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miami do you love the taste | JOINING - Printable Version

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miami do you love the taste | JOINING - ACACIA - 08-26-2018


acacia katherine montgomery

Where she had come from before wasn't important. Not that she was of a background of pervert family members or sleepless nights full of risen voices or days that dragged on and on because the only thing that occupied her mind was staying alive until the next meal. To be frank, it was quite the opposite.

Acacia had always been fed, always had somebody to share a word with, always had a comforting bed to sleep in. The farmhouse life was simple. And perhaps it was because of this simplicity that the notion that life shouldn't be so effortless  had nagged at her for so long. It was true that she had it easy; her masters took good care of her and her siblings, not to mention her parents, who were valued for their longevity and hard work on the farm. Not much was required of them; their biggest task was herding the simple minded cattle a mile or two down the road to the next pasture. Sometimes they would work with the sheep, whom were even dumber than the cattle, which only served to increase the tediousness of the task. Acacia appreciated this bit of added difficulty. Well, she tried to. The sheep on the ranch were illiterate and couldn't follow along with a simple sentence. She always tried to keep a conversation while she worked in an attempt to distract herself from how banal it was but this proved quite impossible. And, well, that was why Acacia had found herself in the midst of this little beach town. She loved her family but her heart belonged somewhere far more extravagant than the farm. She wanted to be lascivious and risky; she needed an adrenaline and, quite frankly, a source of conversation. Life where she had come from was exhaustingly repetitive.

If she had had any qualms about leaving her family, they quickly dissipated as she padded down the boardwalk. The colorful houses almost overwhelmed her to look at; hues of colors she didn't even know existed reached out and engulfed her. The unfamiliar smells inundated her senses as she put one paw in front of the other at an almost agonizingly slow pace, caught up in the wonderous unfamiliarity of everything. Somebody could have reached out and grabbed her tail and she wouldn't have even noticed, being on such a high from the rush of adrenaline that this place gave her.
INFO + RPed by razzle

Re: miami do you love the taste | JOINING - Ilijas - 08-26-2018

ilijas arthur valentine
reckless wanderer | noble stag
Before Sunhaven, Ilijas had not known luxury or comfort. Such things did not exist where he came from, the mountains and vast wilderness extending no concept of home  to the young boy. Adjusting to clan life, as of result, had been difficult for him- was still difficult for him. He did not quite comprehend the idea of group living or even the many traditions that ruled within Sunhaven, feeling his way through practical darkness as he tried his best to fit in here. Admittedly, he had almost left, nature beckoning him back into its waiting arms, the promise of adventure and survival one almost too good to pass up. Had Beverly not joined him in this place he probably would have been gone by now, wandering around on some distant mountain with his camera and satchel and journal in tow.

But he was happy here, happier than he'd ever outwardly confess. Sunhaven was a good fit for him and its inhabitants provided him with a plethora of new mediums for photographs. Leaving would destroy him and so, for now, Ilijas had resigned to hanging up his traveler ways. Settling wasn't so bad either, but he liked to think that Beverly had greatly expedited that process. Ilijas guessed that it didn't matter though, not when he had caught sight of some stranger merely wandering around on their Boardwalk. Did she live here? Was she a joiner he had missed? Or had they let some mystery girl this far into their territory? Frowning, the Hearthkeeper decided to investigate, hoping that that was included in his job description.

[color=#454843]"Hey... uh... You from around here?" The adolescent inquired, arching a metaphorical brow at Acacia, [color=#454843]"I'm Ilijas. We definitely haven't met before."
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]

Re: miami do you love the taste | JOINING - rhosmari - 08-26-2018

Well, she wouldn't be the first one to trespass on sunhaven territory. But she would certainly be the first one to actually make it into their village. Frankly the mutated male didn't see a problem her wandering since he had been keeping an eye on her the whole way. His head was poked out of the water and he tilted his head a bit as he moved along the waters of the village, tracking her the whole way. Much of the time only his dorsal fin was sticking out of the water and he would most likely just be seen as some type of fish. He could see the awe in her eyes and the way she looked at the buildings that surrounded her body. He too was impressed at the seaside floating town and he often wondered how such a place came to be. Was it just the humans who thought with a different mindset or was it something else? Regardless the male moved forward then and pulled himself out of the water, shaking his stripped form and sending water everywhere as he approached the woman from behind. Well, off to the side so that he didn't scare her as he attempted to lightly tap her with his fin. "Excuse me, lass, but your doing a wee bit of trespassing here. I got tae ask ya name and business with Sunhaven."

It was customary at this point but she didn't look like she was here to cause any harm so the man didn't try to be hostile about it. After all she looked like she would more like to stay here then be chased out anyway. Slowly the shark feline sat down and he gave a light smile toward her, closed lipped so that he didn't show off his serrated rows of teeth. Though he was open and his eyes spoke of his warmth as he waited to see what she would say back to him. After all this was sort of his job as a guard, protecting and all of that and he took his jobs seriously. His eyes glanced over to look at Ilijas who had also approached the female and he lifted his tail to wave at him as well, eyes shifting back to look at the stranger in question. Yes, she definitely didn't live here but maybe that would change.


Re: miami do you love the taste | JOINING - Beverly Resurgam. - 08-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]Before Suhaven? She had been in the Ascendants, very briefly, but hadn't settled in or done much before she had decided to leave. And before the Ascendants, she had been homeless, wandering from place or place, only stopping for a few days at a time. Beverly had the fortune of staying with varying groups of loners during her pitstops, though she never felt any obligation to stay with any of them long term. She was happy here now, in Sunhaven. She had every intention to stay.

Arriving next to Ilijas, the shorter girl looked between those around her, awaiting a response from the stranger in question. She figured Acacia was joining, as most everyone that turned up in their territory was.

Re: miami do you love the taste | JOINING - GORDON CIPHER. - 08-26-2018

Like Beverly, Gordon had come from The Ascendants before she joined Sunhaven. The Ascendants was just as nice of a place as Sunhaven, although it was much more busier in terms of people hanging around the camp and it unfortunately made Gordon feel extremely uncomfortable doing day-to-day things there. The way everyone hung around camp made her feel sightly claustrophobic and luckily Sunhaven was a bit of a break compared to The Ascendants, despite both of them being larger clans. Gordon arrived after Beverly and hung a few paces behind her, waiting for Acacia (whose name she didn't know) to respond.
i am a lion born from things you cannot be ! ━

Re: miami do you love the taste | JOINING - ACACIA - 08-26-2018


acacia katherine montgomery

From where she'd come from, there had been several felines running around but they had had their own private cat affairs that the farmdogs had left alone. Having grown up with nobody to learn from other than her own family, Acacia had assumed that species normally kept to their own kind. Thus, the Shepherd's surprise was even more proliferated when Ilijas' words tugged her out of her stupor.

Acacia hastily swivelled to face the bengal, cocking her head ever so slightly with interest. Her blue optics were brimming with curiosity as she regarded the Sunhavener. She had never seen such an exotic looking feline before. The dark bengal markings that crawled over his silvery pelt were rich and elegant. Acacia had never known that something so monochromatic could hold such an extravagant air. "Hi," she spoke in a confident voice, hoping she didn't appear too thrown off. Any one of her brothers or sisters would have been immediately struck speechless by this breathtaking character, but that's why she was the one who was here and they were still back home with the sheep. The canine shifted into an easy stance, her lithe neck straightening so she was her full height.

"No, I'm not from around here. I kinda wish I was -- it's so beautiful. Are you?" She blinked at him, her gaze unwavering as she continued to drink in his appearance. Acacia could have stood there all day, observing the Sunhavener just as she had done the colorful houses in the beach town, except her attention was suddenly seized by a rubbery tap on her flank. She swerved around to face a creature that she had never seen the likes of before.

She struggled to regain her composure but it was quite likely that she hadn't been able to hide the flash of awe that twisted her features for a heartbeat. His words were kind, but she had never heard an accent like his before. It was a sensory overload. So many unfamiliar sights and sounds inundated her brain and she had to sit down to comprehend it. The creature in front of her definitely resembled a cat, and was gray, sort of like Ilijas, but that was where the resemblance ended. The farm dog had never seen a normal aquatic creature before, much less a mutated one. She was taken aback, yes, but at the same time secretly exhilarated. This was why she had left. This was what she was looking for.

[b]"Oh, shoot, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that I was trespassing." Did this mean that each of the colorful abodes that lined the boardwalk was occupied by some creature? This was their.. territory. It suddenly hit her that the cat-fish had spoken a word that she had never heard before. [b]"Sunhaven..."
she spoke aloud, satisfaction coursing through her as the word passed her tongue.  She tried to avoid looking at his numerous teeth, which were very sharp, instead focusing on the black pupils that slashed through the male's pearly eyes. [b]"What is that? Is that where I am?" Where there more creatures like him out here? Even while she spoke her heartbeat quickened as she noticed two more felines wordlessly joining the group. They all carried themselves with an air of purpose. It was amazing; exactly what she had come for.
INFO + RPed by razzle

Re: miami do you love the taste | JOINING - rhosmari - 08-28-2018

For some reason when he saw someone so awed and exhilarated from seeing Sunhaven and even looking at him that way made him feel much better about himself and how he was trying to live. He wasn't disgusting and grotesque like his mind kept telling him and when he looked in the water at his reflection he could coop with it better. A small smirk pulled at the male's lips, skin shifting as muscles tensed up for a brief moment but he was happy to see how elated she was at being here. It was a good thing because Sunhaven was one of the nicer groups and he would hate to see her having ended up in a place that wasn't so friendly with trespassers. He chuckled warmly and waved a webbed paw in her direction as he spoke up about her questions. "It's alright, lass, ya ain't mean no harm in it. But yes, ya are in Sunhaven and we are a merchant group that trades with just about everyone. If ya want tae stay ya sure can and even make ya own shop with ya own wares to sell." He loved when others came to live here and it was the best part of Sunhaven because they were a high traffic area what with their commerce and everything in between. Peaceful yes but they had backbone when they needed it. Still the aquatic feline focused on the canine with pearl colored eyes that held kindness to them as he lightly wagged his finned tail back and forth. Hopefully she would join because they could always use new members and more friends.

Re: miami do you love the taste | JOINING - PIERCE - 08-30-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
Before Sunhaven, Pierce had lived in Snowbound. He wasn’t sure about their current political alignment with the other group, but it had been pretty nice when he lived there, aside from all th the leadership changes. There had first been a man - a horse, if he wasn’t mistaken - who founded the clan, whose name Pierce couldn’t quite recall, and he had been pretty cool, but he hadn’t lasted long. Jacob had succeeded him, and led for a good few more months, before he, too, left, for the Typhoon, and Atbash stepped up. Not much had changed, for better nor for worse- things had just kind of sat there, stagnant. That combined with his falling out with Riddlersgame had been enough to drive Pierce away from the group, and though he did still hold a sort of fondness for it, it just wasn’t the same as his home before it, or Sunhaven, now.

Now, he was happy and comfortable where he was, and he intended on keeping it that way. He couldn’t help but be slightly disappointed by Jericho’s stepping down nearly a week ago, but the orange tabby knew what he was doing, so Pierce trusted his decision to promote Quantum. It was just a little weird, was all.

The dappled tom arrived at the scene a bit late, honey eyes bright as he offered the stranger a warm smile. "Pierce Parker," he introduced kindly, finding a place to stand near Gordon. This girl was quite a few inches shorter than him, gaze flickering downward slightly to maintain eye contact, but she was taller than most (considering she was, you know, a dog), and by the looks of it, young enough to still be growing. "Welcome, if you do plan on joining, Miss..." Pierce trailed off, indicating for her to introduce herself. He didn’t think she had, but it was possible he’d just missed it.


//mobile & welcome!!!