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[ GOT A HOLD ON ME — JOINING ] - Printable Version

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[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]He wakes up from dreams of limp bodies for three nights in a row. Blood haunts his mouth in the morning, the coppery taste hiding between his teeth. It's been going on long enough that he knows he can't rinse it out, but that doesn't stop the lion from trying. Cold water bites through the short fur of his face and stings on open wounds; he swallows some up to try and drown out red, but it doesn't work. He knew that. Still hates that it didn't. The lion inhales slowly, lifting one massive paw to swipe it over his face. The rough pad drags down through still-wet fur. Everything gets a vigorous shake, and then — then he supposes it's time to move on. He had left Snowbound quietly, with slinking steps and not even a quick glance back. There were few there he would miss, but they had felt overwhelming... incompetent. Kind, yet useless. Floris was another thing entirely, and perhaps Winter would even miss the mutated creature. The fleeting, quiet sort of missing. Never anything distinct or eternal.

He was still incapable of that level of attachment, apparently.

As such, Winterwolf doesn't come here with any intention of forging any sort of bond. It's curiosity, or perhaps it's simply boredom. The two are so easily confused with him.

The lion enters their territory through the canopy. By that point, dark fur has dried perfectly. It seems oddly fluffy now, and he hates it, but at least like this his scars are hidden. Most of them. It's not to say that he's any less imposing for it. Even when Winter exits the forest to a field of flowers, he's got the darkest sort of appearance. The bright colors only accentuate the flat grey and cold blue. He's certain that there must have been some line he crossed to get into a place that smelled so heavily of flowers and living beings, but it's not as if Winter had ever been the person to follow the rules. (He was, but never the right ones; never the ones that should guide every creature's life.) It would be perfectly natural for him to continue walking into their territory. Maybe it's the flowers that keep him from that — here he sits, like some kind of statue (a gargoyle, probably) in a field that suffers from the end of summer, and waits to see if these people appeal to him any more than the rest of the world.

So far, Winterwolf can safely call himself a misanthrope (or whatever the equivalent was for animalkind).

Re: [ GOT A HOLD ON ME — JOINING ] - ONISION. - 08-26-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
To be quite honest, Onision was always rude to joiners unless his mentor scolded him beforehand. It was true that he didn't care for the joiners, as a bunch of them came anyways, but the young Fireball also knew that the joiners were important. More joiners meant more Fireballs and Observers. More time, more mentors, more trainings. Not that Oni minded.

Slowly, the small chocolate feline made his way over, cold blue eyes watching the creature with awe despite the resting bitch face he currently had. "What brings you to the Ascendants? I sure hope you're joining, man." Oni finally spoke after a moment of silence, finding his voice once more. His right eye had a bandage over it, slightly soaked with blood, while his right leg was in a thin cast-like material. After all, getting into a fight with Thea wasn't the best idea, but it wasn't exactly his fault.

Re: [ GOT A HOLD ON ME — JOINING ] - MOONMADE - 08-26-2018

[size=9pt]Moon's scarred, too. But with short-cropped, golden fur, his show. They're recent and they're only freshly scabbing, and they give him the looks of a heroic soldier who really should be bed bound. But he's anything but. He lays one eye on the bizarrely colored lion before him, with his regal way about him, and knows he could do nothing if this guy decided to take the Clan by storm and tear it to pieces. He needs to figure his shit out; no way is he gonna' be known as The Weaker Lion, if this guy is actually joining.

He stops behind Onision, squinting ever so slightly at the stranger. There's nothing for him to say; for now, he waits for him to respond to the kitten's question, mostly just grateful Onision has finally discovered his manners.

Re: [ GOT A HOLD ON ME — JOINING ] - WINTERWOLF - 08-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]He has to admit that fleetingly, these two get a smile out of him. It's more of a tired quirk of his mouth, barely there and then gone, but it could be caught by anyone with the attention for subtleties. The first to approach him is tiny — small enough that a flick of the beast's paw could send them flying. Yet they seem pleased to see him and unafraid. It's almost refreshing, after where he's been. The second child (to call him a child seemed unfair, but Winter is older, experienced; Moon's scars mean nothing to him) is another story. He seems wary, and rightfully so. Perhaps it was a good thing that Winterwolf was, well, a wolf before he was a lion. He's kept a dog's habits — his ears perk up and swivel, his tail will at times sway as if it's close to wagging, and he's not entirely opposed to the younger males of his species, as male lions tended to naturally finds themselves at odds. They were civilized creatures now.

(To call him, a killer, civilized is one hell of a joke, but current murder is the point.)

The lion cocks his head, reminiscent of a dog trying to hear better, and answers the question immediately. "You might be in luck, in that case. I am." His voice is rough from disuse, yet he speaks straight and pointed. It's too easy to join these groups. Do they even question them more intensively than this? Is it a matter of trust? As someone who had been trained to kill, perhaps it was his own fault for assuming that everyone else would attempt the same, but he worries about the sake of any group that allows a child to greet a lion. (Worries, bah. He doesn't worry. It's not as simple as that.) "Assuming you want my name, it's Winterwolf. Winter should suffice." Maybe it's a little obvious that he's been through this before.

Re: [ GOT A HOLD ON ME — JOINING ] - imperia - 08-26-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px;"]"Wolf?" repeats a softly spoken voice. "Interesting name."

A soft smile accompanies the intrigued comment as a sleek figure emerges from the sea of grass. A vision forged from sterling silver and gunmetal grey, Imperia is graceful in movement and elegant in appearance. Though a wolf, the creature carries with her an air of meekness: large, doll-like silver eyes peering out from beneath thick lashes and a feeling that she remains unaware of how uncanny she moves; slender limbs move with practiced precision, each step tender and delicate so to create an impression that she glides across the land like a specter.

A pungent aroma of herbs and roots overpowers the lovely she-wolf's natural scent of citrus and lavender, emanating from the leather satchel strapped across her torso. A medic, though no longer in possession of any official title or rank.

Sagacious eyes the color of moonlight trace old scars and chiseled muscles, drinking in the sight of a ferocious yet subdued beast. "Bienvenue--Welcome to the Ascendants, Monsieur." She stands now to the side of Moonmade, touching her tail lightly against his flank in silent greeting. The gentle lady remains focused on the newcomer--attentive. Briefly, she wonders what brings the stoic stranger to their borders, but it is not in her nature to pry more information that what is given. Unless, of course, persistence is necessary. "My name is Imperia Arceneau. You are more than welcome to join us in our home." Though wary of strangers, Peri takes it upon herself to comport herself in a manner which makes people feel as if they belong.


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Whereas Oni might be expectant, Moon vaguely wary, and Peri gentle, Bastille came with a fresh wave of apathy to finish off their little collection of odds-and-ends greeters. He was entirely unconcerned with the lion's size or apparently experience and age, his casual pace neither faltering nor picking up in any degree as he drew closer to them. His pale blue stare slid over the stranger briefly — taking note of only details that seemed important — before he stopped beside his Fireball and drawled idly, [b]"Welcome, then. We can either give you a tour, or show you to empty rooms and let you figure it out on your own." There was a pause, as he seemed to remember his manners, "I'm Bast, by the way. Nice to meet you and shit."
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: [ GOT A HOLD ON ME — JOINING ] - ONISION. - 08-27-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
Onision seemed to nod his head in tandem to Bastille's introduction, a smirk being aimed up at his mentor and brother before he returned his blue gaze to the newcomer. Dipping his head, his tone of voice changed slightly as he introduced himself. He forgot to do that.. Shit.

"My name is Onision, call me Oni." He chirped, tilting his head slightly.