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enjoy the show } Matter tags - Printable Version

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enjoy the show } Matter tags - Mattermore - 08-24-2018

[tags :: updated 8/23/18]

[Image: 0USF3u5.png]


name: Mattermore Seraphim
gender: male (HE/HIM/HIS)
age: 9 months | teen
species: central asian shepherd dog
  FC: jungkook (BTS)
  Member of Team GanGan Galaxy
bisexual + demisexual : falls in love often and easily
no current crush or partner

Mattermore is easily enamored by kind gestures, often mistaking others’ excess kindness as liking to him. He constantly reads romantic novels and fairytales to the extent where he is hardly not seen without a book in his hands and these stories leave him with overly optimistic views of love and the world. He also tends to support, aid, and follow those who have large amount of respect/admirers, those with powerful personalities, or those with natural leadership skills without question and can form somewhat of a fanboy crush on people of those kind.


APPEARANCE: — (click heart for full size ref)[Image: SwAWAsD.gif]
[Image: PwsC4NK.png]
central asian shepherd dog - pale, fluffy central asian dog with grey and white spots. has contemplative, doe-like, and intelligent green eyes that are blind and usually covered by a red cloth with a chain clip. Sports a dyed mane of hair that extends from his head to the base of the shoulder blades that is shades of blues with a distinctive pink tuft. One bionic foreleg. Docked tail.

wears cloth that covers eyes ONLY around those he doesn't know well, trust, or like. Removes the cloth tie around friends, family, and other close comrades.
small, weak, and sickly physique
voice is monotone and robotic with little emotion and often quiet and contemplative. The pitch of Matt's voice is high and steady.
smells too clean like the interior of bright white hospitals with half-hearted hints of sugar and the scent of burnt ash. Dot of ink sometimes disrupt his light-hued pelt from writing letters and notes.
often carries small pink satchel containing snacks and papers.
suffers from a congenial heart disease that flares up when under emotional or physical stress and will/can cause black outs, sudden loss of vision or consciousness, and even coma or death.
Has partially lost his right foreleg and now wears a titanium bionic prosthetic in its place.

PERSONALITY: — cares waaay to much about what others think of him and really wants to be liked, likes to make friends, is postitive in the most downing of situations, easily frightened/startled, has a smart mouth when angry or in general, too smart for his own good, family-oriented and has an enthusiastic motherly side + will take care of everyone, has separation issues from loved ones, gets upset when anybody mentions his condition, hidden destructive nature and meanness, may manipulate

sweettooth, little boy blue, boy with the heart of gold and feather-weight body
loves fire, reading, and archaic objects.

brother (adopted) to Frightfur
close friends: none
enemies: none


physically - easy. mentally - moderate.
[doesn't like to fight but will end other people's fights/don't touch his fam/quick on feet/showy]
powers: enhanced senses (has super hearing, super sense of smell, and a super sense of touch in order to sense the smallest movements of others and get around while blind).
all opinions IC!
[Image: IEICVOv.gif]