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HAVE MERCY // PEPPINO - Printable Version

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FULL NAME: Peppino Alexandru Roux-Wickliff-Corleone
— NICKNAMES: He will introduce himself as Pip, which, while he's young, is a mispronunciation of his own name that will later stick.
— NAME ORIGIN: Peppino is the Italian equivalent of Joseph (a diminutive of Giuseppe),  whereas Alexandru is the Romanian equivalent of Alexander and means, "defender of men."
— PRONOUNS: Masculine; he/him
AGE: 9 months old
—BIRTH DATE: April 23rd
SEXUALITY: This isn't something he'll ever give much thought to, especially when he keeps distance between himself and most people. which is a long way of saying idek

ALLIANCE: The Typhoon
RANK: Soothsayer

Pip has the facial structure of a Doberman, with the longer snout and angular face as compared to the slightly broader skull of a husky mix, though his face is not quite as slim as it would be if he were fully Doberman. He has the triangular ears of a husky, though taller- or they would both be, if one ear didn't curl slightly over in a half flop, the other remaining fully upright. His eyes are segmental, and seem to mirror each other; the left, beneath his slightly curled ear, is almost neatly divided between a deep mahogany and Pincher's frosty blue, with the former on the left and the latter on the right side of that eye from an observer's perspective. His right eye is similarly separated, though conversely, so the left section of his eye is blue and the right is brown. I drew a quick example of this since that description isn't the best on my part lmao (click).

In terms of coloring, marking-wise, he has retained the Doberman style, in that he is largely one hue. Where a Doberman is typically black, Pip is the cinnamon-brown of a husky, and where a Doberman has tan markings, Pip has splashes of cream-white on his shoulders, snout, ears, and stockings. His fur is naturally short, not quite as close-cropped as a Doberman's but far from the length of a husky mix's. It seems a happy medium between the two, and is relatively soft- not silky, though not coarse, either.

Pip's build isn't especially large or underdeveloped; his height is a tad shorter than the average husky's, and he retains the smooth slimness of shape of a Doberman. He isn't noticeably muscled, more slender than athletically lean, but he doesn't appear as though a strong wind might blow him over.

Pip is an unassuming guy, whose personality isn't especially loud or attention-drawing. He's friendly and polite, though not exuberantly so, and he seems to have inherited Jacob's warm disposition, as well as his ability to see the best in people, even those who seem to have none of it. Generally, he is forgiving, and accepts people's faults for what they are without becoming critical; in fact, he rarely has a harsh word for anyone, and whenever he does, it's typically a result of his concern when gentle words haven't made any leeway.

His personal love will always be helping people however he can, whether he offers assistance himself or finds someone better equipped to do it. He may become a bit self-destructive in this need, overlooking his own health for someone else's, although he might briefly escape his own cycle when he recognizes he can't do his best if he isn't at his best.

As compassionate as he is, Pip tends to keep people outside of the family at a careful, almost professional distance. He will not go out of his way to befriend people, however welcoming he can be; he will not pursue relationships, and so in that way, he might seem disinterested, which is not the truth. In reality, he is merely leery of the mutual expectation of reliance. Pip is fully prepared to assist others, but is not so graceful in accepting it himself, too proud and obstinant to lean on someone else.