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In the dark // open+captured // of the night - Printable Version

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In the dark // open+captured // of the night - jacob w.c. - 04-04-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
It'd been his mistake, really. Jacob had let his paranoia break and he'd slept for a few hours. However, he hadn't slept in the den he called home with Jersey or any of his other new clanmates. No, Jacob had fallen asleep in the middle of one of the tunnels. He'd been on his way back from one of his late night walks when his legs gave out. He wasn't sure why, they'd felt fine moments before, but he wasn't out with anyone and he couldn't call for help. Part of him wondered if it was due to exhaustion but before he could even complete the thought, he'd practically passed out into a deep sleep. When he woke up, he'd likely regret his decision and when, if, he returned he'd be going out to walk with someone when he felt like he needed to take a walk. Now, though, there was nothing left of the boy. A faint smell of sea water hung in the air where he'd fallen asleep and his bag, which had likely fallen from his shoulders when he first collapsed, was left in the tunnels.


Re: In the dark // open+captured // of the night - Guru - 04-04-2018

Wink track

Re: In the dark // open+captured // of the night - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-05-2018

Clans were always the same no matter how many times they could try and cover up what their true intentions were. It made no sense why the clans didn't have precautions set in place to make sure that there was nothing bad could happen to themselves. Maybe they were just incompetent and didn't know the various ways that they had to keep themselves from being captured. Killua often had scoffed at the way that the clans had ended up running themselves. It was a joke after all. Killua had lived for a good while now in the clans, and this meant he was able to identify the patterns that dealt with the clans in the end. The young male had been the one to watch as one after the other other animals ended up getting themselves captured. As if they were dropping like flies and the other clans were the things that were getting rid of them. He didn't join any of the rescue missions unless he knew that he was going to end up fighting someone. Even then, it only took a couple of seconds to get the captured animal back. So what had been the point of capturing the animal if they were just going to give them back in the end? Killua had a couple ideas why this was the case, one of which is a scare tactic. To show that no matter what hte other group decided to do, that they would end up capturing and oding whatever they wanted to do with their members. It was almost a joke as to watch the other clans try to actually torture someone. Opting to simply break bones and give them a couple scrapes here and there. None of which would last long for the injured animal and they would probably forget about what happened to them. Flesh restored itself. Bones mended once they were broken. In a way, they were just giving the clans a bigger influence to try and fight them. Killua had never once let himself get captured by those that lived in the clan. Such a notion would do a number on his pride as an assassin to allow something like that to even remotely happen. Besides, anyone that would ty to become even remotely violent with the assassin would probably meet and unfortunate end, even if they were just following orders from their superiors. That didn't give them a pass as far as Killua was concerned, as everyone was free to make their own actions. Which made him somewhat of a hypocrite because he knew deep down he was still going to be willing to kill others without the influence of his family being right with him all the time. Captures honestly meant nothing to the ivory serval, on the factor that the clans rarely even killed the likes of members in the first place. They were WEAK. Wait. No they weren't. Where had that thought come from? Killua immediately started to shake his head with a low hiss as he walked through the territory. He wasn't in a good mood right now having dealt with the Typhoon member that attacked London and dealing with the creature that he had met within the Typhoon territory. Someone that had said that she knew who he was, and that was a huge changing factor to what he actually knew of who he was. He had forgotten something. Was there any way to retrieve the memories? Every time he thought about attempting to do so, he was met with nothing but static in his own head. A sign telling him that there was no point in digging if he couldn't dig anything out. Killua didn't think that the Typhoon would think twice at attacking them after what he had just done to one of their members.

He could have easily made the female's condition a whole lot worse if he had really wanted to, but he fought against those urges again, pulling himself back. Killing someone wasn't exactly hard in his book after all. Killua had taught the other a lesson hopefully not to mess with the Snowbound, or at least not to try and mess with him because the odds were always in his favor. He just didn't have his powers to rely on, as he could rely on other factors too. Killua made his way calmly through the tunnels with Koru around his neck. He hadn't been spending a ton of time with the black mamba on the account that he was afraid that he might lash out at the snake that would be completely defenseless to the wildcat. Killua blinked his sapphire blue eyes for a couple seconds as he stood in the darkness, his rounded ears twitching as the snake around his neck started to flick out his tongue. Killua could feel the way that the other was wrapping tighter around his neck and shifting himself that there was something off about the tunnel that he was walking through. Killua instinctively unsheathed his claws, but he couldn't see anything in the distance in the tunnel, so he doubted that there was anyone here. Then Killua came across a small thing of fur on the ground. Tilting his head, the assassin lowered his head to give a careful sniff of the scent that was attacked to the fur. Jacob. Why did the other have fur laying around in such an area? Killua started to sniff around as he investigated, and Koru started to slither off of the albino serval and back onto the ground. The smell of the ocean was the next scent that he was able to catch. Sure there wasn't a tall tale sign that it was the Typhoon, but he knew the smell of Tanglewood and every other clan that could have done something like this. Killua's eyes started to darken significantly as he raised himself so that his head was held high. A scowl spreading across his facial features, before that scowl turned itself into a growl. "Sorera no akuma" Killua stated in a low tone as he lashed his short tail behind him. "They took Jacob." Had the other not learned his lesson? Everyone had a distinct scent, and it was that female again. His claws flexed into the ground, and the temperature in the cave seemed to drop drastically. She was MOCKING him. He wouldn't give her a second chance again. Next time, he would make sure to kill her.

(Translation: 1: Those bastards)
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: In the dark // open+captured // of the night - JERSEYBOY - 04-05-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"]Something had been off about that morning. There was no sign of his little brother, the pasta-loving husky. Jerseyboy figured that he had been out on a walk or something, but when he didn't return after a period of time, he decided to go looking for him on his own. Goddammit... he had probably gotten stuck somewhere. Did he have to rescue him from a dangerous situation again? Shit, he wasn't in the mood today.

He trotted into the territory and eventually came across Killua, who was staring at a satchel. It looked eerily familiar, and his eyes widened in realization when the words had been uttered. Someone had kidnapped his little brother. "What the hell?" The tuxedo tom stalked forward, his ears flicking backward. "Who? Who took him?" Jerseyboy demanded, his dark fur starting to bristle angrily. He had sworn to take care of the kid, and some little shit was messing everything up! "I'll tan their fuckin' hides myself!" He snarled, gritting his teeth as his nostrils huffed out of frustration and building fury.

Re: In the dark // open+captured // of the night - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-07-2018

Killua wasn't exactly planning on going out to rescue Jacob like one would think. Sure he considered the other to be pretty cool in most regards, but he wasn't about to go out of his way to rescue someone. He didn't want the other to odie, so if the other was close to dying then he would most likely step in to help the other. What he was really after was the caracal female that was going to make a fool out of him even if he had torn out one of the tendons that was in her leg. How was the caracal capable of hawling off a canine that was much bigger than she was? Powers obviously, so that could give him a little bit of a hint when it came to dealing with the group anyway. Killua lashed his tail behind him as he debated what kind of plan that he was going to use to try and get out after the female. He already knew what was in the Typhoon, and the thought almost made his blood run cold at the thought of meeting up with her again. It wasn't his emotions that he was feeling about Argus, but instead the emotions that his brother had placed inside of him, making him want to fear the female. She knew about the Zoldyck's obviously if she knew about him, and she knew things that he honestly couldn't even remember having done before. Which was a huge concern, as he was an assassin. He was uspposed to remain strong, and yet, someone was able to catch him off guard for the first time in a long time. The young male had to at least do something. A groan escaped his jaws as he raised one of his paws and rubbed the front of his face. This was ridiculous. He shouldn't be SCARED of her. She was just a canine with wings. Someone he could easily take on if he wanted to. Everyone in the clans were the same. He could beat all of them. That had been the mentality that he had given himself and would stick by it. His large white ears on the top of his head began to swivel some as he heard pawsteps that were coming toward him. Ones that he had yet to memorize, and he turned his head to look at the approaching animal. The only thing that Killua could tell about the other's pawsteps was that it was small cat of some sort, obviously a domestic cat as there was nothing else in the clans right now. Blinking his sapphire blue eyes noticed Jersey had come up onto the scene. Well, this wasn't going to be good now was it? He heard from Jacob that they were almost practically like brothers, so the other was obviously going to be pissed. Killua himself was pissed enough, so putting two pissed of animals near each other probably wasn't the best idea. The other wanted to go rescue his brother? He was going to have a good time with that since Killua didn't believe the other would have any strength to do something like that. His eyes narrowed at the other when he started to yell. "Guys called the Typhoon. They live on an island, and there's only one way on and off the place. They've already attacked London, and its the same hag that did it." Killua would say with a low huff, but it was obvious with the way he was looking at the other he was scrutinizing him on whether or not he wanted to go on a suicide mission. His eyes turned toward Mike who had arrived at the same time he had given his explanation, so there was no reason for him to repeat himself.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17: