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singing georgia on my mind | tags - Printable Version

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singing georgia on my mind | tags - username pending - 04-04-2018

- Aubrey | Has no nicknames thus far
- Cisgender female | Panromantic demipansexual
- Eight months old | Birthday is August 4th | ages every 4th
- Member of Tanglewood

- Came from a somewhat problematic family
- wants to be a good person but she doesn't have solid morals so she doesn't know what being a good person looks like
- confused af

- Serval [birth/main] | Health: 100%
Aubrey's coloring is that of a typical serval's; a golden-tinted buff, with black spots and splotches and a paler underside. Her build is willowy, with long, lanky legs and not much meat on her bones. Her tail is unusually long, brushing against her ankles. Her dark hazel eyes are arguably her best feature- big, expressive, and peppered with darker and lighter flecks.
- Major Injuries: N/A
- Minor Injuries: N/A

- Good-hearted, compassionate, adaptable
- Curious, emotional, social, independent
- Defensive, outspoken, sensitive, irritable, stubborn

- Single | No crush | ½ N/A
- NPC x NPC | Generation 1
- Friends with N/A
- Enemies with N/A
- Typically easy to get along with

- Medium physically/Medium mentally
- Has basic training
- Will not typically start fights but will fight back if attacked
- Attack in bold white
- Can powerplay peaceful or nonviolent actions.

Re: singing georgia on my mind | tags - username pending - 04-04-2018

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Re: singing georgia on my mind | tags - username pending - 04-06-2018

notes on aubrey;
- her father was disloyal to her mother and fooled around a lot with other creatures, and her life at home was incredibly boring to boot, so she decided to leave due to not wanting to be around when stuff went down and also she was so tired of things being the same every day
- forms attachments quickly
- really likes to make friends, will attempt to make friends with almost everyone until they're rude or dismissive to her
- extroverted

her history:
Aubrey was born to two servals, part of no group, who had met and became mates. They were not deeply in love (they would have worked well as friends, but the spark was not there) but they had a litter of kits and had agreed to be in a relationship. She was born with a handful of littermates, all a little less gangly and a little more coordinated. She was born in a little field, sprinkled with trees and tiny hills. Aubrey spent her early months there, running around practically all day with her siblings. There were a few other young creatures living nearby, all of them small felines, like her family. She played with them, too, and typically just had a calm, although horribly boring, early childhood.

It was around when she was five months old that Aubrey noticed her mother was coming home from hunts later and later. She would often stay up, waiting for her mother to turn, but she never got a clear answer on what she was up to. It became clear when, around seven months of age, Aubrey saw her mother slip off into the night with a creature who was not her mother.

It dawned upon Aubrey that, aw crap, her mom was fooling around with some dude and so cheating on her dad. Aubrey had always known they didn't have a deep relationship, but she knew her dad would be hurt. She didn't know what to do. Growing restless from being stuck in the same place for so long, and with the added pressure of wondering when her dad was going to find out or when her mother was going to tell him, Aubrey decided to leave her family. She left one day without a particularly long goodbye, and ran for a while before getting lost in a swamp and eventually ending up in Tanglewood.