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when the night is over / introduction - Printable Version

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when the night is over / introduction - emil - 08-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]it was only a few days ago that the young toulouse had come out to his family, told them in a whisper of a voice that he was a boy. from then he'd felt more comfortable leaving home, wandering out in short trips to get a glimpse of the world. from his very first steps outside, the moment he laid eyes on the ocean, he was in love. slate gray paws carried him swiftly down to the water every time, splashed his way in as soon as he got to the waves lapping at the sand. every time he returned home he was dripping wet, and his fur dried ruffled and coarse from saltwater. it stuck out in every direction, curled and rugged.

when jacob died, he shut himself off. he didn't know his father well, not really, but he was still his father, and he loved him dearly. swimming had become his safe space after that. he could barely do anything other than that nowadays; he stopped speaking soon after jacob's passing, hardly interacting with even his siblings or pincher. coming out to them was the first time he'd spoken in a while, and his voice was raw when the words were uttered, wispy and weak. they didn't seem to mind. they were family, after all. they loved him.

toulouse found himself by the water for a second day in a row, wading in the low tide, heterochromic eyes focused on the minnows darting around his paws. the pup pursed his lips and lifted a paw out of the water, then brought it down hard on top of a group of the tiny fish, catching two underpaw. he held them there for a few moments before finally releasing the little creatures and huffed out slightly.

Re: when the night is over / introduction - no more - 08-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Faint had it been, a soft murmur scraping along the surface of a throat left raw, attention settled on something else latching onto it, turning such a foreign but welcome concept over. They could speak not of what it brought, the gentle flicker of something within their heart, but it had brought with it unexpected consequences.

No secret was made of the disdain the small sage harboured towards those they called their siblings, a gentle thing tempered by a love their heart sought to grow stronger, but something forced them back. A month is all that separated them, a short expanse of time speaking of love where they held none, a family knit together by joy only to be ravaged. They had known Jacob only a small bit, rarely sought him for it felt strange to allow something to grow there when all that was present between those who had given them life were tattered remains, a name they bore only hatred towards and no care. Grief has a funny way of bringing others together, however, and Aita allowed their heart to soften, to view these children of their father and Jacob in, if only a small bit.

Beneath small smoke toned paws and crunched softly, stumbling and unsure each for one leg was held above, a makeshift sling of sorts keeping it from danging. They knew well they should rest, allow their body time to heal, the faint ache radiating out from where once an eye had been reminding them of such, but they could not climb to the tree house in this state and held no want to be in the Capricorn, the smokey tang of alcohol and cigarettes too much now. And so they wandered, let their steps draw them towards the beach, drawn by the soft lull of the ocean, a murmur so familiar now.

Dark eyes focused upon a slight figure draped in ash, weighed by the water it had soaked up during his time within the waves. Hesitance touched each step which drew Aita closer, tail flicking behind them in a move seemingly speaking of agitation but rather it was the only sign of joy they were permit to show, brow drawing down and a small frown drawn across dark lips.

Re: when the night is over / introduction - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-24-2018

Had Caesar heard the news of Jacob passing away, he'd probably leap for joy. The husky annoyed the hell out of him, mostly because of his pacifist beliefs and accent. The demon didn't like the news of some Pincher-Jacob kids running around but alas, he would have to meet them sometime, wouldn't he?

Caesar could relate to missing a loved one, although he wouldn't admit to it. He deeply missed his siblings and regretted killing their parents, despite not being that close to neither his mother or father. He still missed them though, but not as much as he missed his littermates. They were his brother and sister, they were the ones closest to him and the ones he thought would be by his side when something happened to him, but... they didn't. The moment he snapped was the moment they turned their backs to him and yet, despite his hatred towards their actions, he couldn't find himself not wanting to be around them.

"Who the hell are you?" Caesar wasn't nearly as quiet as his granddaughter as he made his way over, disinterest clear in his eyes as he approached both Aita and Toulouse. His tail flicked idly, as if he was thinking about something, when in reality he was just trying to pretend like was interested in the two.

Re: when the night is over / introduction - Luciferr - 08-24-2018

Lucifer's jaws snapped pointedly, the urge to thump ceasar for constantly bothering kids whos 'mother' had died and their father was in mourning was certainly a great first impression.

"is it your goal in life to harass children ceasar?" the tired inquiry came from the large beast as he stood, silent sentinel over the beach sands where he'd been silently watching out for Toulouse wading in the water - currents could be dangerous as could be rough waves - but he inclined his head as Aita meandered over, worry tinging his eyes for the injured child.

goldie and now Aita - too many children hurt, even one was too many.


Re: when the night is over / introduction - bubblegum - 08-24-2018

Re: when the night is over / introduction - emil - 08-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]charcoal tinted ears swiveled at the sound of approached footsteps, paws scraping in the sand behind him, nearly drowned out by the sound of the waves. his attention focused upon aita first and he smiled, peering at his older sibling curiously for a few moments, a silent exchange between the two before he turned to look at caesar. already he didn't like the male, brow knitting together as he shot the male a glare. he only lingered until luci appeared, and upon seeing the dragon, toulouse waddled out of the water and to the giant beast, plopping himself down in front of him.

goldenluxury was the next to arrive, to the boy's happiness. to the bengal he offered a weak, but fond, smile and allowed a single wag of his tail. "goldie." the puppy whispered out. he simply nodded to her question, telling he was doing alright, but not feeling up to saying us much. toulouse stood then and returned his gaze to luci, shuffling closer to the winged reptile, and lifting onto his hind legs to press ash gray paws on the dragon's forearm. the scales felt strange against his pads; with curiosity glinting in his glaring eyes, he leaned forward and aimed to fasten his sharp little teeth around the larger being's leg, chewing uncertainly on the scales. they felt even weirder against his tongue. lou harrumphed lightly as he gnawed.

Re: when the night is over / introduction - Character Graveyard. - 08-24-2018

Kirishima had no idea who Jacob was, nor did had he heard the news of Pincher and Jacob having children. If he had to be honest, he wasn't sure if he was too fond of young children. Some could be annoying, while others weren't as troublesome as other children were. Kirishima had a very lonely childhood, as he had been the only child in his family but he had managed to cope with it.

The Beta would make his way over to the scene, a small smile on his maw as he would run his crimson-gaze over his fellow crewmates. Just the usual faces and one new face. A young child, too. He would decide to take a seat and he would offer a nod of greeting to the others.
tags :: updated 8/23:

Re: when the night is over / introduction - no more - 08-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]“Leave him alone,” between clenched teeth the words slipped through, and yet it is empty, edges strained and fading into a tense silence. They held little energy, felt the tug of exhaustion written into the very bone, seeking to bring them down but it was there place to help, not succumb to this. Shaky breath escaped them in a short huff and almost appreciative was the glance they directed towards Lucifer and then Goldie. They cared not to hide the disdain they felt towards him yet in recent days they had done little in way of showing it, expelling what little they had on worthless pursuits was not an idea they though of fondly and so permitted him a break.

A smile curls about dark lips though there is unease there, pause spinning out only to break at the point it had grown uncomfortable, words a rough whisper. “Am fine,” directing it towards both who looked upon them with worry they turned that shaky smile towards the younger of the Roux family present, hoping to dissuade either from making further comment. Their work was too important to stop even now, the ache within the center of their head simply a side effect, something to push through.

Short and strangely sweet. Such was the laughter which rose from Aita as they watched Lou grow intrigued by the large dragon, knowing they held similar thoughts though they were more concrete, questions which constantly swirled about their mind each time Lucifer was present. It was merely a want to not be deemed strange, set themself further apart from those about them, that stilled their tongue, though no such thought tainted the pup and for that they were glad.

“I got sumfin a bit betta fer chewin.” They had picked up the habit themself leading into them seeking out various things they could chew upon while they worked, an odd comfort within the motion, the presence of something solid beneath their teeth right. Surely they had a few left they had yet to touch, though assistance would be necessary for they hadn't bothered grabbing any when they had vacated the treehouse.

Re: when the night is over / introduction - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-25-2018

"I'm not harassing them." Caesar shot back at Lucifer, looking up at the dragon with a cold, black gaze. Seriously, was he not allowed to be himself around damn kids? "They have to learn to be tough somehow, don't they?" At least, that was how he saw it. Kids had to be tough to survive in this world, and if he knew what bothered Toulouse so much, he'd probably made a cold comment about how great it was that Jacob was dead.

Hearing Goldenluxury's voice, Caesar snorted. "Important my ass." He grumbled in reply. "What, just because he's the child of Jacob and Pincher, he's some all-mighty child? Guess what, princess, Aphra's kids are Pincher's too, and I don't hear you yapping about how special they are." Hell, if they were special, it'd be because they were related to him, not Pincher. A disgusted look appeared on the Officer's face as Toulouse went to go hug Goldie, but he didn't comment on it, even if the look on his face was very clear. Caesar heard Silus's remark too, but of course, he didn't reply. He didn't feel the need to.

Re: when the night is over / introduction - MARCELLUS - 08-26-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
"Yeah, someday. But not when they're so young." The king cheetah was the next one to arrive, his paws carrying him to the crowd as he looked over to his superior and responded to his retort of learning someday. It was like everyone wanted to expose the children of the Typhoon to all the horrors that life actually had to offer. He too at a young age had to learn about all those horrors, the true pain that the world would bring to anyone as though merciless but he wished that he could have had a good childhood at the least, remaining naive and innocent to all the dangers until it was truly time to learn about them. Humans were his danger, his downfall, and the ones who had decided to hurt and expose him to the true "mercy" that the world would give him, pain and suffering. Despite him learning so young of the tragedies of the world, he would not wish that on another innocent being as young as Goldie, Silus, or even as young as the newest young Pincher kid, Toulouse. His eyes would narrow as his thoughts grew grim before he broke out of the daydream, his eyes looking down at the child as he seemed to be playing in the pond.

Marcellus' eyes softened as he watched the younger being walk over to Goldie and Lucifer, the king cheetah settling on his haunches though not without a wince of pain at his burn wound, giving a soft huff under his breath as the pain shot up his body at the estranged movement. "I'm Marcellus, kid. Pleasure to meet you." He forced a smile with his tone of voice, the male bringing up a paw to run a quick lick through it before placing it back on the ground. "So you like swimming?" Marcel was no stranger when it came to swimming, he rather enjoyed the waves and the fun that came with it even if sometimes the ocean proved to be quite dangerous. Swimming was one of the primary reasons as to why he had his shack located on the beach, another being the fact that it was pretty much a perfect spot for relaxing. His hammock and a nice drink was all he needed and he was pretty much set for a relaxing and good living life on that beach.