - 08-26-2018

being in love was a foreign feeling to benny. his first emotionally reaction to most were either lust, pity, or envy. sometimes a lucky son of a bitch hit all three for him and it absolutely drove him wild. though, the fox hadn't met someone like that in a long time. the world had grown bland since the downfall of the boot riders tribe. killing bingo was the last thing that had given him a sense of purpose and power.

now he was scrounging around in a desert with a bunch of finks.

hearing one rather abnormal laugh had caused his gaze to lift from the little dust-tunnel he had been boredly playing with for the past hour. seeing the hybrid walk in with fathers in her mouth, then begin... braiding them in her fur. completely not alarmed about the blood across her body.

"i'm gonna regret this." he mumbled to himself as he rose to his paws, padding toward tsuyu hesitantly. "hey-a pussycat, you know you got all sorts'a cuts all on ya? you want me to go get someone?" benny offered with a tip of his head.

Re: LAUGHING AT THE INNOCENT && introduction. - EROS - 08-26-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; letter-spacing: -1px; color: black"]Love was a very long and imaginary road for the strange creature. It wasn't something on his list to think about either because he did not have a life. There was no reason to even think he would find anything like that so why even have a notion of it at all. All of his worth and his being was dedicated on serving those that were his betters and that was what he would do. Rather he did something too slow or didn't do it right and got hit for it he was fine with that. Because that was all he knew and the idea, the very breath of freedom was an entity that scared him. Something he was taught against and so he didn't seek it. Instead he toiled and worked till the sun went down and he could go to Azu's room and lay down to try and get some fitful rest before he started the day up again. But at the current moment he was making his way with a bucket of water in his jaws. But his pink marble colored eyes caught out of the corner a figure coming in bloodied and with feathers in her mouth. Peculiar but he had no place to question it at all.

Yet when someone else approached, someone who was better than he was he paused and turned to look fully at the situation. His tail was normally tucked between his legs and ears pulled back against his skull so the sha creature stood there with a hunched stance. Tall and limber form shivering just a bit as his breath pressed against seeable ribs. He wasn't sure what he could do in this situation and no one had approached him to even comment or do something about it so he didn't. But standing there gawking could get him just as hurt so he sat down slowly, lightly placing his bucket of water upon the ground and he waited for Benny to give him some type of order, anything really. He wouldn't move from this spot unless he was dismissed and he flicked his gaze to the bloodied female, unsure of her and also not sure if he should even try to communicate because of the scary vibe she gave off to him.

Re: LAUGHING AT THE INNOCENT && introduction. - TSUYU. - 08-26-2018

If she were to be completely honest, no, she wasn't fine. She was pretty badly wounded on her back legs, but she paid no mind to the aching in her joints and spring-like appendages. The frog-manx hybrid merely glanced up at the creature which moved to stand in front of her, cold charcoal eyes glancing over the figure of the fox. Her eyes narrowed, and she let a soft ribbit leave her throat, before she spoke finally.
"no, thank you. i'm fine as i am." She croaked out, her tongue swiping over the cuts on her flank momentarily before the sticky saliva from the wet appendage soaked into her fur. Soon, the saliva froze over, as Tsuyu didn't bother doing anything but freeze-drying the wound. Of course, she didn't think it'd be good for the wounds, but she didn't care.

Tsuyu was willing to speak more, to talk as if she didn't just kill someone and nearly kill another one right after, but it seemed the Sha creature not too far off wasn't interested in doing such. He seemed afraid of her, or just.. Hesitant. She could understand why. Maybe it was because she seemed off? Her atmosphere was more.. Murdery? She didn't really know, but she supposed she could live.
"Name's tsuyu, yours?" She asked the two of them, not looking at particularly either of them as she examined her webbed paws.