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FROM MY CHEST | LOSTish? - Printable Version

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FROM MY CHEST | LOSTish? - GARRETT - 08-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]When his parents had asked him to leave, Garrett had walked out with the intention of being home before sunset. It had been a simple job, one that he'd completed a thousand times before (a gross exaggeration, coming from a kid who's barely three months old): fill up the waterskins, gather some materials for bedding, wash up before dinner. The stream was a while away, but it shouldn't have been that far away. Not long enough for — he doesn't really want to think about it anymore. The young canine's stomach is growling and his feet are tired. They'd felt all frozen back at the stream, both before and after he got home. Although the chill had worn off, he still feels numb all over. Tired — no, exhausted. It was bigger than just tired, than just something that could be fixed with a good night's rest. Whatever he feels numbs his bones and leaves his eyes hooded and footsteps slow. Some corner of his mind keeps him on high alert, picking up the pace whenever there's a noise behind him, and it's gotten him this far.

He's not really sure where this far is. Garrett had followed train tracks for what feels like forever. It was just curiosity, or some kind of hope that whatever lies at the end would have safe shelter. Instead, the pup had found himself at some sort of gate that towers overhead. He tips his head back to stare as water laps at his paws again. Warmer now, but he still feels numb. Who made this? Why? What was it for? The dog hadn't really been trained in social niceties, or even normal social skills, and he's unable to identify the border even when he's standing at it. Luckily, Garrett is too awed to keep walking, and eventually, still urged on by curiosity, the pup rears up and bats at one of the bells. The resulting noise startles him, drawing a foot or so away, dull green eyes wide. Oops.

Re: FROM MY CHEST | LOSTish? - guts - 08-24-2018

She and Freyr hadn't been lost when they joined, really. They didn't know where they were at times, or where they were going, but she didn't count that as being lost, mostly because that would be embarrassing. She liked having certainty in her life, having some amount of control over things that happened. That's why none of this was fair. She wished she could have done more to help her sister, to try harder to save her. She had saved her once, but she couldn't a second time. What kind of sick joke was that?

Either way, Aineias pads up at the sounds of the bells, recognizing it from when she had joined. She looks over the male with a quirked brow, face passive as she takes a seat and speaks. "Who're you, kid? You look like you just walked through hell," it was a nicer way of saying that he looked like shit. He looked pretty young to be out by himself, and that was somewhat concerning, her mouth falling into a frown. Hopefully he had just gotten lost.


Re: FROM MY CHEST | LOSTish? - Luca - 08-24-2018

Luca hated that damn bell. With his enhanced hearing, he could hear it all the way from his little hut in barracuda bay, and the sudden shrill sound made him slam his muffin tray down perhaps just a bit too hard. He sighed, releasing his telekinetic grip on the tray and allowing the pink glow that had surrounded it to disappear into the air. He supposed that he should go out and check if someone was standing at the border, it was his obligation as a striker. That didn't mean he was happy about it though. He glanced through the window and let out a little puff of steam, dusting the flour from his paws before heading out the door. He threw a couple hot muffins in his bag as he left though, knowing that he may as well if he were already being as nice as to check the border in the first place. Joiners were often fatigued or tired, and it was good to make a nice first impression. God knows he had lost that chance when he was first joining himself.

As he approached, he noticed that another figure had reached the gates before him. He rolled his eyes but pressed forwards regardless, even if there was technically no need for him to go anymore. The sight of the canine waiting for him caused his eyes to narrow slightly, although any distaste that had appeared on his face was gone as soon as it arrived. His pelt had reminded Luca of his father, that's all. Any combination of black and brown seemed to do that these days, this kid's eyes were far too different for him to resemble Santiago completely. The hellhound swallowed and forced a lazy smile, his eyes scanning the kid with an almost fierce intensity. He had always had a soft spot for children, especially the ones that looked like they had been through a lot. He waited for an answer of who he was before speaking, his tail swaying restlessly behind him.

Re: FROM MY CHEST | LOSTish? - PEPPINO - 08-25-2018

Going out completely on his own wasn't something Pip thought he could do. He'd only recently been allowed out and about, and he had his multitude of siblings to keep him company; wandering alone wasn't very appealing, not unless he had a reason to do it, and he didn't. Not right now. Maybe not ever, though he couldn't see into the future. If people really could predict their own misfortunes, Pip imagined there would be less of them around, but he'd already had his paw on the neck of someone bleeding from several places, so obviously, awful things still had plenty of influence. Just as he'd felt compelled by the injured stranger, the other child several feet from the entrance bells reeled him forward, determined to help even though the two others present could likely handle everything already. Except they were old. Maybe another child might relax him.

"Hi, I'm P-" The pup paused, brow furrowing. He didn't like to say his full name, because he tripped over part of it. "I'm Pip. This is The Typhoon, and you should- you should stay. To rest. There's lots of room here."

Re: FROM MY CHEST | LOSTish? - CLEO R. C. - 08-25-2018

Perhaps the only advantage Cleo would ever hold over her clanmates was her inability to hear those godforsaken bells, instead beckoned to the scene by the scents and sights of a small gathering, the faint ring of metal a distant, hardly detectable occurrence as she paused near her brother. Pip was offered no acknowledgement, her hostile air hopefully enough to alert the world that she was not particularly fond of her newest siblings. They had done nothing to earn her wrath, nothing save serve as permanent reminders that they were wanted and she had not been.  There was the whole matter of her recent kidnapping that also played into her anger, her hatred, but that story could easily be saved for another time.

"How'd you get here?" The undersized bengal inquired, shifting as she felt Eshe do the same, her black mamba making its first appearance as it raised its obsidian head to analyze Garrett. She doubted that the reptile was exactly pleased with what she saw, set on edge by even the weariest and youngest of travelers, trusting nobody except for Cleo (or so she believed). Eshe did not make any attempt at communication though, instead disappearing once more, a scaly head resting now between Cleo's shoulder blades. "I'm Cleo," the girl continued, pursing cinnamon shaded lips, "And my snake is named Eshe. Did anyone happen to mention that this is the Typhoon? I can hardly hear a thing so excuse me if I'm repeating information already stated."


Re: FROM MY CHEST | LOSTish? - GARRETT - 08-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9.5pt; line-height: 1.4;letter-spacing:.1px"]/ this is rushed oops and garrett does things weirdly out of order idk what's happening anymore

It's overwhelming at first, to find himself standing practically underneath the paws of two strangers. While there had been other people around his parents, talking had never been his role. In fact, he'd rarely even been allowed in the same room. It had made the child awkward, and when Aineis opens her mouth and Luca smiles at him, the young canine has to fight the urge to withdraw. Unlike Aineis, Garrett has yet to learn that there's any shame in being lost. Or — anything, really, but he's still certainly shy. It doesn't help when she looks so strange. Neither of them looks particularly kind, and although Luca doesn't speak what's on his mind, there's some sort of feeling. Like he's not being seen right, or that he's being judged. It fades quickly, though Garrett still pins his ears back against his skull and momentarily shrinks.

The next person to approach, however, is as young as he is. Smaller, with lighter colors, and smells faintly of... herbs, maybe. He doesn't wrinkle his nose, but he's well aware that in comparison to these people, he looks like a mess. His thick fur is messy and matted with mud in places, or dried wiry from salt in others. It doesn't quite hit him that he should be self-conscious, yet the boy is still clearly aware. Eventually, he swallows down his thoughts and speaks, glancing between everyone (there were four, now that the other one with the snake was here). His attention first focuses on who he finds to be the kindest (Pip), though he answers the question the weird hybrid lady had asked. "I'm Garrett." It's a simple introduction, not quite an answer to what he had said or requested, but there were two others talking and one other that didn't. The boy shifts on his paws, ears still flicking indecisively. How did he get here? "I just walked." (He's unaware of the fact that Cleo probably didn't mean it like that, and promptly takes a step away from her even though her snake has disappeared again. Mama said not to trust those things. He doesn't realize quite yet that he should be more tolerant.)

His dull green eyes narrow, almost in confusion, once Cleo's remark settles in. "Pip said that. Should I yell? If you can't hear, I mean."

Re: FROM MY CHEST | LOSTish? - Grey - 08-26-2018

Now here's something he doesn't understand. The Typhoon collectively despises those bells. Sure, they're fun the first time they hear them but after a while they got fucking annoying. Ha-ha-ha. They had bells, cutesy little chiming bells. They were one of the most vexing things about staying in The Typhoon and he wonders why no one has pulled them off their string and abolished them for good. Sigh. Well, if Pincher ever asked them for improvements, that would probably be the first thing he'd suggest. They were always getting on his nerves and it was hard to ignore the ringing (which, of course, made them quite useful but Bakugou still wanted them gone for good anyway). As usual, the male approached like another vulture, eyeing the boy with displeasure when he suggests that he should yell. "It's called projecting," he mutters at the boy, sitting down and tapping his fiery tail against the ground. "Where the fuck are you from? What group?" He's not about to just surrender this boy a place to stay if he has anything to do with it.

Re: FROM MY CHEST | LOSTish? - Luciferr - 08-26-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
Theres an shadow cast across the group as he joins them, a massive form with an equally long silhouette and the dragon frowns before humming "I don't think he has one Bakugou - or at least not recently" whatever scents he carries seem stale but whom can know in these times, anyone tries any tactic - even some would disgracefully use children as weapons or spies if so inclined - but perhaps that is just his old paranoia speaking.


Re: FROM MY CHEST | LOSTish? - PINCHER - 08-28-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently single. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher knew the bells were a pain in the ass but leaving someone waiting was also a pain in the ass and he preferred hearing the ring of the bell than finding someone impatiently waiting at the gate. Usually he didn't mind it and knew it was useful but at the moment, he wasn't doing too hot. One of his many chronic headaches had decided to rattle his thoughts as he was speaking to some crewmates, usual orders of what needed to be done. The weather was getting closer stormy days due to the island not being one for snow but one for rain when the colder seasons arrived. He had seen how strong the storms could become and the worry that filled him had escalated to one of unease. What if someone got hurt? What if a lightning strike causes a fire to burst? His strategic mind held a big flaw which was overthinking every single detail, his thoughts filled with paranoia of what could go wrong if he didn't do the right thing. But as the bells broke through his subconscious, the jaguar's head turned towards the direction of where the noise came from and he rose from his sitting position, a soft sneeze escaping his nose as he was still not quite over his sickness.

Pincher shoved down the temptatious desire to sit back down as he trekked through the sandy hills of the beach, his dark fur gently being tugged by the wind currents that danced around the island. It was the fleeting days of summer and soon fall would arrive but that didn't change much for the Typhoon since the tropical jungle wasn't one to shrivel away like other areas. The tattooed male arrived shortly after Lucifer, half-lidded tired frost blue eyes flickering over towards Bakugou as Lucifer commented about the strange child not having a group to belong to. Huh. Pincher pushed forward until reaching Peppino and Cleo, leaning down to gently press his muzzle against their forehead in a light loving touch before the father turned to focus on Garrett, rather amused by his comment. "Let's not try to yell. I've already got a headache, don't need shit making it worse. Anyways Garrett, do you need a place to stay?" Pincher inquired, curious onto why the child was here. He doubted it was just to "pass by" since it was nothing but sea past the island that they were on.