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two eyes like the sun. open, bowling alley - Printable Version

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two eyes like the sun. open, bowling alley - alexander - 08-24-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]San Creado needed a change of scenery. The flood of people coming to live in the town was great, and there was always something going on, but hanging out in the same places every day was boring. Alexander has eaten everything on the diner's menu, climbed to the very top of the ferris wheel, and had carved random words into the pineapple millions of times over. The fiesta had started, and that meant it was time for something new.

Alex wasn't used to responsibility, didn't really want any of it, but running a bowling alley couldn't be too bad. Catheryn ran the diner, and did a pretty good job, so they could run a bowling alley.

They had cleared out one of the abandoned shops in town, a building that hadn't been completely destroyed by the tsunami. There had been plenty of volunteers to help them set up the place, from the local pack of werewolves to a warlock that had appeared one day to work on the lights and disappeared the next day. Along with the five lanes toward the back of the building, there was a food bar and an arcade, a storage room for bowling balls and shoes, and plenty of other secret nooks and crannies to explore.

The vampire stood outside of their new business, smiling wide at the newly painted exterior and the neon sign that hung above the entrance. Blood Moon Bowling Alley, with a red bowling ball above the words designed to look like the moon. The neon lights lit up mainstreet in flashing colors, the upbeat music playing inside a siren's call to anyone who happened to wander by. The whole thing was pretty snazzy.

Alexander swings around to face the empty street, megaphone clutched in their hands. With a few clicks and a hard hit to the side, the object finally works, carrying Alex's booming voice down the street. "Come one, come all, to the best hangout in town! Blood Moon Bowling Alley is now open." They holler, waving a big grand opening sign through the air.

&& this thread counts for the go bowling bingo slot and the bowling alley rewards card slot!!

Re: two eyes like the sun. open, bowling alley - Rialto - 08-24-2018

It was surprising any of them could see the actual colour of the pineapple after how much it'd been through ever since the supernaturals rolled in. 'Actual' was being a bit polite; there wasn't a scrap of pineapple that hadn't faded with time, and even if they hadn't come by wear would've been evident after inevitable contact with dirt and rain and whatever, especially with the whole tsunami that had miraculously not crumbled it down, but the point was underneath all the little scratches of swears and love umbrellas and ALEX WAS HEREs, the pineapple still shone even now under the moonlight in all its chipped yellow glory. You had to respect the pineapple. It was there longer than a few of them were.

That was a tangent, but at any rate, the town truly needed things to freshen it up - new scratches on the pineapple, new nooks to uncover. New paint jobs. New establishments? Well, no one was using the old buildings anyway.

With all the regality of a warhorse wading into mud, Rialto suddenly kicked the door open from behind Alex with a majestic bang, and somehow he'd managed to bag his certain mirror image by the name of Miss Catheryn to stand somewhere next to him, probably with her arms crossed. There was a bowling ball in his palm about the size of his whole chest, hefted up like he was holding a basketball. "We're here," he said, dignified, kindly including the Probably Cross-Armed Cat by his side, "and we're here to win."

[ go bowling 1/3  this is bad unfortunately but YEA ]

Re: two eyes like the sun. open, bowling alley - CATHERYN - 08-25-2018

Rialto is, perhaps for the first time in his marginally long life, correct. Catheryn doesn't want to be here, that much is obvious. Her arms are crossed, and she's glaring daggers at the back of Rialto's head even as he hefts the bowling ball up as if he's going to throw it at Alex's head. Catheryn wouldn't stop him, it would make for some good entertainment. "Stop shouting," she gripes at the both of them, blue eyes narrowed in annoyance, though she doesn't try to leave. Alex and Rialto would chase her down immediately, and evading them would be tiresome.

What she does, instead, is push past the other two vampires and make her way into the bowling alley, taking the first available seat. It's nice, that much Catheryn can admit. Alexander had done a good job with the decor, and by that she means the place doesn't look like it had been thrown through the ringer at least seven times, which is about as good as they're going to get in San Creado. "Someone put a blood soda in my hand," she says, knowing Alex and Rialto can hear her. She doesn't actually expect someone to listen, but the demand is out there.

[go bowling 1/3]
[bowling alley 1/3]

Re: two eyes like the sun. open, bowling alley - marissa - 08-25-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 50%; font-family: arial; font-size: 8pt; color:black"]In no way, shape, or form had she contributed in renovating what was now the Blood Moon Bowling Alley, yet Marissa was aware of its existence long before. Word spread quickly in San Creado; life coming to a ghost town happened to be a popular topic. Marissa couldn't blame the other occupants, really. It must've been dull seeing the same buildings over and over, the setting unchanging, as if the town was stuck in a single moment. Or at least, that's what Marissa figured some of the immortals thought, as they surely had it the worst. As a newer resident, she had yet to feel the same, but the problem would arise inevitably. Marissa was one who lived like an adventurer, and unfortunately, there would come a time where she'd no longer have areas to explore. The unknown excited her, and the bowling alley happened to be the closest she could get to that currently.

Likewise, it was correct to assume Marissa was already standing outside the bowling alley moments after Alexander announced its grand opening. Her head was tilted up to gaze at the neon sign hanging above the doors. The building was pretty fresh, with the newly painted walls and the upbeat music playing from the inside. "Wow, this place doesn't look that bad," she complimented prior to looking at the vampires with a smile on her face. But, not all that glittered was gold. Marissa hoped her opinion wouldn't change upon stepping inside.

Speaking of which, it was the sound of a voice coming from within the bowling alley that caused Marissa to glance toward the doors. Though they conversed very little, the werewolf could still identify the demand to be Catheryn's. After all, which other female vampire was nearly always present where Alex and Rialto were?

Catheryn was a mystery. She was a case particularly difficult to solve, especially considering how the vampire's instinct was to flee when they first met. Some people might've been offended by the reaction, but Marissa was just... intrigued, in her own peculiar sort of way. Did Catheryn feel happiness around anyone? Marissa was uncertain, but she knew for sure that the blonde really didn't like her. That didn't stop Marissa from being stubborn enough to attempt figuring out why.

"You guys wouldn't happen to have a bottle of blood soda, would you?" Her gaze first flicked to Alex, who was waving their sign through the air, before looking at Rialto, who was effortlessly holding the bowling ball up. When his appearance was taken into consideration, it looked like an impressive feat. "A girl is desperate," Marissa added bluntly.

Re: two eyes like the sun. open, bowling alley - Rialto - 09-04-2018

[table][tr][td][div style="width: 70px; height:70px; background-image:url(; background-size: cover; background-position: top;"][/td][td][div style="width: 100px; text-align: center; font-family: arial; font-size: 7pt; color: #8A8A8A; line-height: 100%; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 10px; opacity: 0.75; text-transform: lowercase"]Secrets on Broadway to the freeway, you're a keeper of crimes; Fear no conviction, grapes of wrath can only sweeten your wine

People certainly liked to talk in this little civilisation, although it only counted when you wanted to listen. Every day, there was just enough going on between the residents that a passing week seemed eventful at the time it happened, but when the weeks were averaged over a year the spiking line of significant happenstances flattened into nothing at all. Rialto was accustomed to tuning out the more inane gossip, but not wholly - there was always merit to hearing about what the barber had done, what Marethe had said at the grocer's in a fit of anger.

Because the town itself was, as the residents were, timeless; a smudged blot in a history book, days passing and people going and none of the infrastructure changing in the slightest until someone, once in a shiny blue moon, took initiative. You learned a lot about the people themselves, sometimes more than anything else. In a town so small, their lives wrapped around you like an ongoing biography. Alex's barhopping, hardly a shadow about the mysterious Cat who showed herself about once a week, and bold and bright Marissa causing an occasional ripple in town with some of her exploits. Nothing too risky; just little things about the new personality that was poking around at the town's little open secrets, figuring things out.

Like, right then. Rialto actually faltered, pulling the bowling ball back to cradle more comfortably after he was done posturing for the day. 'You can handle it?' he asked, and one didn't even need two eyes to see the doubt. A girl was desperate. Don't bag on his skinny little arms. 'We'll do you one better.' He bumped his side into Alex's, shooting them a sly grin, and said hopefully, 'Since it's opening day, free everything?'

[ go bowling 2/3 ]