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IS IT REALLY A CRIME (Open, fight) - Printable Version

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IS IT REALLY A CRIME (Open, fight) - MirrorEdge - 08-22-2018

//after discovering shapeshifting which I will write after this
You saw how Oni managed to tear up that NPC like it was nothing. Don't you think that's a challenge? It had indeed looked like a challenge, and the leopard had set off at a brisk trot, searching for the tiny cat. Surely angering him or endangering his life would make it more fun, get him to shift. If not, he'd die never amounting to much, in Thea's eyes. No remorse would be shown if she killed the little kitten who at one point, wanted to fight the sun. 

It'd taken some time to refine the power she had gained recently, her control over it far from perfect, but better than before, to the point she could use it in a fight. Something new to toy with challengers.

"Oni! Come here! I wanna fight! Pleeease?" Her voice rang out, looking a bit too cheerful, as usual

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Re: IS IT REALLY A CRIME (Open, fight) - ONISION. - 08-23-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
Oni had been sunbathing when he heard the call from Thea, cold blue eyes opening and narrowing in annoyance. Could this bitch ever get enough of fighting? She'd get herself killed from all of the fights she got into constantly. Lifting his head, he stared at the unfamiliar large feline form of Thea, eyes narrowing again. "Fuck off, Thea. Go fight someone your own size." Onision grunted in response, standing up and favoring his broken leg before scooting off of the stone he had been sunbathing on before. It was true, it'd take him either losing his temper, getting terribly hurt, or on the verge of fight or flight response to get him to shift. His wolf was asleep inside of him, dwelling in the deepest parts of his genetics for now. Margaery had warned him, and Oni was trying his best to remain calm in this situation.

Re: IS IT REALLY A CRIME (Open, fight) - MirrorEdge - 08-23-2018

In a few moments, Thea teleported in front of Oni, a wicked grin on her face. "Really? Somebody my own size, huh? Then we can fight!" With a laugh, she closed her eyes, shifting into a wolf, about the size of Oni, give or take, and tail wagging. "C'mon, I want a challenge!" With that, she aimed a blow at the general direction of his head, hoping to trigger something. Maybe provoke him, or scare him. She didn't care.

Template by Quill

Re: IS IT REALLY A CRIME (Open, fight) - imperia - 08-23-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px;"]Oh goodness gracious. When Imperia suggested sparring to Thea earlier, this is not exactly what she had in mind. But as the the timid female approaches, bringing with her some first aid supplies (just in case), she realizes that perhaps this is exactly what both Thea and Onision need. Nice, simple combat. Something to exercise the high energies which often cause the youths to clash with those around them. Clearly average clan life is not for those two children, which is fine enough for Imperia. Perhaps the Ascendants could benefit from training these two and employing them in guarding positions. She cannot think of two better defenders. Granted, that’s a bit of an optimistic way of thinking.

”Let’s try not to inflict any serious injuries,” says the gentle creature with a nervous smile. Please. Much like a nervous mother, she hovers nearby so to monitor the clash, but does not intervene yet. As much as she would like to put a stop to it all, she knows that sometimes young peo0le have to work these things out themselves. ”I will be here if you need me.” does she expect either of them to pay her any attention? No, absolutely not. But someone has to make sure they don’t kill each other.

Re: IS IT REALLY A CRIME (Open, fight) - MOONMADE - 08-23-2018

[size=9pt]"Thea," groaned Moon as he approached, looking disheveled and exhausted. "Why the fuck are you tryna fight everyone?" Listen, he liked the kid. He did. She had spirit. She stood out against the rest of the submissive fuckers that the Clan was full of. She said what she wanted to say, which Moon could both relate to and respect. But just out right proclaiming brawls wasn't so classy.

He settles himself down beside Peri, dragging one paw down his face. A yawn splits from his mouth, the picture of every stereotypical yawning lion you're thinking of right now. He sets his head down on his paws and stares, blank, at the scene before him. "I get it, okay. This kid is can be an asshole and don't tell Fangs but I'd pay to see him get his ass handed to him. But, for once, he's right. Can't you find another big cat to fight? V? Anima?"

Re: IS IT REALLY A CRIME (Open, fight) - tori - 08-23-2018

He didn't think he needed to step in for Onision when the spunky Fireball got into altercations, but for once in his short life he was getting irritated with someone. Thea was just a very concerning individual, always trying to pick fights, and while he would have to agree that these two needed something to get out all that extra energy, something about her methods of going about that rubbed him the wrong way. Just wandering about and yelling at the sky until the person of choice arrived and then expecting a fight. That was fine, at least, as long as it was planned out beforehand. Not just "you said something to me, let's battle!". And of course there was the more biased response when Thea's current opponent was none other than the blue eyed boy himself. Surely he'd gone through enough over the past week or so.

At first, he didn't say anything. Oni didn't need anyone to talk for him, he had a good grasp of a colorful vocabulary. And so he placed himself near Imperia, the only sane one around for the time being. He was content with being silent, keeping an eye on the crazy lady, but when Thea started swinging, the ebony canine let out a very uncharacteristic growl, teeth slightly bared. Truth be told, it was more of a stress response then an actual attempt to be threatening, and Alexander's body tensed in the possible event of him leaving his spot and making himself into a barrier.


Re: IS IT REALLY A CRIME (Open, fight) - ONISION. - 08-23-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
It only took a split second for Onision to flinch before chocolate fur shifted into thicker, darker brown fur. His body grew larger, and as Thea wanted, his wolf form took place. Internally, Oni was whimpering for this to not happen again. He didn't want this to happen. But the wolf externally had prideful, blood thirsty eyes, saliva dripping from his jaws as he attempted to snap his jaws around Thea's paw in an attempt to use his weight and momentum to force her into the ground face first. A loud snarl ripped from the feral wolf's throat, fangs bared in a vicious growl that just radiated 'back off'. This was Thea's last chance to back away, the lupine was allowing her one last chance of escape.

After all, in the wolf's eyes, this was a fight for dominance. His host could wait, he wanted a fight.

Re: IS IT REALLY A CRIME (Open, fight) - trojan g. - 08-23-2018

Normally, Roman liked sparring, but as Roman approached the scene that was going on now, he could tell that this was not that, this was not sparring. It would have been different had it been two different individuals, or even if it had just been Oni and someone else, but Roman knew that Thea did not Spar, she fought, and she did it to win not to learn. It was one of the reasons why he did not like the female, as she reminded him of those from an anticlan, a place she was much more suited for.

Roman was confused as to why the others were just sitting to the side, Moonmade being the only one to actually say something when it came to trying to get Thea to not try and fight the boy. Roman had been gone for a bit, sure, so he didn't know how well the clan got along with one another, but he did know that they still remained a pro-clan.

As he remained over, Roman made sure to stay standing, just in case he needed to step in, just in case Thea didn't back off after Oni's warning, though he did speak. "Thea, he said he didn't want to fight, so back off." He'd speak out, stern voice unwavering, "If you want to fight someone go to the fucking Typhoon. Your clanmates are the ones that are going to defend you when you get in trouble, but not if you keep fighting all of them."

Re: IS IT REALLY A CRIME (Open, fight) - ★ HAZEL - 08-23-2018

as love filled night gives way to day
Hazel usually didn't mind Thea's aggressive nature. Sure, she was a bit forward and far too eager when the opportunity to spar presented itself, but she wasn't necessarily a bad kid. Just...constantly chasing adrenaline. Sometimes she wished Bastille would sit the younger fireball down and explain appropriate timing, and other times she wished Thea would just calm down.

At this point, Thea had just chosen a bad opponent; not in the sense that Oni couldn't fight, but in the sense that he was still having trouble controlling his temper. This thirst for combat could get far bloodier than intended if someone didn't see to its end, which...thankfully, other people were seeing to. Hazel wished she had the drive to act on her thoughts instead of silently disapproving from afar. Pebbles of peruvian opal voiced her ill taste for Thea's eagerness as she came to a stop near Ro, frowning in the display. "Ro's right, Thea." Hazel agreed, the corners of her mouth tilting down. "Fight someone who actually wants to spar; don't pick on those who don't." It was essentially an echo of Roman's words,

Re: IS IT REALLY A CRIME (Open, fight) - Luciferr - 08-23-2018

"EY! ANGRY TRIBBLE!" An irritated voice called over before the sound of heavy steps followed up by the sight of the newly returned bitch in black n gold herself "Now i'm all for a fight - but Onions said no pipsquek - and you know what they say, no means no - so scram!" the spinosaurus illustrated that last point with a clack of loud teeth in a snappish manner.

hey look she loved a good fuckin brawl but time n place yknow? also whomst the fuck tries to constantly maim their own buddies when there were untold enemy combatants abounding - go fuckin fight them, its yer lively hood, fuck.
