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maybe my heart's numb / storage - Printable Version

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maybe my heart's numb / storage - emil - 08-23-2018

character study, storage
adoption thread
about toulouse

Re: maybe my heart's numb / storage - emil - 08-23-2018


FULL NAME: Toulouse Roux-Wickliff-Corleone
AGE: 4 months
BIRTHDAY: April 23
SEXUALITY: Bisexual, leaning toward boys

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]ALLIANCE & LOYALTY DETAILS: The Typhoon, will always prefer to remain with family. He doesn't quite understand the concept of loyalty yet. It's a bit difficult to befriend him, as he's a very closed off person, usually remaining within the safe company of his fathers. He has a tendency to completely avoid everyone that isn't family, unless someone he knows well is present.
GROUPS: ½ Nothing yet

PHYSICAL ADJECTIVES: runt; small, frail, pretty boy
FULL DESCRIPTION:  Like his siblings, Toulouse takes more after Jacob than Pincher. His fur is a slightly dirty-looking gray like that of slate, tinted nearly black over his spine and tail. The texture of his coat is rugged and coarse; thick and almost matted from seawater and usually a bit damp from how often he swims, as well as messy and rugged from tossing and turning in the night. Though he retains more qualities from Jacob, he still inherited a few things from Pincher; notably his floppy ears and narrow face. His eyes are heterochromic, two lovely almond-shaped optics; his right eye is hazel like a crisp autumn leaf, with flecks of brown and orange around his pupil, his left eye blue as the sky above and clear as the pool on Haven Island. Beneath his eyes sit dark circles; a sign of lacking sleep. His pupils remain undilated and though that makes them somewhat sensitive to light, he's developed a third eyelid to ensure protection. Inside his jaws sit rows and rows of sharp, ridged teeth like that of a shark's. Lou stands the shortest of his siblings, the runt of the litter, with lanky legs and a body so thin you'd think he was malnourished. His body doesn't quite absorb the amount of nutrients he needs to grow, leaving him quite small for a large majority of his life. He looks as though he is made of glass; delicate, frail, seeming like he'll break from the weakest of touches. Overall, he's a pretty little thing, resembling a porcelain doll (with shark teeth).

POSITIVE TRAITS: Protective, kind to loved ones, family-oriented
NEUTRAL TRAITS: Timid, blunt, very quiet, drowsy
NEGATIVE TRAITS: Bad social anxiety, oblivious, reclusive, standoffish, hot-tempered
MENTAL ILLNESSES: Autism, ADHD; developed selective mutism
FULL DESCRIPTION:  One could describe Lou as feisty or perhaps irritable, for the boy has quite a bad temper for his age. He seems to almost always be in a bad mood, with a permanent scowl upon his face that either reads angry or sad. He has yet to control this temper of his, and though he doesn't blow up when set off, it's easy to tell when he is not happy with someone or something. He has a tendency to isolate himself from others, as he struggles with severe social anxiety, leading to him remaining inside for days on end with little contact with others. The only people he seems to trust or be genuinely happy or calm around is his family, especially his father, Pincher. The boy tends to trail the captain everywhere, usually taking to sitting between his paws or hiding behind his tail. Lou is extremely quiet for a child his age, usually expected to be loud and excitable and energetic as other children, instead remaining completely silent unless somehow provoked. Called "selective mutism," he usually only speaks within the secluded company of family members and rarely to anybody else. Though a bit hard to tell for some, this stems from his autism and ADHD; he finds some things difficult to cope with and simply cannot comprehend other things, which is a leading factor in his temperament. Choosing when he speaks and whom he speaks to gives him some control and is one of his ways to cope. Another mechanism he's acquired is chewing on things; this comes as a stim to him, developing very early, when he began to teeth. He has a habit of chewing on whatever is nearest to him (usually someone's tail or paw) when he grows anxious or irritated, or simply wants to chew. Despite all these "bad" qualities of his, Lou can be kind, though his soft side is usually only shown around his siblings or parents. He's incredibly protective of them and despite being the smallest of his litter, he does what he can to defend them, even if it means getting injured in the process. He very much loves his family and would quite literally do anything for them.

[div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]FAVORITE THINGS:
— Toulouse swims more than he does anything else, enjoying the cool water washing over him on a warm summer day. On the nights he finds himself unable to sleep, he goes to the ocean and wades in it to clear his mind.
— He enjoys painting almost as much as swimming, though he definitely is not the most talented at it. He simply loves to wave the brushes around and splatter colors on canvas, portray what he feels without needing to say anything.
— At times during the night, when he cannot rest his eyes or calm himself in the eerie darkness, he pads to wherever Pincher sleeps and curls up beside him. He finds comfort in the presence of his father, feels better pressed into his fur and listening to his heartbeat until he finally can sleep.

Re: maybe my heart's numb / storage - emil - 08-23-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 50%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]i'll make actual tags later but for now

— easy physically, easy mentally
— won't start or end fights
— has never killed and doesn't intend to

— selectively mute, only talks to people he likes or trusts
— peaceful actions may be powerplayed; reaction will vary
— attack in bold or italicized black / [member=1974]TOULOUSE R.[/member] when needed