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LIVING IN A BUBBLE | pinchob kiddo intro - Printable Version

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LIVING IN A BUBBLE | pinchob kiddo intro - Dragon- - 08-23-2018

It didn't come as much of a surprise when the pinchob litter was born. People knew that jacob and Pincher had hooked up, it was only a matter of time until they had kids. It wasn't quite expected for them to have six.

The pups had been born but four months ago, although it seemed like only yesterday, and they had all sprouted like weeds. They all looked different but still rather similar in shared features. There were ones that seemed to look exactly like Jacob, ones that looked like Pincher and ones that appeared to be a mix of the two.

Rocky, the eldest of the litter, was currently stretched out upon the sand of Barracuda Bay, a relaxed settling upon his face. The sun was out but it wasn't too warm and the sounds of the waves lapping a the shore nearly put the hyperactive puppy to sleep.
It was not to be so, for he stood up a few moments later.

His brown eyes would curiously scan the surroundings for a few moments before let out an excited yip and bound over to one of his siblings. Rocky had been exploring for a majority of the day and he hadn't had a chance to talk with his siblings much. "Hey!" He was obviously rather excited, although that wasn't quite irregular for him. "We should do something! We would explore or swim or see our dads or play or do anything!" He was..pretty excitable.

/sorry for cruddy intro but feel free to introduce your roux kids here!

Re: LIVING IN A BUBBLE | pinchob kiddo intro - Grey - 08-24-2018

Although Bakugou had always done his best to keep up with the news, the fact still stood that he was rubbish with formalities and getting to know the personalities of others. Even in attending the joining of a stranger, there was a very high possibility the male would forget their name. He simply cared too little for the personas of each and every Typhooner unless they had managed to make an honourable impression on him. An example that he can think of is Uraraka. He's never particularly cared about her, but he certainly acknowledged her skills in battle. Before she had been a nobody. In this case, however, the cream-furred ragdoll had begun to notice a youth materialising within his cognition. A pup - likely born here, energetic as any other kid, but nameless to him. He was, of course, unaware of the Captain's romance with Jacob let alone that they had had children. Bakugou has never been one to meddle in the affairs of others but there was something about the boy's playful attitude which finally struck his attention, eyes seeming to flicker like candlelight. A young version of Pincher, that's what the child looked like.

"Yo," the privateer calls, straightening his posture so that his chest stuck out in a more authoritative manner. He loved the feeling of self-importance. "Where the fuck did you come from and what's your name?" He's never noticed a grey-coloured pup like Rocky before. Now that he thinks more about it, he doesn't know many children himself. Bakugou has always been mildly aware of the youths that ran like headless chooks throughout the territory, but never once has he bothered to converse with them. They were usually a waste of time, but Bakugou this time was so puzzled that he just had to ask.

[ ooc ] there we have it - baku swearing to children and me coming up with a lame excuse for him to talk to rocky. please excuse my lack of creativity lmao

Re: LIVING IN A BUBBLE | pinchob kiddo intro - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-24-2018

Oh yes, Caesar knew of Pincher and Jacob getting together and he despised it. He was there at their wedding, but he really only went due to being one of Pincher's high positions, not out of respect or encouragement. He hated Jacob to the core and he definitely was not happy to hear about their kids popping out of one of them. Unfortunately, the demon was about to meet one of them.

"You can be a little more quiet, that's what you can do." Caesar snapped at Rocky, narrowing his black eyes at the pup as he stood next to Bakugou. Huh, looks like he wasn't the only grumpy-ass person in this clan. A shame, honestly. Caesar didn't like competition.

Re: LIVING IN A BUBBLE | pinchob kiddo intro - Luciferr - 08-24-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
"Leave the kid be ceasar" threatening and being nasty to small children, really ceasar? were you so pitiful though he eyed bakugou mildly too but he was well aware that one was just usually cantankerous - unlike ceasar whom seemed to like to somehow push everyone's buttons on a semi regular basis, sigh.

the shadow of the dragon fell across the current trio as mercurial and livid red moved to assess the child - one of pinchers kids no? pincher and jacobs, he'd heard they were about now but seemed only allowed out now - hm, maybe the both of them were overprotective - lord knows he could be.

"as for where they came from, I thought you'd have guessed given how they look" it was fairly obvious they shared similar - some even miniatures - of their parents.


Re: LIVING IN A BUBBLE | pinchob kiddo intro - CLEO R. C. - 08-24-2018


The word was laced with little love, a frown stretching across cinnamon lips as she paused beside her grandfather. Her place there was short lived though, a hatred-filled glare extended in the officer's direction before she relocated herself, instead opting to sit in the shadow that Lucifer produced. She was more comfortable there anyways, sanguine eyes retaining their glow once more as she stared at Rocky. At her brother. If circumstances had been different, perhaps she would have approached this entire situation the way an older sister should have, smiling and altogether content as she bonded with her father's newest brood. But anger, hot and unrelenting, continued to dance in her veins, heating her entire body under its influence and causing her to shift and squirm uncomfortably. She didn't want to be here, in front of him- this boy was a reminder of the mistake that was she and her siblings. with that in mind, did she really owe him anything?

Eshe coiled tighter around the bengal's undersized form, an obsidian head making its first appearance as she raised it to investigate the canine. A forked tongue both appearing and disappearing was her only acknowledgement of him, once more disappearing to rest upon the crook of Cleo's shoulders. "I doubt you know who I am," The child suddenly stated, voice half present and entirely too quiet, "I'm your sister. I'm Cleo."

(this is rushed and terrible i'm sorry!!)

Re: LIVING IN A BUBBLE | pinchob kiddo intro - bubblegum - 08-24-2018

Re: LIVING IN A BUBBLE | pinchob kiddo intro - drachen - 08-24-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 330px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]The longing for the outside world had sprouted in the young pup the moment he had the ability to take in the world and all it had to offer. The sights, sounds, and smells to flood his senses in a shocking yet pleasant fashion and wanted to get out. Leave the safety of their seclusion from rest of the Typhoon and many months passed before they were finally allowed to emerge at last–at last. Dreams do come true as time passed and the decision to make them happen helped drive it in the right direction.  Excitement tingled him after coming to the warm sands of the Barracuda Bay and the gentle breeze stroking snowy fur in a loving fashion. The salty smell of the ocean filled his nostrils before detecting the home of Rocky not too far away in the distance. Evergreen eyes glittered in amusement as the eldest of the litter popped up from his relaxed position seconds before and blinked as Rocky scanned the area before locking eyes with him. An excited yap and paws bringing him forth to Valerian. Curled tail waving in anticipation and a soft pant at the desire to play, pointed ears perked at the greeting accompanied by suggestions. Jaws parted for the ivory child to agree on playing before snapping shut at the scent of an unknown individual and, hoping his brother was distracted by the new face, loped off to the side and of sight. Val crouched with eyes narrowed in focus. With Rocky's attention averted elsewhere he could do a quick sneak attack on him. . . Except one turned into two which turned into three–

Any thoughts on pouncing the grey and white pup before him vanished at the arrival of Lucifer. "So. . . Cool. . ." He was so. . . Big! And scaly, but big! Massive! Enormous! Gargantuan! The pale kid hopped up to his feet, kicking sand all over the place as he charged at his new target: Lucifer. "YOU'RE SO B I G!" Despite Valerian's better judgement, he'd go to headbutt the dragon on a hind leg– with affection, of course. Evergreen eyes slide over Bakugou, Caesar, Cleo, and Goldenluxeries, having missed the whole snap feast at each other and smiled brightly. [color=#aa6f73]"We should go swimming!" A wet pink nose would lightly bump against the massive dragon, who he already liked because big.

/ what even is rping cgjjc

Re: LIVING IN A BUBBLE | pinchob kiddo intro - Grey - 08-24-2018

His ears rise on reflex, the sudden intrusion of Caesar's snap was the same as that of a surprise blast of a trumpet, smashing against his ear drums in a painful manner. Hm, obnoxious. In all truth, Bakugou's come to notice that his true intentions were often hard to read. He swears often and his words usually come off as aggressive so it's understandable if everyone views him as being offensive or grumpy. That being said, he's been calmer as of late. From an outside perspective he's seen just how much of a fool Caesar appears to be and Bakugou's pride, refusing to swallow any form of unwise imprudence, has stepped back a little from the pedestal. It feels awfully good to not be sitting in the centre of supreme idiocy. Then, the ragdoll becomes increasingly aware of the tremors in the ground which indicated the approaching presence of Luciferus. He can feel eyes on him but Bakugou refuses to show any sign of intimidation. His body was stiff, not shaking. He bites his cheeks at the reptilian's response. "I've just never seem 'em before."

His heart thunders bitterly when Goldenluxury then calls him out as well, warning the privateer to be nice to the child. Pah. He was being more than nice when he decided to call out at the kid, bother to ask for their name. Bakugou usually don't care for names. If he was being his usual self, he'd have ignored the boy altogether, chosen to allow the kid not to exist within his cognition. "I am being nice to 'im," he growls back at the bengal, smoke puffs from his nostrils and one could almost see the coals and embers which sat at the back of his throat when the ragdoll spoke. He wasn't particularly grumpy before but now he has a reason to be. "I just swear a lot. Don't just fuckin' mistake it." Now that he was angry, hearing the sound of yet another pup made his next directed attention resemble a fiery glare, almost burning everything he laid his eyes upon. He wasn't mad at Valerian but he was too much in a bad mood to soften his sanguine gaze. "Tch. If they're really Pincher's kids someone should teach those shi- kids not to go around smashing their skulls into dragons." He had stopped himself just in time from calling them shitheads. Well, the effort counted and if Goldenluxury even dared to tell him off, he was willing to fight her.

Re: LIVING IN A BUBBLE | pinchob kiddo intro - Luciferr - 08-25-2018

he concedes the point on Bakugous favour, the feline's way is rather gruff - Caesar on the other hand always seems to prefer pushing buttons on purpose than any other way, or well so it seemed these days.

Though he watches goldie's progress closely - always perpetually worried now that the kids seemingly kept gaining injuries, Goldie the most so far - and then brows rise in suprise when someone charges towards him and headbutts his leg.

It startles a chuckle from the over large dragon - ah to be young and headstrong - but he inclines his head wryly "thank you" nice to know the kids these days still thought massive fantastical predators were the 'coolest' - which usually resulted in the load of them attempting to scale his form like a living mountain, though he bore it with good grace.

Though he did hum at Bakugou's comment on that "I'd agree on that, not all dragons are as friendly as I" ah yes the irony he looked more like a death machine but was a huge softie - at least to the typhoon members.

There were still some out there in the world that remembered Lucifer for his swaths of destruction once upon a time.


Re: LIVING IN A BUBBLE | pinchob kiddo intro - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-25-2018

"Am I not allowed to be fuckin honest?" Caesar growled in reply to Lucifer and Goldenluxury, glaring at both of them for a couple of seconds with metaphorical fire in his eyes. What, was honesty annoying now? The kid could be more quiet, considering he was probably waking up half the clan yelling about like that. At least that would be Caesar's reason for snapping at him. Although the whole cursing thing wasn't directed at him, the demon's ear flicked as if it was; Bakugou had a point: cursing just happened. What disappointed him, however, was that Bakugou listened to Goldie. Caesar gave a little snort at that. There's no point in listening to her. He thought to himself. Hell, if everybody started listening to her, this clan would turn out to be like Snowbound.