Beasts of Beyond
A spoonful of sugar // open+checkups // helps the medicine go down - Printable Version

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A spoonful of sugar // open+checkups // helps the medicine go down - jacob w.c. - 04-04-2018

JACOB W. corleone
✯ — he'll be the best of us
Jacob needed to make himself useful. He'd hardly been able to sleep and he was sure he was going to drive himself insane. One could only do so much baking and knitting before it got to be a little too much. Sure, he'd collapsed in an unconscious heap on a few occasions in the early hours of the morning but he knew he was sleep deprived. He was doing his best but he just kept hoping his paranoia would fade the longer he stayed and his nightmares would fade with them. Still, he had organized all the herbs and medical supplies he had (most of which he'd preserved from his time in the city. That was another problem he'd need to tackle soon, the lack of herbs he'd been able to find so far in Snowbound) and he now found himself out in the middle of camp. "Uh, alright, so I was thinkin' it'd be good ta' do some medical checkups for ya'll. We're all new 'ere n' I don' want ya' ta' be gettin' sick n' spreadin' stuff around or havin' anyone's wounds gettin' infected." While he hadn't seen it, he'd heard about what happened. Even little scrapes and cuts could become a problem if left on their own for too long and he had heard the little bird was there, when she'd already been injured.

Re: A spoonful of sugar // open+checkups // helps the medicine go down - london r. - 04-04-2018

It was rather unfortunate, the problems that Jacob had. London could never imagine being so worried all the time, she was usually pretty carefree, which was unfortunately probably not a good thing with her medical condition. Perhaps she should try to learn more about medicine, but she didn't believe she had the mental capacity for memorizing everything, it seemed like such a daunting task. Then again, she already had a bunch of useless information in her brain, she knew the names of some of the stars in the night sky, and the constellations they were a part of. The small big cat had also memorized many ukulele cords and plenty of songs. She'd been playing for quite a while now, at least, it seemed like a pretty long time to her.

Thankfully this clan had multiple people with medical knowledge, London wouldn't know what to do if no one knew anything about healing. She would probably already be dead if that was the case, quite a scary thought. Thank goodness Killua had been able to save her, but oh, she'd yet to repay him for his kindness. She needed to get on that finally, same for the raven that had defended her. That avian had fought with an injury of it's own, how admirable and brave. She would surely have kicked the bucket without them, that Typhoon woman would have torn her to shreds. She'd escaped with only one injury, right in the center of her chest. The bandages and gauze Killua had put on there had helped a lot, but maybe this boy would be able to help her further. After all, he seemed to carry a wide variety of medical plants.

"That sounds like a great idea." the girl would offer cheerfully, approaching the boy. She wore a smile, but her eyes betrayed her slight hesitance. She didn't want to burden this guy with her injury, not after she had already snagged a scarf off of him. But, it wasn't like she could treat herself. It seemed like she had no choice, it was either Jacob or Killua. "Would you mind checking up on this little thing?" the albino would offer, growing a little nervous. Her accent would reflect this, growing thicker as she spoke this second time. She wasn't much of a fan of pulling the gauze off her scar, it seemed like it would be painful, but she supposed it would have to happen eventually.

Re: A spoonful of sugar // open+checkups // helps the medicine go down - Ivylee - 04-07-2018

Medical checkups? What was that? Ivy wandered over to find out, her little paws carrying her to where Jacob and London were, tilting her head. So medical checkups were a thing that helped to keep everyone from getting sick? Ivylee certainly didn't want to get sick. If she was sick she wouldn't be able to play or run around, and that didn't sound like fun at all. "Could I get a checkup, pleaseee?" The samoyed asked, trying her best to be polite by saying please because that's what the adults always wanted her to do. She knew that she had to have good manners because if she didn't then that was mean, and she didn't want to be mean to Jacob. Jacob was nice, and he was always helping around, and Ivy liked that. She gleamed up at the male with her sapphire eyes widened, wondering what exactly would happen during the checkup. She wasn't sure, but Jacob was nice enough, so she trusted him. It was rather innocent how much trust someone so young could put in everyone around her. Her clanmates were all that she had though... who else could she possibly look to for comfort and care? There was nobody else, so Ivy had no other choice than to rely on the others in Snowbound to keep her safe and healthy.

Re: A spoonful of sugar // open+checkups // helps the medicine go down - cry - 04-08-2018

Cry followed behind the two kids with a caw caught in her throat. Finally. A group of people she could actually tolerate. The bird huffed as she slowly walked up to the group. So Jacob was giving checkups was he? She wished him luck with that. Her mom would sit there and throw a fit over the fact she wouldn't let him give her check ups back home. And that was her own mother! He was the figure she trusted the most! Why would she trust Jacob? Besides! She was fine! Covered in bandaged and unable to get off the ground, but absolutely fine. Peek condition.

Cry, per usual, stayed silent. She huffed, staying close near by. She had grown rather fond and protective of the children (and jacob) of the village. They didn't do anything wrong. And with how often this place was being attacked, they needed a hero. Someone to watch over them and keep them out of trouble. Who did that, anyways? Attack a child? Is it 'cuz their own parents beat them as kids? .... do they have parents? ... She didn't know. It was messed up, though.


Re: A spoonful of sugar // open+checkups // helps the medicine go down - jacob w.c. - 04-11-2018

Jacob's gaze was first drawn to London and an easy smile came to his maw as he moved towards the girl. He'd heard about what happened and he'd meant to thank Killua but he hadn't been able to. He would. At least, he told himself he would. But there was another part of him that wasn't so sure. It wasn't because of anything Killua had done to make him distrust the other boy but there was a part of him that felt the same way he had the night after the fire. Like he should have done more. He was supposed to protect these people and he'd failed again. What made him think he'd be a good doctor, a good frosthealer, for these people if he couldn't even save his own family? No, those were ridiculous thoughts. He had done his best. He couldn't be everywhere all the time. That was what his Ma had told him, anyway. Then she'd been killed too. No, no, no, there he went again. He couldn't think things like that People like him weren't meant to think things like that. Considering his Babbo though, maybe people like him were exactly mean-

No. He needed to stop. He needed a distraction. And he had one. Right here, right now. His work. It was as simple as that. London was just someone who needed his help and he would help her. That was all. He moved forward, quick to look at the bandages Killua had set. He pulled out some clean supplies before speaking up, "Of course I can. I'll have ta' remove these, though. It shouldn' hurt but it might be kinda' uncomfortable after they've been covered so long." With that, he reached forward and gently removed them, his eyes covering the wound. He was silent, digging around in his bag and retrieving some herbs and new gauze. "Killua did a good job. 'M jus' gonna' put some new herbs on it n' cover it up with some clean bandages. If it starts bleedin' again or anythin', ya' jus' let me know," he assured her before going about just what he promised the do. He put some of the herbs on her and then carefully wrapped the wound before his eyes were drawn to Ivylee. He could hardly hold a sigh of relief.

There was no guilt associated with Ivylee. She was innocent, he hadn't failed to protect her. She was only a child. He gave her a wide smile and hurried t oher, looking her over carefully. It was clear she was fine, she showed no sign of injury or sickness. Still, he supposed he should make a bit of a show out of it, if only to entertain her. "Alright, Ivylee, 'm gonna' need ya' ta' open your mouth wide n' say ah for me so I can get a look inside, okay? Ya' seem well on the outside but I wanna' make sure you're okay on the inside too. Don' wan' nothin' sneakin' up on us. Have ya' been feelin' good? Has your stomach hurt or anythin' or have ya' been snifflin' at all?" he asked. He then noticed slight movement out of the corner of his eye and his gaze fell upon the little bird he'd found all those weeks ago. "I don't suppose you'll let me look at ya' now?"

though the scars remain and tears will never dry, i'll bless my homeland til i die ━