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rat in a cage — mel’s storage - Printable Version

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rat in a cage — mel’s storage - melantha - 04-04-2018


[align=center][div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]NAME melantha faber
NAME ORIGIN melantha comes from the greek words melaina meaning “dark” and anthos meaning “flower.” insinuates the person possesses dark hair and dark eyes or a dark side to their personality
NICKNAME(S) mel | melly | lantha | lannie
GENDER female
PRONOUNS feminine
AGE 15 months | ages on the 24th of each month
CREATION DATE june 24, 2013
CLAN the pitt — crusader

PARENTS jacky x cataclysm faber
SIBLINGS adriana (f), corbett (m), stella fracta (f), alison (f), charlie (f), hummingbirdkit(f), dearlea (f)
SEXUALITY bisexual biromantic
RELATIONSHIP STATUS single / not looking
CRUSH(ES) none
FRIENDS yes man, valkyr
ENEMIES dante, tsuyu

now a young adult, melantha is nearing the end of her physical growth. with large paws, she stands at the height (or more so) of a medium sized dog. her pelt no longer sports the chestnut dapples characteristic of cubs, and is instead a sleek sandy hue; albeit still fluffy and a bit unruly due to her youth. overall, she is just the average cougar: no special markings, no unique coloring, and no identifiable wounds which set her apart from the rest. she is not ugly, just plain. if anything, her eyes are the most beautiful aspect of her features are her eyes. a pale, olive green which appear blue or grey in the right lighting. but it is a difficult detail to notice, as she rarely lets anyone close enough (for long enough) to notice.

essentially the stereotypical moody teen, melantha is an unstable mixture of hormones. having been separated from her family at a young age due to a natural disaster, she quickly learned to survive on her own. while her astute and intelligent nature allows her to quickly pick up on how to hunt, fight, and otherwise maneuver through the wilds of life, the fact that she is lost and sad and alone makes sure that no one forgets that in spite of all her talents, mel is merely a child thrust into adulthood far too early. she desperately desires some sort of connection with others to fill the void her family left, but she learned early on that the only person she can trust is herself. thus, she left behind the sweet innocence of her early days and instead adapted a cold, standoffish personality to protect herself from the sadness of being lost and abandoned once more. however, she truly is a wonderful girl, beneath the self-hate and the mood swings. she dreams of falling in love and possesses a keen passion for art and learning. but very rarely does she allow anyone else to witness such attributes. only those who can survive her sharp-tongue and break through her defenses may experience her softer, more delicate traits.

in regards to her membership to the pitts, she is generally unopposed to the violence as she views it as the natural order of life. however, she is not fond of the slavery. but she is a rule follower and obedient to her superiors and will not actively go against the practice. she can, however, be moved to sneak food, water, or medicine to those who need it.

— afraid of large bodies of water (reluctant to show it)
— suffers from mild depression
— ultimate goal is to find her family
— strong work ethic but doesn't work well with others
— pushes people away for fear of them hurting her (emotionally)
— frustrated about how normal she is
— has a cute freckle under her right eye

Re: rat in a cage — mel’s storage - melantha - 04-04-2018


under construction:

Re: rat in a cage — mel’s storage - melantha - 04-22-2018

[div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"][align=center]ART AND OTHER MEDIA

old stuff circa old wcrpg:
new stuff:

Re: rat in a cage — mel’s storage - melantha - 06-17-2018

signatures and things:
[align=center][Image: lQ0bDzK.gif] [Image: MEo52Vl.gif] [Image: lzmcT0y.gif]