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CAPTURE THIS TYPHOON DEALER - bubblegum - 08-25-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
before i get into this, i'd just like to point out that at least one of the character(s) (if you want more than one to get into it, i'm all for it! if not, that's fine too!) involved with this plot needs to have mental manipulation for this to work.

now that that's out of the way, hello! the basic plot i have in mind for this would be that (an)other character(s) captures goldie and either wipes her memories or manipulates them so she does not properly remember anything. the reasoning behind this can be totally up to you, and i can help you come up with reasons if you'd like!

goldenluxury roux is a daughter of pincher roux, the captain of the typhoon, and is currently a dealer (assistant deputy) there. she's pretty badly injured right now, as she'd gotten attacked and received spinal cord damage so she has trouble moving. she's also incredibly tired from overworking herself and refusing to sleep, so she'd be pretty easy to take down assuming she's taken by surprise. still, she is a tough fighter and has electric elementals, so she will resist depending on how character(s) go about attacking her. however, she will not understand how they enter and mess with her mind, so she can't really defend herself properly when they go to mess with her memories.

what they do with her is up to you, although anything sexual is off limits due to her still being a child and i'd prefer she not be injured too badly since she's already pretty badly hurt. if you want more info about her, go ahead and check out her tags! i don't really mind where this happens, if in any group at all, just know that it will probably end with her being rescued by her crewmates in the typhoon. it preferably won't last longer than two weeks, too. thanks for reading! just state interest and any ideas and we can work stuff out further from there.

Re: CAPTURE THIS TYPHOON DEALER - Stryker - 08-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ —  ehem... crawls in here with this dude

Re: CAPTURE THIS TYPHOON DEALER - bubblegum - 08-25-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
but yes...
would he have any reason to do it or just be going after her for the fun of it? also, do you wanna have a private thread where we play out her being captured or just jump right into it? i don't really have a preference either way for either of these!

Re: CAPTURE THIS TYPHOON DEALER - dreamiplier - 08-25-2018


Re: CAPTURE THIS TYPHOON DEALER - ninazu - 08-26-2018

i screm stryker and azu team up to fuk up a bab?

Re: CAPTURE THIS TYPHOON DEALER - Cheeters - 08-26-2018

pinch is finna ready to break some pitt necks

Re: CAPTURE THIS TYPHOON DEALER - Luciferr - 08-28-2018

[color=black]CONCERNED TRACK

ah shit time for luci to bring about the end days again

Re: CAPTURE THIS TYPHOON DEALER - bubblegum - 09-01-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
little bump - i'm fine with them teaming up. if you wanna move the conversation to discord for convenience, i'd be fine with that!

Re: CAPTURE THIS TYPHOON DEALER - Stryker - 09-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ —  ah sorry! been busy, lets move it onto discord!