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bad religion + open, captured jacob - Printable Version

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bad religion + open, captured jacob - Guru - 04-04-2018


Now, she knew Snowbound was against the rules of capture and torture, but who didn't love a little fun? Plus, this one wasn't too pretty anyways. She was doomed to be hit with the other news from Snowbound anyways, so she might as well fuck things up to the extreme with their relations. After hurting London, capturing Jacob, and doing whatever she could to annoy their prickly asses, she found plenty of enjoyable reasons to keep pricking at them, even if it pushed Pincher's buttons. Nevertheless, not giving a single damn about the rules, Guru had thrown Jacob inside a cell within the catacombs, followed inside the cell, slammed the door shut, made sure they were fairly alone, and thus continued her reign of so-called terror.

Her green eyes bore into Jacob. After a trip in silence, she finally spoke. "Strip." Her words were firm and demanding with a taste of venom to her tone. "That ugly sweater doesn't suit you." And if he didn't? She would pry it off of him. Not even seconds later, she continued. "Chop, chop," she barked furiously. "Or one of those pretty paws are coming off..." Guru's gaze drifted downwards towards his front left paw. A mad glare reflected in her eyes. "...and I won't have any knitting supplies to fix the wound." Turning her head upwards, her ears perked in curiosity. Would he move fast enough for her tastes?

[member=112]jacob w.c.[/member]

Re: bad religion + open, captured jacob - jacob w.c. - 04-04-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
Jacob was in a cell. No, no, no. How had he let this happen? The first time he'd run away from home, it'd been because Vito was afraid of him being taken again. Had someone found out who he was or where he came from? No. When he was thrown onto the floor, he scrambled to his paws and looked forward to see a stranger. If she had business with his father, he'd already be interrogated. This was about something else entirely but he had no idea what. That was even worse. If he knew what was happening, he might have some leverage or be able to manipulate the situation but there was no hope for that now.

Strip. The word was barked at him but immediate terror gripped him and his light eyes grew wide. "I-I don' wanna-" he began to murmur the words. He knew it was foolish to fight her demands but he hadn't let anyone see his skin since the day of the fire and he didn't intend to change that now. The smell of smoke around him intensified. He learned early on he was the only one that could smell it but knowing it wasn't real didn't make it go away. His words were cut off when she insisted that he go faster. Then the threat came and he looked even more horrified than before. He knew things liked this happened. He was sure his Babbo had taken part in more than a few of these sorts of things himself but Jacob had tried so hard all his life to stay away from it. His legs didn't work well but he wasn't interested in losing any of them. In an awkward, rushed fashion, he began to pull off his sweater. It was a somewhat difficult process due to how he seemed to shake violently with each motion soon it was off and it was clear why he'd agreed to remove it. Bandages were tightly wrapped around his entire body. Not the plain white ones of medical supplies but these were clearly meant to be worn long term, made of a thicker fabric and covered with little slices of pizza. Even without his sweater, they covered every inch of his burned skin, including on his face. When he had the sweater on, it covered all the bandages except those on his neck and cheek but now it was revealed that most of the husky was covered. "W-What do ya' wan' from me?"


Re: bad religion + open, captured jacob - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-05-2018


Re: bad religion + open, captured jacob - Ivylee - 04-06-2018


Re: bad religion + open, captured jacob - Guru - 04-08-2018


At first, he denied, but he cut off. Guru could see his hesitance. The caracal's head craned, her gaze narrowing upon him in urgency, hoping that he would not speak up again. This was not a time for arguing. Though, a little bit of argument would make things a bit more interesting, but sadly, he went with her demands. She watched as he did so. To her surprise, it was not a simple sweater after all. As the sweater came off, her eyes fell upon the bandages that were wrapped around the entirety of his body.

For a moment, he thought he would reveal the rest, but no. He stopped. This was only half of it. After this sudden discovery he couldn't just stop. Guru needed to know what hidden discoveries lied behind those bandages for her own good. "All of it," she hissed threateningly. If he wouldn't do it, she would do it herself, as she previously stated.

Though she was more focused on vital things like preparing her prisoner, her attention was grabbed by his words. His question wasn't necessarily vital to the subject, but she would answer anyways. "Just because it's fun." Her response was rather lame. There was no sarcasm to her voice, but only blunt seriousness. Her next words shifted into a soft coo while a smirk curled onto her lips. "Plus, my duty is to make you scream." And not in that way... at least not within this situation.

//apologies!! been busy

Re: bad religion + open, captured jacob - jacob w.c. - 04-08-2018

Jacob winced as he heard her next words. He had expected it but that hadn't really prepared him for it. His paws trembled horribly and his breathing had noticeably increased. His heart pounded against his chest and tears were gathering in his eyes. No one had seen him since the fire. Not even Jersey. He didn't want the first people to see him to be strangers who wanted to hurt him. He looked to her, almost appearing as though he'd plead. He'd tell her he couldn't do it, that he'd sooner have his paw cut off than those bandages removed. But he said nothing, instead turning a trembling gaze to his paws. He began to move. It was slow, partially from the stiffness of his legs and partially from the shaking of his entire body. He felt a sob rise in him as he began to remove the first strand, the tears that'd been collecting beginning to leak from his eyes. How could he let this happen? He'd ran away to prevent things like this. The longer he took to peel them off, the faster he went and soon the pizza patterned rags were in a pile at his paws. He was painfully aware of the air on his bare skin and he trembled, crouching away from Guru as he stood. It was clear what'd happened from anyone who'd seen scars before. The burns were unmistakable, especially given Jacob had to treat them all himself. Very little of his fur had grown back in the areas where it'd happen and the skin was warped, though it was clearly healed over by now.

His gaze returned when she spoke about her intent. It was just for fun. Those words made his stomach twist and he suddenly had the desire to vomit. No, he couldn't do that. He was already trembling and sobbing, he couldn't throw up from stress too. There was no reasoning with someone who was just looking for 'fun'. There was no strategy he could play, no way to talk himself out of whatever this was. He had no power and no leverage. When he'd been kidnapped before, he at least had that much. He'd been afraid but he knew they wouldn't hurt him too much or kill him. They needed him. This woman didn't. When he heard her next words, his ears were flattened against his head and he took a few steps backwards, his legs shaking and partially collapsing behind him. "Get away from me," the words were meant to come out threatening but instead they shook as much as the rest of his body. Why couldn't he be stronger?

//it's totally fine! don't worry about it!

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: bad religion + open, captured jacob - Leigh - 04-08-2018

nooo my son D:

Re: bad religion + open, captured jacob - Guru - 04-08-2018

Her eyes narrowed like a hawk’s own as he began to tremble and grow hesitant, soon noticing the tears gathering within his gaze. Despite that, he continued. As the bandages began to peel away, he observed every mark while scanning him side to side as he unwrapped. How disgusting of a being he was. Yet, she did not know his whole story and was so pleased to have the pleasure of getting him to unveil it slowly, piece by piece, as he cried lowly to himself. As he finished, she let her eyes run over his burnt body once more before returning her green gaze to Jacob’s own.

His words met her ears. She stifled a laugh. How pitiful of him to be making such a horrible attempt to stop such a madness, but she couldn’t blame a sister for trying! Guru only smiled. ”I’d leave, but I’ve got plenty of exciting opportunities before me,” the caracal cackled. As she spoke, she would attempt to project the illusion of fire around them with memory manipulation for only Jacob to see. If successful, the fire would start slow and unnoticeable but soon grow into a fiery. ”Now, sweetie, tell me what happened.” Her eyes paw rose to her heart in a facade of affection. ”You surely look like hell.” Who didn’t love a little of mental torture? She sure didn’t!

Re: bad religion + open, captured jacob - jacob w.c. - 04-08-2018

He coudn't even bring himself to look at the woman now that his body was bare, exposed to the air and to the eyes he'd hid it from for so long. The action of pulling them off had been painful and exhausting, as though he'd removed a layer of his own skin. He glanced up only for a moment, when she responded to his plea with only cruel words and laughter. His chest was heaving now, as though his lungs couldn't keep up with the panic building within him. "N-No, 'm not that interesting..." he mumbled the words, his ears pressed against his head as he began to back away, feeling his back hit the wall behind him before he stopped. His legs trembled horribly now and he looked as though he'd collapse at any moment.

Then he saw the fire. He noticed it immediately and his eyes were fixed on the tiny flames. His legs finally gave out and he sank to the ground, tears rolling down his cheeks and his quick breaths turning to hyperventilation. He began to try to push himself up, intending to try and jump over the flames or find a way around them. But then it was too late. They roared around him and a sob immediately broke from him. He could feel the heat, smell the smoke, see the flames. His mind began to shift the scene on it's own. Jacob had hallucinations on occasion. He'd learned how to control them but there was no control in a place like this. He could hear his Pa screaming. He knew it wasn't real. He told himself it wasn't real but he couldn't hold onto that. He was just a little boy, back in his house in the middle of a fire again. The flames licked around him, threatening to devour him.

Then he heard her words. That was enough to snap him from the hallucination, thought the flames remained. Through his sobs, he tried to force a reply, "If I tell ya' what 'appened, will ya' lemme go?" he paused a moment before he added a moment later, "P-Please, I'll do anythin' but lemme out. Please make it stop." He was sobbing uncontrollably now and it seemed he was hardly even able to take in a single breath. 

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━

Re: bad religion + open, captured jacob - Guru - 04-12-2018

Not interesting? No, she doubted that. Guru watched carefully as the hallucinated flames of her creation began to encircle the both of them. As Jacob squirmed, she could only laugh. His panicked actions, those widened eyes, and his heavy breaths made the fur on her scruff tingle with horrifying delight. ”Very interesting,” she reinstated.

Finally, he began to snap out of it. For as disappointing as it was, it was brilliant to see him in such a desperate way. As she noticed, the flames would begin to simmer down in the hallucination and finally turn into smoke that faded away into the night. Afterwards, Guru grew closer to her captive. ”You could tell me,” she urged. ”But I can make no promises.” The caracal thought Jacob had no advantage over her, as he did not know her weak spots within her past or within her current state. Hence, she was safe to do whatever she wanted... Besides Pincher. Guru, though, didn’t necessarily care what he thought. As her baby daddy, she held a significant advantage over him and the mischevious female was going to use that to her fullest. So, there would be no repercussions... or so she thought.

Yet, she did not want to take a risk. For as much as she loved the thrill, there was only a limited amount of pain she could get out of someone before they finally cracked. Thus, the fun was ending. ”You can leave when I’m done with you, sweetie,” Guru cooed. The caracal stepped backwards towards the jail bars and pressed her back against the cold metal. With one paw, she began to maneuver the door open. ”Unlike most, I’d like my name out there.” She narrowed her green eyes. He better know her damn name after all of this... ”And I can’t do that with a dead prisoner,” came her reasoning. ”The worst you could do to me is keep this experience to yourself.” Which just made the end result even better!

//mobile + apologies