Beasts of Beyond
[ HURRICANE ] ✧˚₊‧✩ BIOGRAPHY - Printable Version

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[ HURRICANE ] ✧˚₊‧✩ BIOGRAPHY - QUINN F. - 08-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; font-family: georgia; text-align: justify; text-transform: Uppercase; font-size: 11pt"]✧・゚ — THE BASICS
★ first name quinn
★ surname valor
★ nicknames n/a
★ gender + sex feminine | female
★ pronouns she/her
★ sexual orientation heteroromantic heterosexual

★ age + d.o.b eighteen | 11.10.01
★ creation date 11.10.17
★ aging ratio ages one year every 11.10
★ zodiac scorpio

★ faction werewolf (triggered curse by killing a human)
★ current alliance san creado
  — past alliances none
★ current rank member
  — past ranks none

★ unofficial titles n/a
★ official titles n/a

★ positive traits loyal, sophisticated, easy-going, optimistic, reliable, honest, witty
★ neutral traits animal lover, music lover, effeminate, family-orientated, skeptical
★ negative traits clingy, image-obsessed, hides emotions, unorganized, repentant

★ dislikes
  — bugs
  — the cold
  — boats
  — rain
★ likes
  — fantasy novels
  — music
  — nature
  — horror movies
★ habits
  — messing with her necklace
  — biting her lip
  — picking at her nails

★ alignment lawful good
★ personality type CAMPAIGNER (ENFP-A)

★ detailed personality quinn as a kid had a good life, even after the destruction. growing up, she learned and formed her personality to her current one today. she grew up being loyal, knowing who to share that loyalty with and who to keep it away from. she doesn't give her loyalty blindly and her loyalty has to be earned by both person and group. she'll stand beside you or the group but in the end it all comes down to how loyal she is and how much loyalty is earned. on top of being loyal, quinn is sophisticated, or self-proclaimed sophisticated. it's not expressed much in the way she dresses or presents herself when she's being casual but in serious matters such as business and politics between groups, she can become sophisticated and calculating. she will sometimes dress the part and act it when it's time to be casual but that's rare and would usually have a reason attached to it. despite being sophisticated, she can be easy-going and will barely take insults to heart. she doesn't stress too much about most of anything except her self-image and how others perceive her. she's rarely ever tense with anything anyone says to her and she doesn't let things get to her. due to being easy-going, she also has a very approachable stance and is easy to approach. quinn is also optimistic and doesn't like having pessimistic thoughts. she likes looking on the brighter side of things and will often keep her thoughts to the better side of things. the main reason for this is that she believes that people need some cheering up every now and then and to keep remembering that to everything, there'll always be a bright side.

quinn is reliable which also ties back to her being loyal. she doesn't spill anyone's secrets regardless if she hates them or not. she keeps everyone's secrets to herself and doesn't drop hints about them or blatantly tell anyone. her moral for it is that she wouldn't like her secrets to be spilled so why spill the secrets of others? this also ties into her belief of karma and of the saying of "what goes around comes around." besides being reliable, she is honest which ties into being reliable. she will be completely honest to you if you ask her questions and she hates lying considering she also hates being lied to. she only lies when she absolutely needs like as in her life being in danger or someone else's life being in danger. she values the honesty of herself and the honesty of others. overall, she is witty and has that type of sense of humor. she will often make witty remarks when getting the chance to and to cheer up others with her sense of humor. sometimes her remarks will be jabbing fun at others and depending on how sensitive the person is, can be rough or light remarks. other than all that, she is a animal lover and has a strong love for animals, mostly cats and dogs. she grew a love for dogs due to her old childhood pet and a love for cats. besides cats and dogs, she does love other animals and can't ignore when they're injured or in need of attention. she's a sucker for animals and anyone with them. for a small companion, she enjoys the company of rabbits and birds. her love for animals also spiked as a result of wanting to become a veterinarian when she was younger.

not only does she like animals, she likes music and has a strong love for it. she's a music lover and music is pretty much her escape. music calms her down and allows her to escape the troubles and just get lost in her thoughts. she heavily relies on music and without it, can fall apart slowly and easily. music is pretty much her everything and one of the most important things to her. she definitely can't sing nor dance, but that doesn't mean that she doesn't love music all the same and just singing along even if it doesn't sound pleasant. quinn is effeminate and is very feminine and barely masculine. she's more feminine in terms of the way she acts and the way she talks and so on. she's not uptight or anything of that sort, she's just a lot more feminine than masculine. she is family-orientated and places family above all. she would choose her family over everything and even if she may not like them at any point in time, she will always put them first unless they do something completely bad to someone, which she will cast them aside and possibly alienate them. she  strives hard to maintain a good relationship with her family members and fears being hated by them for whatever reason. other than being family-orientated, she is skeptical and expresses doubt on a lot of things. she has a lot of doubt pertaining all types of theories. she's skeptical on things regarding the supernatural, paranormal, etc. she has little to no belief in it and doesn't believe anything that people say about it. she only believes things like that if she experiences and does it for herself. this doesn't only revolve around the supernatural and whatnot, but also the word of others. she's not too untrusting but is skeptical about trusting others unless they're a close or best friend.

getting to the negative things about her, quinn is clingy. she'll be very clingy to her significant other and will often want to be around them and hanging out or talking with them. she can feel a bit scared if she doesn't talk with her significant other for a certain period of time. she also genuinely likes enjoying their company and never wants to really leave it. she enjoys personal space every once and a while but will mostly be clingy towards them. this also pertains to best friends, close friends, and sometimes even family members that she's close to. quinn is very image-obsessed around her group and even her family and friends. she fears having a negative or bad image and being viewed as anything she doesn't want to be viewed as. she doesn't panic at the thought but does get fearful and afraid. other than that, quinn tends to hide her emotions sometimes unintentionally and other times intentionally. she's always wearing a smile and just being herself and you'll rarely ever see her sad or emotionally distraught in public. she's very oblivious to it when shes unintentionally hiding her emotions. she's unorganized and through her sophisticated stature, she is very unorganized and can't be organized to save her life. she works better when things are messy, claiming that she has a system when someone questions it. she hates having things around her neat due to her not being able to find anything, and better being able to navigate in a messy environment. finally, quinn is repentant and she is pron to feeling remorseful. she can't torture or make stern decisions on someone who begs pity without feeling a sense of remorse, but that doesn't cloud her judgement or make her go back on her word. she'll just feel remorse overall.

★ ethnicity mostly caucasian, holds a bit of spanish (puerto rican)
★ skin color slightly toned
★ eye color yellow
★ hair color dark brown, dyed

★ faceclaim gabby westbrook-patrick

★ detailed appearance quinn has a more petite type of body, being on the slim side. she's about around average height, standing at 5'6" from head to toe. she has slightly toned skin and rosy pink lips that are often covered in lip gloss. her hair is dyed dark brown, her original hair being platinum blonde. her hair is past shoulder-length and flows down her back. she has yellow colored eyes, being vibrant to reflect her werewolf nature. usually quinn wears whatever outfit correlates with her mood so she has no "set outfit," but she does have an outfit she likes to wear a lot more than the rest which consists of a white shirt that say's "nike", the shirt nearly being a crop top but just about big enough to cover up her entire stomach region. quinn also wears light blue capri jeans, a gold necklace around her neck in the symbol of a crescent moon, three gold bangle bracelets on her right wrist, and blue and silver rose-shaped earrings in both her ears, one each. she'll also sometimes be wearing a fully white zipper up hoodie, or a little black bomber jacket.

additionally, her cheeks have a natural red taint and most the time will have a slight red tint to them, normally not blushing but due to her skin.

✧・゚ — relationships
★ parents leone valor x north valor x thomas hobbs (surrogate)
★ siblings south valor (older brother, deceased), iowa valor (younger sister, presumed living)

★ love interest + crush n/a
  — past crushes none
★ boyfriend n/a
  — past relationships none
husband n/a

✧・゚ — notes
— transforms every full moon.
— she was born with the werewolf curse in her system but never triggered it until she killed a regular human.
— all her family except leone valor have the werewolf curse.
— she can control her shifting sometimes though other times she may not be able to shift at will as she doesn't have a full grasp on her transformation yet.
— her wolf form is medium sized standing at exactly 2'8"

✧・゚ — links
— plotting
— tags
— pinterest
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