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something from nothing - o, intro - Printable Version

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something from nothing - o, intro - rushy - 08-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"](excellent timing that i start playing her during the takeover,, as they say: yeehaw)

Cosette was not the type to be easily stressed. Stress gave you wrinkles, and as a sphynx, she already had all the wrinkles that she could possibly need and they weren't going anywhere. However, she'd found herself more and more on edge lately, what with the chaos that ensued when Stryker took over. Found herself worrying over her mother, who had been crippled by the skald. Even if she was a sphynx she thought she'd never be as ugly as that freak though, so that was definitely a plus and relief.

The dainty sphynx was on the second floor of the library, idly browsing their unchanging and outdated collection of books. She knew that she could likely find some better and more current literature pieces if she visited other groups, but in their current position, Cosette wasn't willing to die for some leisure reading. Plus, as her eyes fell onto a copy of Sense and Sensibility, her expression lit up quite a bit. She loved this book! All the characters were so dynamic and ladylike, even if they were people, which she thought was ugly. She could just imagine them as pretty wildcats, easy-peasy!

(also i feel the need to say ic opinions, since cosette is a bit of an uppity bitch)

Re: something from nothing - o, intro - miss ririchiyo - 08-26-2018

It was a blessing that Yuuri couldn't see, honestly. If the white borzoi could see, she'd probably ask stupid questions about how the femme lost all of her fur, pissing the girl off. Then, it'd turn into a pissing match, because Yuuri has no filter and tends to speak her mind way too much.

But, her blindness didn't stop her from walking into walls in the library on accident. She had heard there were books in braille here, and the young canine just wanted to fucking find the books. Floppy ears twitched, moving slightly as she listened for any noises, any signs that someone was nearby.

Then, she heard the shuffling of books, the flipping of pages, and she stood up straight. "Is anyone there? My name's Yuuri, your scent isn't too familiar." Came the bored, uninterested tone of voice from the young girl.
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Re: something from nothing - o, intro - MirrorEdge - 08-27-2018

Gwen, during the takeover, had taken the chance to hide herself away, one of the places she tended to frequent being the library.

She had begun to take an interest in herbs, if not a bit of a small one, after the whole lesson Izuku gave, and to be honest, with the fact most of the Pittians here had no qualms about hurting Snowbounders, it seemed more of a useful skill than ever, even if it was just beyond basic first aid.

The kitsune's head poked out from behind the shelf of medical books she had been looking through, offering the two a small smile. "Hey. If you're looking for something, I have a pretty good grasp of w-what's where in here." It was much easier to speak to Snowbounders, and offer help to them, plus it was a bit of relief just to see Snowbounders here.

Re: something from nothing - o, intro - Stryker - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ —  //track, i'll avoid posting w/ that in mind

Re: something from nothing - o, intro - rushy - 08-28-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]In all honesty, Cosette was used to the insensitive questions about her appearance. The pokes and prods, the backhanded compliments, and the comments about her personality to avoid talking about how she looked. Part of her extreme vanity and narcissism came as a defense mechanism- though in all honesty she was just purely narcissist most of the time.

Though she did start when an unfamiliar voice filtered into her translucent ears, not expecting a Snowbounder, but rather someone like Stryker, or one of his equally ugly minions. Instead, it was just a borzoi puppy- a graceful breed Cosette could admire- despite being blind and all. "Hello," the sphynx chirruped in Yuuri's direction "I'm Cosette Cipher... I don't believe we've ever met...?" She stopped herself before asking if the girl wanted to find some books in braille, wondering if the question was too insensitive.

Before she could dwell on it too long though, Gwen had appeared. A pleasant and slightly more familiar face, but only an acquaintance instead of friend and family. Such was subject to change easily though. It was clear that the other Snowbounder was likely in the library for refuge from The Pitt's shitty chainlink bullshit, but she was welcomed nonetheless. "I do like classics," she remarked lightly, pawing slightly at the book she'd already pulled off the shelf earlier "I grabbed Sense and Sensibility since it's my favourite, but I'm definitely open to suggestions!"

(sorry! i didn't mean to restrict you from posting hrkjwehjtk you definitely can if you want! make it spicy!)

Re: something from nothing - o, intro - MirrorEdge - 08-28-2018

//agreed the spicier the better
"I don't know much about classics, to be honest. B-but I liked Animal Farm Not sure if you would, though." It had been an interesting book to the kitsune, how the animals overthrew the humans, and yet, still ended up destroying their own friends and family in the end. The kitsune mostly stuck to nonfiction, such as On the Origin of Species or the medical books she now was browsing.

She was a bit curious how the young sphynx managed to put up with the cold, wondering if she had to bundle up, or just made a run for her cabin or whatever her destination was, but didn't dare speak up in fear of offending the tiny thing.

Re: something from nothing - o, intro - miss ririchiyo - 08-28-2018

To be honest, Yuuri couldn't read anyways, her parents never taught her. So, when the sphynx walked up closer, the borzoi turned blind pale green eyes towards the creature, dipping her head in greeting. "No, we haven't. My name's Yuuri, I'm Izuku's adoptive sister." She barked softly, her empty expression moving around the room before she moved on, her tail brushing against the bookshelf as she lifted a paw to feel around them.

"If you guys can find a simple, easy to read book in braille.. I can't.. Necessarily read."
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