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feedbacksss - axiom - 08-26-2018

now that qua's become the leader of sunhaven, i just wanna get a few opinions on the place! just gimme a ramble of how you guys like sunhaven so far and any things you'd like to see changed/emphasized/ect.

also, some random thoughts that i had i'd like some opinions on:
1. should sunhaven have a currency, not just a trade/barter system?
2. politics! qua's gonna try and get an alliance with typhoon - if left to her own devices, she'll align sunhaven as allies with warbound groups, while still trying to set up loose trade agreements with the peaceful groups. this way, sunhaven will stay out of the firing range of the warbound groups while still taking advantage of the peaceful groups for trade, since peaceful groups won't initiate raids.
i'm thinking this weird political stance could be interesting to play out, especially if members of sunhaven don't get qua's line of thinking and push against her.
3. there was talk about a founding festival celebrating sunhaven; we could actually do that this week now lmao i just need to bundle up the ideas from that and throw out a main thread hub

Re: feedbacksss - ACACIA - 08-26-2018


acacia katherine montgomery

hii congrats on leader, i just joined so i'm still getting my bearings, what happened to jericho out of curiosity?

also i think a currency would be cool and help make the shop system feel even more real, would they use like lil coins or things like feathers and stuff? idk that's just stuff i have seen before
i don't know too much ab politics but i mean everything you said makes perfect sense to me yay
and a festival would be great all parties are great imo the more the better!
INFO + RPed by razzle

Re: feedbacksss - jericho - 08-26-2018

:gun: i'm still here bitch
sorry i'm kidding fdsghryfsbgnhy jeri's gonna be around i just don't have time to be active with school n stuff

i'm sure my feedback isn't exactly the kind you're looking for considering i was just leader lmfao but here's my two cents anyways in case you're interested

1. a currency system was smth i really toyed with when i was first making sunhaven! i really wanted to do it but in my opinion it's incredibly difficult to implement them well. in my mind there's a couple ways to go about it: you keep it loose and it has no real ooc value and thus it's kind of meaningless both ic and ooc, OR you keep it very strict and also give it an ooc value because otherwise no one would care about getting them.  the first is pretty useless because there's typically nothing you can do with the currency outside of use it in ic shops, in which case i wholeheartedly prefer trading, and the incentive to gain/spent currency is really low. imo, traded items have more ic value than ic currency. in the second version you'd only be able to get currency through tasks, activities, and a certain list of set ways of receive currency. you pretty much can't do with with currency that only has ic value because there's absolutely no incentive to go out of your way to get it.  however, if people start making shops where the character gets something icly and oocly the rper also gets something (graphic, text banner, art, probably smth small) then that's ideal because people will want to get and spend currency. however, this takes the focus away from ic and i... really don't like that. i've done the second one before, and it worked relatively? well (people consistently worked to get 'tokens' as they were called) but in order for currency systems to work, they tend to have to be almost too structured. i think ideally you'd have a strict way of gaining currency but their value would be all ic, however i doubt that people would really work to get currency if the value is indeed purely ic. there's just no incentive to complete tasks to get enough coin to buy a fictional seashell from a clanmate that you could've easily written your character as finding themselves. does that make sense? idk i don't think i stated this well at all but oh well. in my opinion they're either too loose or too strict, and i personally like the ic aspects of just bartering, but if we do go the currency route i'm willing to help find a solution!

2. yeah qua's politics are def gonna be interesting lmao, but i kind of like it because they're more neutral that way. so hell yeah

3. yeet i wanted to do the festival before i stepped down but uh clearly that didn't happen lmao. originally i'd been thinking that there'd be a big marketplace thread for characters to set up stalls and sell stuff to allies/neutrals, and event for each guild, and then the closing ceremony/ceremonial burning, but of course that's just the rough outline that i'd originally come up with. only things i'd recommend would be to spread it out, tie it into sunhaven's culture, don't make too many separate threads, and keep them interactive. the thing that i wanted was to make events that are highly interactive, meaning they'll keep people posting more than once or twice. i'm still willing to help with this as well if you'd need!