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the riveting skies / intruder - Printable Version

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the riveting skies / intruder - darci - 08-25-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]It was far too hot for his liking. His onyx-colored coat was not suited for this desert climate. Nonetheless, he had dealt with far worse. It was only a year ago had he awoken to discover all of his powers were gone. He was tossed from his sabertooth body back into his domestic form, left with nothing but the trademark necklace that hung from his neck. His old home... The clans lands were far behind him. Nosferatu always told himself he would leave, but it took many years until he acted on those words. For worse or for better, he was unsure. However, what he was sure of was that he was, in fact, very lost. Every smell he came across was unknown to him. Every rock, tree, and blade of grass was all foreign to him. How far was he from ThunderClan? He had been heading east for almost six months. Exhausted, he prevailed. Nosferatu was sure he had crossed some sort of border, but his hazy mind told him to keep moving. Lightheaded and vision blurry, the demon kept going. Paws dragging the dirt, he headed towards some shade offered by a large rock formation. Taking a seat, he lowed his head, attempting to catch his breath. Perhaps he would spend the night here, given nothing came out to snack on him. 

Re: the riveting skies / intruder - Stryker - 08-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Someone was within his domain. With a furrowed scruff, the deserted lion partially crawled out from his cave with a brutal growl. His neon eyes grazed the area, finding Nosferatu off in the distance. It seemed as if the demon was looking for a moment of rest within the unruly desert heat which he would not find in the devil's pit. Stryker emerged fully, eyes narrowed. Soon coming into a closer view, the lion made himself known with his booming voice. "You're not welcome here, blackjack," he taunted. Truly, he could care less about who visited, but it was not his policy. Yes Man needed a break from the chaos, so sometimes the responsibility had to fall in the Skald's hands. "I suggest you state your name and say why you're here before I have to forcefully make you exit the premise."

Re: the riveting skies / intruder - Cosmic - 08-25-2018

The xenomorph-ish domestic approached quietly, eying the stranger and lifting a metaphorical eyebrow. Stryker knew this fella? Curious. The Erudite would come to a seated position next to the taller creature, waiting for a response.

This would be interesting.

Re: the riveting skies / intruder - darci - 08-25-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]Ears pinned back, he cast a glance towards the sound of the voice. The voice came to him as a distorted echo and suddenly his heart jumped up into his throat. "Anders?" Nosferatu's head shot up, emerald eyes growing wide. As his gaze focused, the small smile that had etched itself across his face had faded. No, not even close to being his lost husband. He wrinkled his nose. This place reeked. It seemed he could not catch a moment's peace to gather himself together. "Didn't know the desert had such large rats," Nosferatu snorted back in a similar taunting tone. Without his powers and how small in statue his body was in comparison to the other, words were his only weapon. Nos had speed as well in he needed to flee, but he feared his stamina was near its limit. Blackjack? Heh, that was knew one. The demon rose to his paws, head held high in order to compensate for his slightly pitiful state. "Name's Nosferatu Gabriel. I'm not sure where 'here' is, but I'm just here for a break. You wouldn't have any snacks on you by chance, hm?" Nos drew he gaze to Hope for a brief moment, signaling he was aware of the other's presence as well.

Re: the riveting skies / intruder - Cosmic - 08-25-2018

"No snacks pal, unless you're looking to join us." Hope piped up from his spot, noting that the newcomer acknowledged his presence. The Xenomorph hybrid licked his lips subconsciously, shifting his paws for a moment in thought.

"Stryker, if he doesn't cooperate, may I keep him as a slave? I could use an extra set of paws in helping out." A grin was on his face, but exposed his sharp canine teeth and left a not-so-friendly expression on the healer's face. It was almost... sadistic. Like he had plans for the other if things didn't turn out in the Pitt's favor.

Re: the riveting skies / intruder - Stryker - 08-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — An equally obnoxious snort was aimed back at Nosferatu for his witty comment. Desert rat... How clever. It seemed a shame if he had a new opponent to throw down with these days when it came to sarcasm, but not so much in size. Oh well. That’d have to come sometime later. As for now, Stryker was on the defense. They had an ‘intruder’ with a fiesty attitude and he couldn’t stand the competition.

His ears peaked though. They had an interest in staying perhaps? Well, then he’d better reel in the competition and wait for them to wave the white flag, as they were on his territory now, bucko. Everyone knew that his cockiness was the brightest and the boldest. Really, the competition would be rather disgraceful... Damn... Stryker tries too hard to get all eyes on him. With that said, he kept bumbling about and rambling to their visitor. ”I appreciate the thought, sweetheart,” he countered. ”But since you do want a snack...” Stryker paused, eyes looming for a moment. ”I heard felines like you take a liking to desert rats.” Smirking, the lion craned his head off to the side and offered a nonchalant wink.

//mobile garbo

Re: the riveting skies / intruder - darci - 08-26-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 60%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 13pt; text-align: justify;"]Slave? Nosferatu could not help but laugh at the preposterous idea. Him? A slave? He was not good for much more than annoying someone to death. The demon was not much a laborer, at that. "Darling, you have fun with trying that. You might just lose an eye." The cat lashed his tail. Despite that, he was amused that someone though they could keep him as a slave. Maybe it was that cute and cuddly look he had about him. Then again, Nos thought he was hot stuff. His focus returned back to Stryker. The demon laughed and mimicked a gag. "Not me, they're to crusty for my liking."

Re: the riveting skies / intruder - Cosmic - 08-26-2018

"I can handle losing an eye, but can you handle having your internal organs stretched out all over this desert, and I have your eyes as a treat, dear?"

The hybrid retorted, lashing his plated, bony tail. Perhaps he would be better as a bonding meal between him and his hivemate Blacktide? The thought crossed the Xenomorph. Hm...

"You joining the Pitt or not, dusty toad?"

Re: the riveting skies / intruder - Character Graveyard. - 08-26-2018

Well, wasn't this interesting? A very sassy intruder on their territory and mildly disrespecting the others. Athena's lithe form could be seen swiftly moving across the desert, towards Hope, Stryker and the stranger. Dangerously, the muscular wildcat would eye Nosferatu before she would open her mouth to speak. "You are quite the sassy one hellspawn, da? If Hope here wasn't interested in you, I would definitely want you as my slave. Now- you best respect Hope and Stryker, sweetie, or I'll have your head on a platter." Icy blue eyes would then glance over the forms of her fellow clanmates and she would sit down beside Hope, a sly smirk forming on her maw. "As for food, you cannot afford to be a picky bastard here, as there's a limited choice of prey to catch here."
[/td][/tr][/table]template by orion

Re: the riveting skies / intruder - GRIMNYTE - 08-26-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:GAINSBORO; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]The beings he chose to surround himself with were disgusting things, reeking of sex and violence. But had he any other choice but to be with them? The cycle of abuse ran thick within his blood, demanding payment in the form of endless servitude and mistreatment in the paws of those he pledged his loyalty to. He had done so well that he now rested comfortably at the leader's right hand side; good. That was where he belonged, he now believed, all humbleness aside. He knew he was better. Better than before, and even better than now. Better than the twitchy little shells that breathed too loud and spoke even louder beside him.

Their threats were like toys. Too much of them and it got boring fast. The warpriest would not expect simpletons to understand the phrase in moderation, however, so he ignored them entirely, choosing to address what was happening head-on and without pause. "If you're here to join, say so now. If you're not, leave. If you continue to stay and bite the hand that feeds you, you'll be tucked under the care of Hope." a choice he would rather not have to make, but between him and the untrustworthy form of Stryker, it was easy. His irritation with the hybrid he had engineered beside, the leopon would stare at the pathetic form of Nosferatu nonchalantly.