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sitting on an angry chair — joining - Printable Version

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sitting on an angry chair — joining - melantha - 04-04-2018

quiet, so quiet, save for the whistling of the wind and the soft crunch of snow beneath her paws. the young huntress distributes her weight so not to sink down into the snow drifts. it is bitterly cold, icy fingers of the northwind tugging and pulling at her thick, sandy-colored pelt. thankfully, spring is approaching. whatever snow is left will melt soon, and the girl will not have to endure such torture much longer. until then, it is imperative that she reaches her destination: snowbound. the weather is much more harsh up here than the mountainous valley where she has been living ever since she was washed away. but the terrain is not so different. she is not unaccustomed to the cold, but the young girl would definitely prefer to find someplace warm to rest for the night. maybe two nights. the wintry chill is all that keeps her from acknowledging the fatigue which weighs down her body, turning once nimble limbs to lead.

three whole days she has been on the move — with very little respite in between. just a little further, she reminds herself when she begins to think that she cannot climb yet another steep hill. the wildcat did not travel this far, survive this long on her own, to collapse just a few bear-lengths away from her destination. from people. from rest.

what is actually closer to five minutes feels like hours before she reaches the invisible border, identifiable only by the scent markings littering the plains. the girl is smart enough not to cross it, as she has narrowly escaped death several times before for foolishly ignoring the boundaries of another's territory. similar to her earlier reasoning, she has traveled too far to die simply because she made an elementary mistake. as much as her body aches to collapse upon the ground and finally succumb to fatigue, the wildcat wills herself to remain standing, ever vigilant. just because this place has a reputation for being welcoming does not mean that she can let her guard down. "hello?" she calls, voice hoarse from a myriad of factors. she hopes to draw attention to herself and get the niceties over-with before she passes out. "anyone?"

anyone observing the strange adolescent on the border can tell that, regardless of how she carries herself, she is just a child. had she not been lost in the ferocious rapids of the river, she would not have left her mother yet. how she survived this long is a miracle, but it has taken a toll. her pelt is dirty from travel, soaked to the bone by melting snow. her expression is dull, akin to a porcelain doll. there is not even enough energy to properly form an expression. and her eyes, once so vibrant and green, seem to have frozen over from all she has experienced. she is merely a child. all she wants is someone to hold her, to tell her everything will be okay. but that is a weakness that someone can exploit. she refuses to relinquish control. it does not matter if she must combat fatigue, starvation, and dehydration all at once; she will accomplish her goal on her own. help is needed, not wanted.

Re: sitting on an angry chair — joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-05-2018

(Sorry for the delay in a reply aaaaa)

Due to the long time that Killua had spent in the clans, he knew that there were different kinds of species that were common in each of them. Sometimes species of an animal would correlate to the territory that the clan had been living in. Such as a desert. Most wouldn't end up seeing long furred animals that lived in a place like that, and would see more along the lines of maybe a serval or even a sand cat. There would be some canines and even wildcats here and there but most of them weren't made for cold weather as it would be a bad idea for someone to stay in a place like this. No one would see the likes of a snow leopard in the place where he knew one clan would end up being. Some species were not common even across all of the clans, as they weren't as useful as one would think when it came to a fight, or some considered them to be too bulky without knowing the limits of that body specifically. He knew a lot of animals tended to shift from one body to next, or had power malfunctions that could put them in a not so great place. Killua never had his powers malfunction because he wasn't that reckless and there was nothing in this world that could make something happen to even the clans. Mountain lions were a not very common breed when it came to the clan, as they were directly in the middle of what could classify as a big cat. They weren't as strong as a jaguar, but they weren't as weak as a leopard in most regards. They could practically live off anything and didn't have a concrete diet that they needed to follow. They were capable of taking down larger prey than themselves through ambush hunting and were extremely strong if the body was used correctly. But why would someone want to be a cougar when they could be the likes as a jaguar or even a lion? There were plenty of different options for others to choose. Predators were the most common when it came to the animals in the clans. In this way, they all had to worry about one food source and nothing else. They didn't have to worry about finding food for herbivores that were in the group, which in a place like this would certainly be difficult. They did have a horse for a leader at the moment, well, he wasn't Killua's leader but he was a leader nonetheless. Hence why there were no sentient animals that usually took on the body of a deer or something like a squirrel. They did have a crow that lived around here, he didn't even know her name but it was obvious that she was sentient and probably not considered prey just for that very reason. And she also could speak, so that was another reason not to eat her. He didn't know why the female seemed to hate him so much but it wasn't his problem as he only had to worry about himself right now. He had an itch that he was dealing with, but he knew that he wouldn't be able to satisfy that itch for a while. He didn't want to kill anyone after all. Killua wasn't in the best of moods, but he was going to do what he always did. He was going to play the role that everyone expected him to go through with.

Not because he was doing it out of the kindness of his heart, it was to keep others from yelling and trying to scold him for the actions that he decided to take. He could care less about those that were in Snowbound right now, except his sister who was currently in the form of a robot but that was something that he needed to deal with completely separately. The albino serval was used to being around the edges of the territory to keep tabs on who came in and out of the territory. For his own means more than the means of others of course. The heavily scarred wildcat had kept himself into the trees, which is where he preferred to be. Not because he didn't like being on the ground, it gave him a good vantage point if he was going to interact with anyone. He hated being physically close to others thanks to the way his powers acted too, so he just primarily kept himself away from others. Recently he had almost entirely secluded himself to a cave that he called his own in an effort to avoid others. He was pretty sure that no one else knew where he was staying and where he kept all of his gear. Not like they could take away his yo-yo's as no one in the group right now was capable of lifting heavy objects. Well, maybe Roy but he hadn't seen the tiger in a long time so it wasn't like it mattered. Thanks to the way a serval was designed, it wasn't hard to hear voices or noises that were close to him. His ears capable of hearing high frequencies by other animals at the same time. He didn't need a power to hear far distances either. The assassin turned his head in the direction that he heard the voice coming from. His air elementals made it so that no one was capable of catching his scent, and making his movements completely silent to muffle the steps that he constantly took. Almost lethal pink scars covered a good majority of his body still, those not having healed from the last interaction with his brother a couple of weeks ago. Getting up onto his paws, the assassin would start leaping from branch to branch until he came up onto the scene. The female below on the ground could have possibly seen him jumping from tree to tree, but it would be hard to see him thanks to that he camouflaged the white expanse of the snowbound territory. The young albino serval settled himself down on the branch that was directly above the mountain lions head as he inspected her. It was obvious that she wasn't full grown. Deshelved. Maybe she lost her parents, but was she the age that a mountain lion would leave her parents? He wasn't sure on that specifics but he at least knew a little bit about them. He was at least ten feet above the ground from the branch that he was on, but if the mountain lion wanted to she could be quick and lithe enough to climb up on the tree he was on and simply leap to the branch. He would have to keep that in mind because a mountain lion had great leaping potential like he did. He opened his mouth and conjured up a lollipop that fell into his mouth. Soon the female would be able to smell the scent of candy if she even knew what candy was. A neutrall expression was spread across the apprentice's facial features before he finally spoke. "Yo. You look a bit worse for ware." Killua stated in almost a monotone voice. There was no malice coming from him and his body language showed that he was completely relaxed. However, there had already been several cases that others had been off-put by his appearance, especially his metal claws that were almost fully unsheathed, as a matter so that he didn't fall out of the tree he was in. His sapphire blue eyes were calculative as he began to devise a way to defeat the female if she ended up becoming a threat. She easily dwarfed him and easily outweighed. Not a huge concern, but just something to look out for in the future.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: sitting on an angry chair — joining - melantha - 04-05-2018

very rarely do her senses fail her. without the extra edge of supernatural powers, the girl relies heavily upon her natural-born abilities to help her survive to see another day. every single one must be in prime condition, lest a hostile creature gets the jump on her and boom! she's dead. though she may be young, she is a killer in her own right. perhaps not nearly as efficient as killua—for she is but a simple panther and not an assassin—but as far as adolescent mountain lions go, she can handle her own. so as the young girl stands there, channeling so much of her remaining energy into staying upright that her teeth begin to ache from her clenched jaw, a distant crunch of snow and creak of a branch begin to eat away at her paranoia. she cannot smell anyone nearby, but they have to be there. she knows it. no, she feels it. on a good day, perhaps she could have spotted killua as he approached, but  today is not a good day. she is so tired she could just collapse, her vision is blurry, her breathing is ragged and everything looks the same across the snow-dusted landscape.

regradless, she is far too paranoid—perhaps cautious is a better word?—to simply give up searching just because the unknown presence is not immediately identifiable. although it took a moment to fight through the exhaustion, she managed to pick up on the sound of branches moving above her. she twists her head around, her eyes locking upon killua just as he sits down upon the bough. a ghost of a snarl flashes across her features, hackles raising defensively at the stranger who so suddenly appeared in her space rather than simply walking up and saying "hello." she is already annoyed by the male's decision to sneak up on her instead of confronting her directly as if she is some sort of prey, so one would assume that watching him nonchalantly summon a piece of candy would only worsen her mood. however, she has never seen candy before, much less smelled it, so any hint of irritation is quelled by the arrival of something new and interesting. coal black pupils dilate curiously, intrigued by the sight of the lollipop. "what is that?" the question balances at the tip of her tongue, only moments away from spilling over before she remembers that this strange guy is not to be trusted, no matter how sweet-smelling the stuff he puts in his mouth is.

"yo. you look a bit worse for wear." squash green eyes narrow as they scrutinize the speaker, sweeping across his slender ivory figure. given the pitch of his voice and the advancement of his growth, the serval could not be much older than she, but the countless scars peppering his pelt make it clear that despite his youth, he should not be taken lightly. she feels his gaze upon her, but she refuses to show any hint of cowardice. he not only possesses the high ground, but the those metal claws look awfully dangerous. besides, she is in no physical condition to fight. "i'm glad you're capable of making basic observations," she replies in a tone that is not disrespectful so much as it is testing the boy. the young girl has no idea how these things are supposed to work; she's never joined anything before. the cold is starting to get to her and she's anxious to get some water and perhaps a nap, too. "my name is—" cough "—melantha. are you from snowbound?" best to check that he isn't just some creepy rando, especially since he oddly seems to be lacking a scent.

Re: sitting on an angry chair — joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-05-2018

There were many factors that could make up how an assassin was capable of being successful. One of the most obvious factors that were out there was obviously being stealthy by a large degree. Making sure that even those that know that someone is there but isn't able to tell the exact location of where they are at. Hiding one's presence with so many different types of animals that were good at smelling out enemies in every direction was certainly difficult most of the time. But he had been trained with the best and sees no reason why to stop himself rom being stealthy all of the time. It was muscle memory at this point and a complete habit that he used to be careful when around others. He was usually able to tell someone's true intention if they weren't expecting someone to be there. Such as someone that seemed to be nice on a border only to be snuck up behind and would immediately react aggressively to his actions. That's how he would be able to tell that there was something going on that they weren't trying to show others. It was a nice tactic, but those that were joining weren't fond of it at least from what he was able to gather from the hundred of interactions that he had done. Killua was capable of being stealthy in most regards of just being a wildcat. Those in the feline family having specific ways of walking so that it would help them remain almost totally silent when it came to stalking their prey. Unless they let themselves be seen then the stealth is gone from that moment on. Either way, felines were the ultimate stealth predators and were hard to fight up against. But as most predators, they were always on alert if the target was indeed a carnivore and had to look for other threats that were around them. Killua knew far too well thanks to the experience he had with how paranoid some animals could end up being. It was more on the annoying side because it meant that it was going to take his job a whole lot longer to accomplish than he had originally thought. Another factor that made an assassin was their smarts. They had to be capable of formulating a plan at the last minute if an unknown factor comes into play during a mission. If they weren't capable of doing that, it just meant that they weren't good enough to be in that sort of field and had a lot of improving to do. The advantage of being raised as an assassin at a very young age was that he was able to retain information a whole lot better than the likes of an adult trying to retain information when they were just starting out. He was a strategist in most regards, having studied how most animals would react compared to others, being ablbe to get inside his opponents head to be able to fake them out that he was going to do something only to do something completely different. Assassin's also had to be great when it came to holding onto information. They should be willing to die for the job that they were on, but if they were good enough they wouldn't have to worry about such factors so as that one. Killua had never been captured once in his life because he was always paying attention to his surroundings. It was hard to sneak up on a serval that had amazing hearing and even harder to try and catch out since they were the second fastest land animals that were around too. Assassin's were top tier on the list while mass murderers were nothing compared to the likes of them. Mass murderers were sloppy and didn't take any pride in their work. Most assassins that Killua had met over the years didn't do it because the killing was fun, but it was more of a factor that it was all business. Killua had once started off killing considering it being fun, but later on, he realized that it was slowly starting to feel dull for him. Which is why he was here to this day, as he wanted to set a new path to his life right now, even if the other groups didn't like him being here. They would have a difficult time trying to drive him out if he did something that he wasn't supposed to do. He would like to see them try because maybe for once he would get a challenge with the clans. The albino serval had noticed that the other had spotted her. Oh, that was certainly interesting. Well, she probably just heard the tree and the snow that was dropping from them when he leaped from one to the other. She was obviously a lot smarter than she looked, even if she did look like she was about to pass out. Even if she looks like that, if he wasn't careful and they did end up in a fight the other could probably break one of his legs if she managed to grab him. He was faster than a mountain lion in a full-on sprint, but she was better equipped for the snow like almost all mountains lions were. Large paws to distribute their weight on the snow so that it would be difficult for them to sink all the way through.

His only advantage would probably have him going to the trees and trying to lose her that way. He watches the other's eyes when they travel to whatever he had just dropped in his mouth. He figured as much. Practically all of Snowbound knew what candy was until newcomers came along and then that creature wouldn't have any idea what candy was. Killua usually would have been offended, but he wasn't really in the mood to deal with that right now. The muscles around his paws would twitch, and by the look on her face, she obviously wasn't happy about something. Probably for the way he had approached her, which just meant a smirk was spreading across his facial features as he looked down at her from his perch. When the other finally spoke, he couldn't help but let out a short laugh from his jaws, the lollipop moving around from the small action. Oh? So she was the one to joke around? He could play games. Finally, someone that didn't automatically get offended to the point of trying to bite his head off. He definitely needed this. His body language remained completely calm as one of his arms hung off of the branch that he was laying on, the smirk still on his face. "Just saying how it is. I'm guessing like everyone else you aren't from around here. Do you even know what candy is?" Killua spoke in a calm tone for the first two portions of his sentence, but when he asked about candy, his tone sounded like he was teasing her. He was a kid and honestly just wanted to have some fun and laughs with others, no matter what shape that would end up taking. To get his point across, when he said the word candy, he used his metal claws to grab the lollipop stick and take it out of his mouth to wave it once in the air before putting it back in his mouth. The other was quick to introduce herself. Killua on the other hand probably wouldn't introduce himself immediately. His name didn't exactly keep it secret for what he had done for a living a couple months back. Melantha. Interesting name. The assassin had no idea what language that was in, but it obviously was a different language of some sort. Killua moved the lollipop in his mouth from one side to the other before he answered the other's question. "Pretty much. Looking for a place to spend your time for a while?" Killua questioned, although he was teasing her again as it was obvious he was poking a little bit of fun at her current condition. He doubted that she would get very far with the way she was now. It was almost impossible to tell how malnourished she was thanks to the thick way a cougars fur could lay on their body. All his mocking and teasing was fun and games.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: sitting on an angry chair — joining - melantha - 04-05-2018

[div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]of course melantha is smart. she cannot afford to be anything less. perhaps the two youth are not so different despite their appearances, although killua's intelligence originated from his need to kill while hers came from the need to survive. he is a killer, she is a survivor. but she, too, is casing the other creature while he smirks down at her, assessing the situation. clearly, the serval possesses the height and speed advantage. she also assumes that he has full access to as many meals as he pleases. but her jaws are strong enough to crush bone and her eyesight is impeccable. she is in no condition to go on the offensive, however, should killua decide to attack, melantha is prepared to put up a strong defense. his nonchalant demeanor causes mel to suspect that his only aim is to intimidate; watching her reaction like ants under a magnifying glass. she is accustomed to adults regarding her in this way, not children. what a strange person.

he laughs—short and dry, but a laugh all the same. so he is capable of emotion... interesting. mel's first impression of the boy was that he had a major stick up his ass and she would not enjoy being around him whatsoever. now? anyone who can handle her sarcasm is cool to be around. it's not like they have to be friends. just... cool. "clearly, i'm a local," she jokes with a dry smile, referencing her haggard appearance. the humor does not reach her eyes. she is much too tired. she is prepared to talk more on the subject when he suddenly brings up "candy." melantha's brows arch slightly. so that's what the sweet-smelling thing is. huh. "nope," is her matter-of-fact reply. it sounds like a taunt, to get her to feel bad about being ignorant of the ways of human food. mel will not be taunted. she has heard about some creatures partaking in the strange food concocted by the hairless creatures. in all honesty, she could not care any less. melantha is a proud predator through and through. she would sooner partake in cannibalism before she went against nature to consume something she had not evolved to eat. at least she can properly digest mountain lion flesh. candy? that is an unknown. and mel does her best to avoid unknowns.

the young wildcat does not miss killua's failure to introduce himself, which earns him a look that says "really?" mel does not even try to disguise her reaction. there is no need. she is not afraid to let him know that she is not easily fooled. it doesn't even matter, anyways. someone around here is bound to know the dude's name. the source does not matter as long as the information is good. in any other circumstance, melantha might have given him a harder time about the name, but she is only minutes away from losing consciousness and time is of the essence. "more like looking for a place to sleep for several days and maybe get a bite to eat, but yeah—you're absolutely right, candy," if he can't provide her with something to refer to him as, then she is gonna make something up. mel isn't fond of making friends, but names have power, even made-up ones. she'll train him to respond to it, whether he likes it or not. at least, until he relents and tells her the real one. "just point me in the direction of an empty cave, please," and hopefully i make it there.

Re: sitting on an angry chair — joining - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-07-2018


Survival took many factors into consideration. Strength. And smarts. Without either of those, any animal has the potential to die from their own mistakes. Killua had been taught fairly early in life that there were consequences to each action that he ended up doing, and if he wasn't careful he could die the next day. Killua saw this in the way that he interacted with the clans as they seemed to lack the regular instincts of survival. They simply laid around and weren't concerned about their own well being unless they were being physically attacked. They never prepared for the worst, and they definitely didn't come up with any plans to what could happen if they were attacked in the end. It made no sense to Killua because it went against every logical sense. If any of the clanners ended up leaving the group and living as a rogue, they would probably die in a matter of days thinking that every predator like themselves had the potential to be their friend when they couldn't be more wrong about something like that. It was that that ended up getting killed. Clans didn't know how to deal with competition with other animals such as their own, as they always seemed to have food to last them no matter what kind of season it was. Especially since most creatures had the power to simply conjure up food like he did, there was no way he could go starving unless he couldn't use his conjuration either way. But he had a backup plan considering that serval's were the most successful hunters out of the wildcats that existed in this world, he knew that he would be able to hunt and provide for himself. This was probably why most clans ended up disappearing or simply dying off because there could be nothing done to keep themselves alive. They relied too much on their numbers when it came to their own well being, which again was something that was their downfall. The assassin knew what it was like to work and live alone for a good majority of the time, and sometimes solitude could be a great learning tool. Mountain lions were also in the same boat, especially if they weren't born in the likes of the clans. They were solitary animals and basically expert hunters given enough time to hunt their prey. Killua knew this from the research that he had done on a number of different species. Killua also knew the limits to what a mountain lion and what a serval could do. The other may have a little bit more stamina than him when it came into regard to a fight, but he had more speed and could end the fight more quickly if it came down to it. Usually, when others looked at him in general though, they wouldn't trust him immediately. Just because he had metal claws instead of regular ones on his front paws that they immediately had to think that he was a bad guy. Sure they weren't wrong, but their judgemental looks constantly pissed Killua off. He was a hypocrite in that matter because he constantly was on the lookout for those that were hiding their true intentions.

Either way being able to find someone that could deal with his teasing and the almost constant sarcastic tone was a new breath of fresh air that he wasn't expecting to find in the likes of a clan. Everyone here had sticks up their ass when it came to tossing lighthearted insults at one another. Killua still had the smirk that was spread across his facial features as he listened to her talk, the sarcastic words being thrown back and forth. He loved this. This was fun for Killua to do, and he hadn't been able to do it in months as others took him far too seriously. "Obviously. As you seem to be having an easy time in a place like this." Killua teased as he said the word sarcastically. When the other brought up she had never heard candy, Killua made an overdramatic gasp, and raised one of his paws to touch his chest as if someone had stabbed himself in the heart. It wasn't uncommon for others to not know about candy, obviously, since they were animals and candy was basically human products. He believed that the other probably came from the mountains instead of living near a city like some of the current Snowbound members were from. "The horror. Well, you're definitely missing out." Killua stated with a low chuckle from his jaws. He had to admit that talking to her was interesting, but he was trying not to show how much fun he was having with her right now. So she did want to join, that was fine with Killua. It wouldn't be like he would be one to stop her anyway. Most came to the clans for some sort of refuge, and then for whatever reason would dedicate their lives to the group that took them in. Something that Killua probably would never be able to really understand. When the other addressed him as candy, Killua couldn't help but roll his eyes. He guessed he deserved that since he didn't state his name. There were obvious reasons why he didn't though, as even though most of those in the clans were pretty dumb, some could figure out what his name actually meant in English despite it being in Japanese. "Well kitty, Snowbound is a group that will pretty much let anyone walk in and join, so you can basically do whatever you want now." Two could play at that game. A smug look was now on his face as he got up onto his paws, his metal claws flexing for a second before he let himself drop down from the branch that he was on and onto the ground below. Muscles rippled underneath his long white fur once he landed, and once he landed on the ground, one would notice that despite landing in snow, he didn't make any sort of sound. The albino serval would turn his back toward the mountain lion and would point with his paw in the direction that camp was at. He was debating if he should actually follow her there or just go do something else in the meantime. He would come up with his decision soon. "Camp's this way, kitty." Killua stated with a chuckle. Considering her condition, there could be a point where she could collapse on her way to camp. Could he even lift something that was larger than him? Maybe with his elementals but he wasn't about to show her his powers that easily. "Oh, name's Killua." The young assassin would say with a shrug of his shoulders. Although his sapphire blue eyes would remain trained on the wildcat for any sort of reaction to his name toward him. His attention soon watched as Mike started to make his way over. The domestic cat didn't seem to be paying attention where he was going, but Killua didn't warn the other that he was about to run over into someone. At least the other apologized when he ran into it, although he doubted it would even nudge the mountain lion who was already larger than he was. At the mention of candy, he swirled the lollipop in his mouth before finally sighing. Conjuring up a wrapper covered lollipop, he tossed it over to Mike. He didn't want to be a complete ass toward the three-legged tom, but that would probably be the last time he got candy from him.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: