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who am i to disagree ✨ coming out - Printable Version

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who am i to disagree ✨ coming out - no more - 08-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]All too quickly had things fallen apart, before it had even begun broken apart for the mere fact grief had grown to such a point it churned in their stomach, heavy and unrelenting, bringing with it tears. In truth they were unsure what it was that had driven them to seek out Pincher for things had been strained before and with the arrival of his newest brood more stress was put upon a tumultuous relationship present between father and child. And yet what else did they have in the wake of their lose, barely given enough energy to pick up the pieces of shattered relationships, struggling to make amends where it mattered, simply allowing the rest of their family to draw away.

It was better this way, wasn't it?

Cold metal changed and almost inaudible was the sigh parting dark lips, toes curling as they enjoyed the warmth of the sand, the fact they had been crying only minutes before all too clear. Wet still and spiking as it dried the fur beneath their eye bore a trail hinting at such, what once was white about the dark brown reddened, both from the act and their constant rubbing at it. An ache gripped where once another had sat, radiating out from the back of the socket and gripping their skull, digging iron claws in with no hint of relenting. Later they would take something to lessen the pain for now their path was set, a slow, hobbling step drawing them towards the turtle.

Never had they approached it though they wandered the bay many times, found themself drawn back by the soft murmur of the sea, worry gently gnawing along the edge of their stomach, grumbling with faint discomfort as they gazed upon the stature of iron and steel. Slowly they moved closer, stopping beneath her belly before they settled, taking a few deep breaths before they found themself ready.

“I uh... got sumfin I wanna say,” their voice rose, hesitant at first only to gain some strength, paw shuffling in the sand, uncertain now. For a short time they waited for some to gather before them, giving themself a chance to gather muddled thoughts, seeming to address the sand beneath them rather than those who had shown up. “I ain' Aita, I don' tink I ever was, jus took me a whil' ta find out,” a slow beginning but one none the less. Slowly that single dark eye rose and swept over those present, trying to see how this first part was taken. “I ain' a gal, I'mma... I'mma boy, and me names Silus.”

Re: who am i to disagree ✨ coming out - Luciferr - 08-24-2018

For lucifer who had lived for so very long and seen all maner of things, this announcement was while a suprise, not a shocking thing - when one knew thousands of their people, many who had decided their assigned gender wasn't right for them, well he'd taken it in stride and simply switched to the preferred name and pronouns.

after all when one was a cosmic eldritch god-horror in mortal skin, you had a larger perspective on things - and prejudice fell by the wayside more often than not - he himself had been sneered at by a great many strangers for the clear bright red scar that marked whom his bloodline spawned - nevermind that on his mothers side he was venerated, ah, to be a pariah in all walks of life outside of his own realm.

so the the black dragon - idling nearby for a rest after he'd come down from patrol of the skies this day - merely nodded with a soft smile, for all the the scarred frozen half of his face might allow "well met then Silus" he'd rumbled idly inclining his head.


Re: who am i to disagree ✨ coming out - bubblegum - 08-24-2018

Re: who am i to disagree ✨ coming out - no more - 08-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Hitching breath broke into a faint murmur, a soft sound drawn across their tongue that seemed half a whimper and half a laugh. Gentle was the swell of warmth raising within their chest, yet it was tempered, given an edge of worry. It all could have been nothing more than pretty lies given only to placate them, holding no amount of truth for what might they get out of accepting this, allowing the child to be someone else. And was it truly a good idea to allow this, feed into what seemed a mere spur of the moment decision?

You are mine.

Faint is the tremble about the dark body, almost drawing them down as uncertain steps draw them forward, one, then two, a third taken slower. There is no ceremony to the movement, simply their weight is falling forward in a move they wish to be a hug but can't quite manage, settling instead for trying to tuck themself against Goldie, ear pressed against her chest. Strong is her heart, the beat real and there is comfort in the sound, each breath slowing until it finds a regular pattern once more. “Thank you,” lifting their voice so both can hear a smile curls dark lips, single eye bright with tears yet also something else – joy.

It did not matter what she tried to steal from them, this was something she could never touch. The time would never matter, a journey set before them speaking of a long, winding road lined with jagged rocks, but they would face it later. For now they merely snuggled closer to their sister, enjoying being called brother. It felt right in a way sister never had.

Re: who am i to disagree ✨ coming out - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-25-2018

Back in Dimension FiveX, Silus's announcement probably would have either gotten him shunned or even killed. It's why Caesar wasn't very open about his sexuality, since back home he likely would have been erased from existence. They had a strict belief there and anything that was out of the ordinary was erased, whether it be their orientation or identity was shunned or they were outright killed. It's why Atbash was so sheltered back home, because she was open about her sexuality with the rest of the family and didn't realize what would happen if she went to the wrong person.

"Silus, huh?" Caesar was strangely being nice over this, but he was genuinely proud of Silus coming out. It was a hard thing to do, he knew, and it took guts to be able to do it. Luckily Earth wasn't too harsh with people like Silus, but that still didn't mean Caesar wasn't going to beat somebody up for misgendering his grandson. That was definitely something the demon wouldn't tolerate. "Well then, Silus. It's nice to meet ya." Honestly... he wasn't entirely sure how to properly react, but he was hoping to at least seem supportive.

Re: who am i to disagree ✨ coming out - Luca - 08-25-2018

Luca had always struggled with his identity. He had been born a boy, and then raised as a girl while he was being held captive, and as soon as he was free he went right back to calling himself a boy again. There were times that he didn't feel entirely male, but admitting that would mean that his captors were right, and that was a concept that Luca was reluctant to linger on. Besides, he definitely felt male most of the time, albeit quite an effeminate one. He had spent a lot of time thinking about it, drawing patterns idly in the sand as he mulled his identity over in his mind. Even after all these centuries, he wasn't all too sure who he was. So much of his outward personality and appearance were fabricated to please the people around him, and still it didn't seem to work. He was still disliked by the majority of people he came across, all he had achieved by twisting himself like that was becoming more lost, more... confused.

The ocean swept over his paws with every wave that broke upon the shore, sending small puffs of steam up towards his face when they came in contact with the pink embers that glowed there. He stared out into the horizon as he pondered one of the many question he had regarding existence and life and all that tough stuff, a surprisingly contemplative expression on that delicate face of his. He was only broken from his thoughts by the sound of Silas speaking, and turned to glance in his direction as he made the big announcement. Luca stared at him for a beat, internally glad that he wasn't the only one struggling with who he was. He didn't know what to say, he was pretty bad at being genuine, so he merely offered Silus one of his rare, warm smiles at first. "It's a nice name," he eventually settled on, the softness of his voice almost lost over the sound of the rolling waves.

Silus was braver than he would ever be.

Re: who am i to disagree ✨ coming out - Character Graveyard. - 08-26-2018

//Retro to injuries

Kirishima had once struggled with being happy once in his life. It had been in the old world, when someone stood up for the other students and he hadn't been able to do anything, because he had been too afraid to. This had lowered his self-confidence for a long time, until he had made it into U.A which usually had a pretty low acceptance rate for the hero course. Then he'd become more confidence.

The young male had come across a small group of his fellow crewmates and he had decided to approach, a invisible brow raised. He liked knowing what was going on around the Typhoon, so he was often wandering the territory. Upon hearing the Captain's child that they were a boy, Kirishima would offer a nod of his head. "Nice to meet ya, Silus."
tags :: updated 8/23:

Re: who am i to disagree ✨ coming out - MARCELLUS - 08-26-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
Coming out was a thing that Marcellus had never contemplated in his life, not ready to accept himself for what he was; gay. He liked guys, he only had crushes on guys so far, but still he wanted that tiny shred of hope that he could like girls all just the same. It wasn't that he was against people who were gay, or people who identified as anything other than straight, but he was just scared. He knew the discriminating nature of others and how they would hurt others just for identifying as anything other than straight, and even though he had seen overwhelming amounts of support within the Typhoon for those who were part of the LGBT community (not to mention the overwhelming amount of gay's in the Typhoon), he was still too scared to not only accept himself but come out to others as what he was. In the end he knew it probably wouldn't matter his sexuality or what he chose to identify as, but all he could feel was the same fear and pit in his stomach that would nine times out of ten, stop him from trying to accept himself and come out to others. Who knows, maybe he wasn't even gay and that's what he would hold on to.

The king cheetah was out trying to think, taking a walk, but it was hard enough without Luca's emotions and thoughts flooding his head every two seconds, causing him to barely hear even him own self think. At this point, he was starting to question whether any of these thoughts in his head were his or Luca's. He was nearly about to go insane before the thoughts in his head suddenly changed to ones that were more positive, happy, relieved? With curiosity the king cheetah would try to find out Luca's location, picking up the pace as he broke out from the jungle to see a gathering crowd on the shore, his eyes narrowing to a squint to try and make out each figure though all he could really make out was Luca. The piebald found himself getting closer and closer to the crowd until he came to a complete stop and listened to what Aita had to say. No, not Aita, Silus. A smile came to his maw as his heart raced and his thoughts took to his mind, finally audible over Luca's thoughts. Every thought went back to a moment where he found another guy attractive and for a moment he felt ready to accept the fact that he was gay, but it only took one other moment to shut it completely down and shake his head, refusing to believe it.

However, Marcellus would take a step forward and dipping his head in respect towards the Sage. "It's a beautiful name, Silus and congratulations." He wouldn't forget the time that he sneezed on Silus' so the male doubted that he was less than in Silus' good graces, but nevertheless he would congratulation the male on his coming out.

Re: who am i to disagree ✨ coming out - no more - 09-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Through clenched teeth breath is drawn, a sharp exhale made audible. Little of the man they had come to deem their grandfather, though such was a bond they held little regard for, there simply for the fact common blood was present, spoke of him being inclined to tolerate others no matter their status. As such there is surprise within them shown in how their shoulders draw up, in the slight shift for the eye they have left to look upon Caesar, not quite all the way so still Goldie is between them. For a time they merely look upon him, brow drawn both as best it can with the bandages covering one side, smile slow to return, little more than a faint curl of one side.

Bitter is the note within it though their words hold no trace of such feelings, put more to a neutral, allowing this small moment of peace between them. “Tis a pleasure... Officer Caesar,” strange is it to speak his title without the want to push at him, it is merely an act of some small respect, genuine if hard to find.

And there it was, the dilemma, one of so many crafted for each who hold the crackling presence of life within the blood pouring through their veins – speak true of oneself or permit the thoughts of others to control how one views themself and thus dictate their ways? Such had been what had forced them to think for a great deal of time, turning it all over. So young and inexperienced, they held not the words to put to the feelings, this churning pain when they thought themself a girl, as though a heated nail was pressed into their chest, piercing their heart though they smiled through the pain of it. It rose in waves, tugging at them and quickly did strength ebb when one was forced to try and push for too long, constantly struggling to simply keep their head above the water.

Gentle were the words and about fine features was a warmth, one which left an awed look to dawn across their own face, more rugged and plain yet light with the joy, the darkness of even the eye put upon the hound lightened some. To say Luca was one of his heroes idols may have been an understatement of a large sort for he seemed something more, the first they thought a friend though the title was withheld for the moment, tentative in permitting it ever to arise in worry it may end rejected. Yet light was their heart that day as they smiled back, unsure of what to say, words escaping them.

Unknown was the next, though not a total stranger their paths crossed only in regards of daily activity bringing them in close proximity but no words were uttered, names known if nothing else. Fading some the smile still proved genuine as they offered their own nod in turn towards Kirishima.

Indeed the time was not forgotten, being sneezed on was hard to shift from memory even for one such as they who found things that captured their interest the easiest for form strong memory of, that the odd one out amongst it all, but to a degree it was forgiven. More time would be necessary before they might prove willing to look back and think the situation funny, for it did seem somewhat humorous, but it was something they would put aside for they held no want to keep grudges when they proved minor things. And so it was the same light and warmth with which they had given Luca that was turned towards Marcellus. “Thank you... I... didn' tink anyun would care.” Around their lower lip their teeth closed and they worried at it.