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[WT] SPACE TRUCKIN' :: open, reading about the signs - Printable Version

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[WT] SPACE TRUCKIN' :: open, reading about the signs - Zjarr - 08-23-2018

[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Ugh, this was abominable. Zjarr had no qualms with reading and could even consider it a pleasant escape from time to time, but the concept of astrology was not one he had a particular interest in. Especially the star signs. He had some respect for the Ascendants' culture and traditions, hence his staying for such an extended period of time, but aside from the lifestyle of the Clan he didn't find learning about the stars and alignments and shit all too fun to study and research. Moonmade probably pulled the task from his ass, though he could somewhat sympathize with the guy, since it seemed like just about every resident of the territory pleaded for something to do. At that point all you could do was spew the first thing that came to mind.

But a weekly task was a weekly task, and rarely did he ever skip out on his designated duty. For now he'd suck it up.

The demon would admit that sifting through the quiet halls of the Observatory was soothing in a way, surrounded by the wistful feel of all of the books he had discovered along the way and compiled into one location, untapped knowledge and entertainment that he could easily access with a flip of the page. It was strange, for he could not consider himself a bookworm, not now and not ever before. It was only now that such a feeling arose within him in such a setting, and yet he found it tiring to exit the room by the time he collected what he needed. Perhaps it was the work of Flamey, slowly leaking such behavior into the rowdy and blunt Zjarr, who found more solace in the forge than in some room full of books. He could not hear Flamey, but he could just feel him, if not only barely. He was here. And maybe he was watching every move he made. Cut it out, asshole.

The magic was worn out by the time he regained his composure, resolving the books as just part of his task and nothing more. The cyborg canine pushed onward to the main corridors and set himself down with a few of those horoscope astrology books, his metal claws clicking on the hardcovers rhythmically. "A'ight, y'all, come 'ere if y'wanna know some shit about ya star sign," the demon drawled as he rolled his broad shoulders.
[glow=#f24b00,2,300]how'd it get so scandalous?[/glow] —

Re: [WT] SPACE TRUCKIN' :: open, reading about the signs - Luciferr - 08-23-2018

"I'm just here to enjoy the crowd mate" she shrugged comin up to rest her spiked arms along the ground with a huff of her snout resting down.

"Fuck I don't even know when I was born so no idea what star sign I'm born under" she snorted, eh her original parents had been shitty - abandoning the kid to exilers because she had too many spiky bits for a normal child and no tigress was black n gold, oh how unseemly!

yes in a world of gods and monsters, that was apparently the sole straw for their camels fuckin back.

she didn't care about that though, Alci and the exilers were her fam - ride or die even if sadly she could n longer find them here, gone as they were.

one yellow-red eye opened to fix Jamjar with a look "So what about yer own?" idle conversation at least before fuckin anyone came over.


Re: [WT] SPACE TRUCKIN' :: open, reading about the signs - BASTILLEPAW - 08-23-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
The visions obscuring his daily eye-sight seemed to have... faded. It hadn't really occurred to him that they were missing, possibly because he had grown so used to them that he barely noticed them, or possibly because... well. Zaniel had never had memories interfere with his vision before, and he didn't actually remember in that moment that he wasn't Zaniel. He had no idea how long it had been since he'd slipped into his mindset without realizing it, given that he had been out on patrols and mostly alone, and so the first time something seemed vaguely amiss with the seraph was upon running into Zjarr and Etty on his return to the Observatory.

The tom grinned slyly as he joined them, winking at Etty playfully as he teased, [b]"Course ya don't. Angels aren't born, so they don't have birthdays." He swung his attention to Zjarr, gaze trailing over him slowly in what was arguably probably him checking him out, before he smiled charmingly. "Whatcha got on Cancers?" Bastille was not a Cancer, but that was beside the point, it would seem.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: [WT] SPACE TRUCKIN' :: open, reading about the signs - MOONMADE - 08-24-2018

[size=9pt]"Sorry, man," says the lion once he's appeared, sounding regretful. He can see the distaste in the observer, and he feels kind of bad for it. Like he was Jesus and he'd just failed his disciple or some bullshit. "This isn't my finest moment. Had to hand out something astrology nerd related, though. Appease the star gods or whatever."

He glances to the book, scans the words with distant golden eyes. Aquarius, Virgo, Capricorn. Frankly, he doesn't have much of a fucking idea what those are, but he's curious. And quiet. He doesn't know his birthday. He doesn't know when he was born. His childhood was a blur of cold faces and near-concussions, and, if his mother had had her way, he wouldn't of even had a name. So sue him for not pausing to ask her what his fucking Rising Sign was.

He blinks himself from his haze when he hears a voice, and glances up to see Bast. A slight frown settles over his gaze and one side of his lip pulls up to make a questionable facial expression. What the fuck? "Smooth, Bast." he jokes, but his voice is slightly hesitant, slow words sounding almost suspicious. No way was this Bast. Or it was, and he was just wasted. To be fair, Moon didn't really fucking know the guy. "Too slick for the old 'did it hurt when you fell from Heaven'?"

Re: [WT] SPACE TRUCKIN' :: open, reading about the signs - Zjarr - 08-24-2018

[div style="width: 48%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]The canine nodded and clicked his tongue at Eternalwar's arrival. Hmm, she seemed to always be there for the crowd, really. And for the drama. Especially when it came to brawling children—maybe she had a thing for sitting on people? Hmm. All he knew about her was that he found her to be a greatly amusing being, one he felt that he could be loose around. Then again, he was relatively loose around just about everyone here. If anything, he had to offer her a sliver of respect—he did not want his death to spawn from a massive Cretaceous beast taking a nap and using his body as a pillow...or a mattress, even.

But the urge to fly right back with nicknames and act as a sarcastic fool took over almost instantly. "Well, Jurassic Park, I dunno when I was born either," Zjarr replied, "but it ain't 'cause I got a shitty memory. It's 'cause I don't really...have a birthday. I don't, at least. Now, as for the guy up here—" He tapped on his temple twice with a metal claw for emphasis. "—he's a Virgo, I believe. September somethin', before the 22nd. I don't share his birthday. I don't care for it, either." It was a somewhat half-assed response, for he wasn't exactly sure when Flamey's birthday was. "September something" seemed just about right, but all he knew was that it was sometime six years ago that the guy came to be birthed. Thus for the sake of conversation he'd keep the detail as such.

Next came the Astral Seraph, who just felt completely off. He didn't feel like Bastille, and the fact that he was making flirtatious remarks towards Etty and seemingly checking out the goods on the demon only proved it. A metaphorical eyebrow was raised at the bizarre behavior. Maybe it would have been tolerable if it was someone else, but it wasn't what he was expecting from Bast. Regardless he was going to quietly brush it off, releasing a soft sigh before flipping through his astrology books to find some Cancer heading that'd bring some fun fact to light. "Mmm, here. Says your color's...silver. Oh, and your lucky numbers are 4 and 6. Quick, run down to the mart and grab a lottery ticket."

At Moon's response, he would merely shrug as a means of expressing his indifference. Nah, he'd take the task anyways—he knew the dude was just saying stuff. There wasn't an issue there, and it was better than laying around.
[glow=#f24b00,2,300]how'd it get so scandalous?[/glow] —

Re: [WT] SPACE TRUCKIN' :: open, reading about the signs - Grimm - 08-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]There had never really been a need to document when he had come about, the day marred by death for life seemed to have needed a sacrifice to permit the tiny child to survive beyond a single breath. Neither had the thought ever really rose in his mind, all he knew was the heat of the desert, no real seasons marking each passing and the moon held importance only upon two phases, otherwise its passage went without notice. It is strange to think to some it is a big thing, to a point books are written upon the subject, but then he loved the stars if not the moon. Or at least the celestial body contained within the darkness of the sky, the mortal being baring the name held a place in his heart, one he was tentative to give but proved unwilling to cut away.

Rare was it to find Harland within the walls of the observatory, something about it left him unwilling to cross the threshold on a regular basis, preferring the wide expand of grassland stretching before it. Yet small paws tapped softly with each step, a little bound within an easy tread, wide golden eyes trailing over the few who wandered about within. Dark ears swivelled forward and his pace quickened when familiar voices reached him, though the words were unclear, mere sound his mind couldn't quite process.

“Moon!” Squeaked out the name seemed soft though the tone was rough, scratchy as it scraped along his throat. Moving forward Har made an attempt to headbutt the lion in questions leg, a gesture of affection though a rather violent one. Lifting his gaze the kitten looked towards Zjarr with confusion, not quite sure what to make of any of his last words. It was all strange to him yet he shuffled a little closer, reaching out to tap gently at the book, a question given no words – what is this?

Re: [WT] SPACE TRUCKIN' :: open, reading about the signs - trojan g. - 08-25-2018

Roman had never really given the meaning of his star sign too much thought, he just knew that it was something that his father was furious about. Had he been born a few months earlier or later, his father would have been fine, but the fact that Roman was born in April really messed things up for himself when it came to relationships with his father. Listening to the words that Moon spoke, Roman would pad over, head tilting to the side slightly before he decided to sit down. "What about Aries?" He would ask, curious just this once.

//rushed, sorry

Re: [WT] SPACE TRUCKIN' :: open, reading about the signs - Zjarr - 08-28-2018

[div style="width: 48%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]A child's silent inquiry was something he felt was difficult to ignore, and his unnaturally heterochromatic gaze fell upon the young kitten that tapped upon the book without a word towards the wolf. He could identify the young feline as Harland, a kitten that seemed to hang around Moonmade more than anyone and anything else in the Observatory. He found it cute, the clingy nature of a child, though it wasn't intentional. Perhaps he saw the lion as a fatherly figure.

Maybe he was curious about the contents of this book, the phrases Zjarr chose to deliver to others, many of which were simply mumbo-jumbo bullshit in the demon's eyes. But he was still doing the job. "Star signs, kiddo," the observer remarked to the kitten, offering him a soft yet warm smile. "Y'got a birthday, y'got a star sign. There's...a bunch of facts related to that star sign, stuff about, like, personality and traits." Once again, he didn't believe in much of that astrological crap, but this was perhaps the best explanation he could offer to Harland at the time.

Now, the fellow that arrived next was someone the wolf was unsure of whatsoever. He had never seen the other observer before, yet would still heed his request and flip through the book before him until he landed upon Aries. "Okay, fella, it says here you're a doer; dead set on shit, goin' all out for it, 'n' you've got the energy to spare for it. I'm...not sure if it applies to you or not, honestly, since I haven't seen ya around. Really, though," the wolf added, "I don't believe we've met. I'm Zjarr. And you are?"
[glow=#f24b00,2,300]how'd it get so scandalous?[/glow] —

Re: [WT] SPACE TRUCKIN' :: open, reading about the signs - trojan g. - 08-28-2018

It was something that he was expecting, the end of the explanation, the part after, though not exactly being called out on not being around. Roman's disappearance was something that he himself didn't take lightly, and he didn't like it being brought up, but he knew that there would be some that were new around the Ascendants, and they would have been confused on how well the male was getting around when he hadn't been there when they joined - or even a week or so after for that matter. "The name's Romanempire." the old soul would speak, head dipping slightly in greeting, as he hadn't been at the border when Zjarr had joined in the first place. "I was captured in the Typhoon for a while, but finally got out of there and am back here. Trying to make my way around again." But it was difficult at times, and he was more traumatized this time than he had been when he had been captured at a younger age, though at that point he hadn't been scared of water either.

Re: [WT] SPACE TRUCKIN' :: open, reading about the signs - Grimm - 08-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]There seemed no sense of fear within the tiny kitten for dark lips drew up into a smile, weight shifting so he could reach up, making a move to gently touch Zjarr's nose with a paw. Curiosity was present in the bright gold of those eyes, wide as he looked upon the mismatched eyes, strange for the metal which encased one. For a brief moment he wondered at touching it, seeing what it felt like, but thought better of the action and instead spoke once more. “Pretty,” it was the only word he knew in regards to speaking of ones looks and so offered it without any real thought as to what reaction might come from such.

Another approached and Har let himself fall upon all fours once more, turning to Roman with that same easy smile. He was unfamiliar to the child and so he offered only a soft squeak in greeting, before he focused on the book once more. Watching the signs flash by as Zjarr once more began to flip through he seemed rather excited as one was present. “Arrow,” tapping the book once more he looked towards the wolf, hoping he understood which sign he meant, unsure was to what it was called.