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Only a Star, Only the Sea - - JOINING - Printable Version

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Only a Star, Only the Sea - - JOINING - Luciferr - 08-26-2018

the future is not a river to carry us, it is the ocean in which we drown if we are not prepared
For all that he'd left the ascendants now, he still kept the pendant - the beads he'd gained safely stored away, for that he'd left them, he didn't forsake that time there.

Four wings spun of shattered light and inky star space carried him across the near twilight heavens at a sedate pace - content as he was to be up here as close to the stars as he could get in mortal trappings in this verse, though he longed to surf the twilight above again, he couldn't help but linger here - a criminal failing perhaps of he and his sister both, where she was guilty of being compelled to help all those she saw, he felt similar on a lower incline - but mortals still did lead so interesting and brilliantly bright lives for being finite - it was almost sad to watch it fade, sadder still to see so many faces he'd known fade into long memory.

a quiet sigh as starlit and rose eyes turned downwards to glimpse the vast mountain reaches and forests he now flew above - and the quaint floating town below, his head inclined to the right, certainly new to this land perhaps - but he'd once ruled an empire floating in the heavens above and spanned between stars - living on the abyss below was almost a quaint reversal.

or would be,

he weighed the idea, clearly this was another group not unlike those he'd left in size if the tiny figures going about business was any indication and it seemed a nice change of venue - for sure he wouldn't get his 'species' or 'pantheon' name mixed up with the this groups actual name perhaps.

he hummed quietly as another wingbeat stopped his momentum forward and kept him aloft, hovering high above the skyline - a small adjustement and he was tilting downwards, descent towards the edges of the borderlines, wings flared outwards to catch him in a soft landing as star lined black claws touched the earth below.

Weight firmly on his paws once more, the massive span of four wings stretched to their full extent briefly, shaking away loose muscles before they bent and folded backwards to rest against a star lined spine, fragments of light and stars glittering in a low glow of early evening.

an angular distinctly feline face glanced about, eyes framed by night blinking quietly even as one seemed to glow strangely devoid of pupil - golden bracers slid briefly against each other as the hellion settled to await anyone who would happen his way.


Re: Only a Star, Only the Sea - - JOINING - axiom - 08-26-2018

© lexasperated
The tigress instinctively recognizes intelligence; the massive beast appears aware of typical customs when joining a group, given the exact place in which he landed in front of her. She almost pushed the observation to the side; she hasn't encountered worthy prey in at least a week, and that beast hardly put up a fight. Quantum considers herself a dragonslayer; yet, ever since she with her sisters in this part of the world, she rarely encountered a dragon any more feral than herself.

Her large paws, appearing fluffy and hiding her massive claws, took her closer to Anzarel; she gave him a polite nod of greeting. She noticed the lingering traces of the Ascendants' smell - though she hardly agreed with Jericho's choice of making them allies, she still appreciates knowing that the large beast probably came in peace. Her muscular shoulders rippled with tension before she relaxed a bit, her prehensile tail lashing behind her. "I am Quantum Caralho, leader of Sunhaven. What're you here for?" she spoke to him, getting to the point of his visit. She assumed he came bearing a message of some sort; to her knowledge, the Ascendants have yet to properly visit Sunhaven, so she's been expecting a messenger for some time now.

Re: Only a Star, Only the Sea - - JOINING - GORDON CIPHER. - 08-26-2018

Gordon had left The Ascendants without warning, but she, too, kept the pendant she earned while she was there. It meant a lot to her, although she no longer wore it and instead kept it in her home. As much as Gordon liked The Ascendants, the place was too busy and crowded for her, and although Sunhaven was large too, it wasn't nearly as busy. The little Hearthkeeper followed after Quantum and blinked at her former clanmate. Unfortunately, Gordon had never properly met Anzarel so she didn't really recognize him.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: Only a Star, Only the Sea - - JOINING - Luciferr - 08-27-2018

the future is not a river to carry us, it is the ocean in which we drown if we are not prepared
being greeted first by the leader herself promised good things here indeed if they were so attentive - he'd met Bast when he'd joined the Ascendants too and he liked to think it a mark of a good leader when they weren't so high above as to find even the mundane tasks too much.

sadly if Quantum expected him too be an envoy, he'd have to disappoint there as the star beast spoke up "Anzarel Grimm and a pleasure, I've come to join you if you'd allow" the voice was deep and drawling but respectful and with a dip of the head in respect for the leader - his leader here if she'd allow - and it never failed to find some irony in no longer being a creature in charge of millions, it was nice to not have to carry such a burden for once.

mismatched eyes drifted to the second behind the tigress offering the smaller feline a polite nod.


Re: Only a Star, Only the Sea - - JOINING - axiom - 08-27-2018

© lexasperated
As Gordon approached, she gave the small hearthkeeper a nod of greeting before she turned her attention back to the stranger. "Ah, you're more than welcome to join Sunhaven, Anzarel. If you come across any issues, you're more than welcome to seek me out for a chat," she spoke, recognizing his last name - if she weren't mistaken, she met one or two of his relatives, scattered throughout the rest of the nearby groups. Motioning with a paw to the ocean's horizon, she added, "There are plenty of floating beach houses, though... I'm not sure how many would be large enough for you." She wasn't sure if any of them were built to withstand his weight on top of them.

Re: Only a Star, Only the Sea - - JOINING - GORDON CIPHER. - 08-27-2018

"Did-did you leave The Ascendants?" Gordon asked with a small frown. Of course, she wasn't going to discourage the guy from joining; she couldn't, anyway, but it'd be slightly hypocritical of her to do so, considering she had come from there as well. "I-I mean, you're free t-to join, but... I-I left there, too." The she-cat decided to clarify out loud. "I-I don't think we met while I was there, though. My-my name's Gordon Cipher." She went on quickly. "Wh-why'd you leave, if I can ask?"
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: Only a Star, Only the Sea - - JOINING - Luciferr - 08-29-2018

the future is not a river to carry us, it is the ocean in which we drown if we are not prepared
he smiles and dips his head again "my thanks - as for lodgings? Well I suppose I'll find somewhere, you need not worry" or he could try building his own - maybe find a shoreline home if weight was a factor.

If he could have guessed the trajectory of Quantum's thoughts he'd not have been surprised if she had - he knew his nephew and grand nephew were around the group's somewhere even if the holes whe the rest of their family should be remained a stinging absence.

His attention switche to the second however at the sudden question and his claws rise to touch the pendant sans its beads, he nods "yes I left them - and well met miss Gordon - as for why? Well something quite similar to yours and I felt it wasn't the place for me, though I don't regret my time there" reassured he hadn't left on any bad terms, it simply hadn't been his place.