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DDU-DU DDU-DU // joining - Printable Version

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DDU-DU DDU-DU // joining - hana. - 08-26-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; text-align: justify;"]강해 너는 말야 - Truth be told, Hana never saw herself wandering these borders. Only a moon's cycle before, she had not even known of the existence of this group. Yet the name fell from the lips of friends and strangers alike, and Hana knew it was her fate to seek it out when the name Sunhaven lingered in her ears. At one time, being alone unsettled the Oriental mixbreed. It echoed of isolation, of hatred, of unlove. Disconnected from her friends, her soul split in two and unable to find its other half, Hana had adapted to traversing unknown woods in the sole company of herself. She followed at the side of her friends for as long as she could, but something always drew her away. Back into the woods, back into wandering, back into isolation. But it had not drained her strength from her this time. She had no wounds to bear, old nor new, that would need tending to. Scars remained hidden beneath thick fur and fears stayed behind clenched teeth as delicate paws pressed easily into sun-warmed sands. The heat was nowhere near as unbearable as the scorching blaze of the desert, a chilled breeze blowing in from the ocean and ruffling her chocolate fur to keep her cool. Without the obstruction of trees or winding hills the shape of a city could be vaguely recognized in the far distance around the bends of the coastline. Sunhaven's home. Where she would meet new faces, where she would find Pierce, where she might find her other half- Gods, that was rather cheesy, but the words rang true. Hana was not whole without Miso, and he incomplete without her. She needed her closest companion.

But for now, she needed her closest friend. Her brother.

Ivory paws came to an immediate halt at the heavy scent of Sunhaven, a fictional line where countless members patrolled for business or pleasure every day. A silent wall she was not to pass without being invited to do so. "안녕!" The earthen feline greeted in her native tongue as she lowered herself into a sit, coppertone tail curling around her paws so she could place her paw pads on her fur instead of just the heated sand. She couldn't see anybody approaching yet, but the Oriental feline had been through this procedure to know she was never alone on the borders. "My name is Hana, and I'm looking to join."

Re: DDU-DU DDU-DU // joining - Character Graveyard. - 08-26-2018

Cloud — Male — Sunhaven — Sunbearer — Medium
Cloud wouldn't have come to Sunhaven if his Zack and Tifa were still alive. He missed them, though he would never admit that to anybody here. He didn't trust anyone enough to share his past. Call him cold, call him distant, he wouldn't care. The male had been wandering the floating town, blue-eyes alert-and-focused. He would walk around for a couple more minutes, before he noticed Hana sitting on the other side of the border- outside of Sunhaven's territory. Cloud decided to approach, holding himself up tall.

"Welcome to Sunhaven, Hana." The blonde-male would speak, his voice quiet and gruff. "My name is Cloud, would you prefer to explore the territory on your own or would you like a tour of the place?"

Re: DDU-DU DDU-DU // joining - GORDON CIPHER. - 08-27-2018

The reason Gordon had joined Sunhaven was because The Ascendants was too active and busy for her. There were too many people there for her to concentrate properly and too many things going on at once and luckily, Sunhaven was a break from that, even if it was a big clan as well. Gordon followed after Cloud, blinking up at Hana briefly. "Ah, yeah, w-welcome!" She squeaked out. "My-my name is Gordon Cipher. I'm-I'm a Dawnguard here, a h-high position." She decided to clarify the last part. Joiners wouldn't know the positions here, would they?
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: DDU-DU DDU-DU // joining - PIERCE - 08-28-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
//this lowkey sucks skdksgjs + mobile

Hana Song; it was a name so familiar, though one that Pierce had completely forgotten up until just a few weeks ago. It had been an odd case of selective amnesia, in which he had only lost fragments of his memory. The blurred, almost ghost-like image of her face had still been prominent in his mind, whisperings of memories taunting him, but none of the pieces of the puzzle had quite fit. For so long, he had been obsessed with finding out who this girl really was, but seeing as he lived in a completely separate world from the one they has come from, that hadn’t really been possible. It wasn’t until she showed up at Snowbound’s border that it all came back to him. Hana, his Hana, his best friend, his little sister. It had been so long.

His euphoria had been short-lived, however, for she had disappeared pretty much without a trace not long after. He had been worried, at first, until the drama with Riddlersgame came up. In fact, the thought of, and his worries for his lovely friend had been completely pushed from his head until a couple days after he and Clementine left Snowbound. Was she okay? Had she left? Did she know they were gone? These questions, these fears, had kept him lying awake at night and eaten away at him in his waking hours, but he had done his best to ignore it. There was nothing left to be done now, was there? It wasn’t like he could make Clem go on a journey like that again, especially not in her weakened state. He just hoped that, someday, he would hear from her again.

And, apparently, that day would be today.

When he’d first spotted the group of Sunhaveners and the suspected “stranger”, he hadn’t thought much of it, meandering over to greet them as he usually would. However, as he drew nearer, the person at the border came more into focus, and he felt his pawsteps grow quicker. "Hana!" Her name tumbled past his lips before he even reached her, though when he made it over, he slipped by Gordon and Cloud, taking little time to wrap her up in a warm hug. Delicately, his lips brushed her temple in a gentle greeting, speckled features alight as he looked the far smaller girl over through tear-pricked eyes. "I- I’m so happy to see you, lovely! I d-didn’t know where you went, I thought, well, you know, m-maybe you left, or something." It was something he was all too quick to assume, an issue of his, for sure, though it wasn’t without good reason. The Dawnguard couldn’t help but be shocked by his own lack of tears- he’d been so emotionally drained lately, he was hardly able to produce any feeling at all, let alone cry, but he figured that was a good thing- he didn’t need anyone from his new clan see him crying, not when he was trying to show them how reliable and strong he really was.


Re: DDU-DU DDU-DU // joining - Beverly Resurgam. - 08-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]She had grown up aimless, homeless if you will, and she had been content. No family, no long-term friends, no particular destination. That life, while endlessly fascinating, got lonely after some time. Beverly had decided to sail her way to the Ascendants after some loners had spoken of it, but it hadn't been the fit she had been hoping for. During her brief time there, though, she had meet Ilijas, and something drew her to him. It was like they had met a thousand times over, like there was something linking them together. Maybe that's what dragged her away from her former alliance and brought her here, to Sunhaven.

The petite feline was the next to arrive at the scene, watching Pierce reunite with the stranger. Well, a stranger to her, though certainly not to him. Awkwardly, she'd add in smalley, "Hi, welcome to Sunhaven. I'm Beverly, but you can call me Bev." For a brief moment, she contemplated adding in her new title as part of her introduction like Gordon had, but she decided against it. She had yet to decide what the title meant to her and didn't want to run wild with it.

Re: DDU-DU DDU-DU // joining - buckingham barnes - 08-28-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
Buckingham wanted to start his life over, have a fresh, new start. The maine coon was only beginning to feel a sense of relief on his chest, he is finally at peace. At first, Bucky thought he just had to accept the person he was reworked into. Back then, Bucky thought one thing: the Asset and Buckingham Barnes were one. He was no longer the Asset, yet he was no longer Buckingham Barnes, they were a mixture. For a long time, Bucky just accepted that he had to continue being an assassin, despite how badly he wished he could stop it. He thought whether he liked it or not, this was his life now.

But as months past, Buckingham began to realize he couldn't just 'accept' it anymore. The amount of guilt he felt made his chest unbelievably heavy- everyday became a struggle to wake up and go through the day. He was tired of tearing families apart, he began to realize how much he hated seeing his blood stained metal claws. He had to stop the killing, he can't ruin anyone else, especially if they're innocent. It was then the assassin decided to silently leave his home, not saying goodbyes to anyone he found close, and didn't look back.

Since he left, there's been one only person he killed. And unlike the rest of them, he felt no guilt towards this one individual. Who were they exactly? They happened to be the one person Buckingham hated the most, and wanted to see dead the moment he was no longer the Asset- his handler. Buckingham accidentally came across Ximen's scent when traveling, and knew he couldn't just go by it. Usually when Bucky killed someone, the amount of guilt he felt was unbearable. But when he watched the life drain from Ximen's eyes, he felt the exact opposite. Buckingham couldn't describe the relief he felt the moment he knew Ximen was truly dead. He was finally free, after all that torment and suffering, Bucky almost thought it was a dream. Ximen couldn't hurt him anymore, nor could the mutated cheetah harm anyone else.

Shoving that thought to the side, the maine coon found himself padding near the border, making his way on paws that were light as feathers. Even though he's free from Ximen, and that he knows he no longer has to be that Asset, he can't remove certain things that he was conditioned to do. One of them being so quiet it was like he's a ghost. Back then, he had to make sure he would stay hidden, or risk the consequences of getting caught, especially in missions. Now, Bucky doesn't use his stealth skills to sneak up on someone to sink his claws into their throat. Moving around like he can't even be detected is normal to him- it feels so unnatural for him to put more weight into his steps. He doesn't like it, he doesn't like putting more force into his paws, he feels the most comfortable when he's moving around like a ghost.

Buckingham was the next one to slip into the scene, shortly arriving after Beverly. Buckingham has enhanced senses- he has better hearing and smell, but his sight, touch, and taste is completely normal. Buckingham picked up Hana's scent when he was getting close to the border, and heard that strange, unfamiliar word escape her jaws. He automatically assumed she was a joiner, but wondered if she couldn't speak English- it would be difficult to communicate with her if that's the case. Though, those thoughts were tossed to the side when he heard her speak up again, but this time in English. "My name is Hana, and I'm looking to join."

The former assassin found his gaze locking onto Hana, blue eyes blinking as he got a good look at the oriental cat. Buckingham hadn't seen her before, she looked like a stranger without a doubt. But, it seemed like Pierce recognized her, which the male glanced momentarily at. He wondered how long the two knew each other, but he pushed that thought to the side for now. "Welcome to Sunhaven, Hana," Bucky meowed with a swish of his bushy tail, "I'm Buckingham Barnes, feel free to call me Bucky."

"What language were you speaking in originally?" He asked, unable to put a name to it. Unfortunately, Buckingham wasn't entirely familiar with other langauges, he grew up only learning English.

Re: DDU-DU DDU-DU // joining - rhosmari - 08-28-2018

Oh, a family reunion. Something that was very much the opposite of his own in more ways than one. Another sibling had also popped up and looking over to Cloud now he wondered if he knew. Sighing he already knew the answer to that and it was going to be a no. As grotesque as he had changed there was no way for either of them to now his identity and he shivered at the thought of them knowing so instead he kept away as much as he could. He didn't want to tell them till he was ready and damn he was far from being ready to admit or even think about it. So this reunion, just seeing it made the mutant's heart ache a bit in his chest. He wanted something like that but he doubted he was going to get it. The chance at something like that had already long gone and he shook his head as he slowly made his way over to the group of animals all clamoring around the lovely oriental feline. Ears pulled forward the shark creature listened with intrigue as he settled down and curled his fin around his body, there was no need for him to interrupt just yet and he wasn't about to. There were other introductions going on and so he decided to watch his brother for a moment.

Times seemed to have changed all of them and he wondered if he was still the same as he had been before. Mayhaps. Shrugging his shoulders a little he turned back to the stranger. He had managed to catch her name and he lifted a webbed paw to wave it gently in the air. "Oi, it's a pleasure tae meet ya Hana. Name's Monroe and I'm sure ya'll have a great time in Sunhaven. We are merchants afta all and ya can make a shop too tae sell what you make or what ya catch." He didn't offer up any more information on himself because he didn't think it was necessary and he gave a light smile before shifting back a little bit, gills flexing against his neck just slightly.