Beasts of Beyond
WAITING A THOUSAND YEARS && lost + joining. - Printable Version

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WAITING A THOUSAND YEARS && lost + joining. - miss ririchiyo - 08-22-2018

Yuuri didn't know why she had been dropped off here, in all honesty. Her parents had just ditched her here, probably because of her attitude. But, the white borzoi pup wasn't satisfied with the answer she had given herself, she wanted more of an explanation! Sadly for her, she wouldn't be getting one.

Emerald hues scanned the surrounding area before she settled on a bush nearby, stumbling past it. Fuck it, she would find a place to live herself.
tags :: updated 8/19:

Re: WAITING A THOUSAND YEARS && lost + joining. - arcy - 08-23-2018

Izuku wasn't really sure if he was more of a worrier or a protector these days. I mean -- right now he was more centered around 'protect', but that was because of the Pitt, really. These traits of his clashed a lot sometimes, though. It was a little annoying, in all honesty, but Izuku could deal with it. No use trying to change things like these.
And even still, it made Izuku kind of edgy about stuff like this. When he'd seen the borzoi pup just sitting there, he'd been hit with a simultaneous Oh no what is she doing here is she okay?? and I've gotta move or hide her before the Pitt finds her here. She was a little older than he'd been when he'd woken up, but there was still that little bit of anxiety pulsing in his chest as he hurries over to the largely white pup, ears pricking. He'd slink along the ground because he's big and also very green, but that's kind of suspicious, isn't it.
"Hi!" Izuku chirrups, doing his best to mask the nervous anxiety he feels from his voice. There's a twitch of concern in his expression, but even so. The dragon quickly scans the area around, before subtly curling around Yuuri's space. Block her from immediate view, easier to defend. It helped that she was in a bush, anyways. "Uh! I'm -- Izuku. Are .. Are you okay, what're you doing here?" He neglects to ask for her name, mostly by accident. But, y'know. Whatever.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: WAITING A THOUSAND YEARS && lost + joining. - Luciferr - 08-23-2018

/hes half feral and due to his origins he does attack people, just so yknow why oof


a sudden growling hiss sounded out from a dark crevice between rock and snow before a form of almost liquid shadow struck out aiming straight for [member=2067]YUURI.[/member] intent on tearing into her, or maybe rend a limb? leave a nasty scar? it did not matter, the beast wanted blood in his claws and warmth of beating heart in his jaws if he could - this place was enemy hive with enemy prey-threats, there was no one to forestall him from food or victim here.

but the beast was not stupid, he kept himself aware of the larger threat - quick to dash and dance away like smoke through claws if the threat-dragon moved too Ill for its liking.


Re: WAITING A THOUSAND YEARS && lost + joining. - SICARION - 08-23-2018

[align=center][div style="max-width: 500px; text-align: justify;"]There was an abandoned child at Snowbound, and Floris could not express in his own mind just how fucking awful that set of circumstances was. There was no stability here, not with Stryker stinking up the place with his self-righteousness, and the rodents in his wake made life an annoyance, greater than it usually was. They'd never acted as mindlessly in their targets -yet- as this creature, however, and the dragon did not hesitate to attempt an interception, [color=black]aiming to slam into the panther-sized beast's haunches to throw him off balance. He trusted Izuku to take care of the kid- he'd already been at it before the inky Pitt member showed up, so regardless of whether the beast dodged, Floris assumed an aggressive stance, mandible tight against his jaw while he growled, subharmonics projecting a warning.

Re: WAITING A THOUSAND YEARS && lost + joining. - miss ririchiyo - 08-23-2018

Yuuri hadn't expected scales to wrap around her, blocking her view of everything. Unlike most children who were lost, Yuuri didn't cry. She merely glanced up at the male, but was soon met with a flash of pain across her face, blood splattering across the ground and onto Izuku's scales as her vision went blurry, blood being blinked away. "Ah- I can't see.." She muttered, unable to feel the burning pain that she was supposed to feel. Maybe it was because she couldn't feel pain, maybe her nerve endings were fucked.

Once the threat was gone, the blurry-eyed borzoi merely ignored the blood trickling from her eye sockets, curling up close to Izuku as crimson igor tainted fluffy white fur.
tags :: updated 8/19:

Re: WAITING A THOUSAND YEARS && lost + joining. - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-24-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Atbash shouldn't be out like this and she knew it. Being out like this would only invoke Stryker's wrath, but she had a tribe to attend to. Surely Stryker would understand that? No, no, of course not. She was stupid. She would just have to deal with the consequences, as a leader should.

Atbash had a Snowbounder NPC help her walk along the territory, and Atbash pricked her ears as she heard Izuku's voice in the distance. The Hailcaller arrived just as Sicarion went after the strange Pitt creature and concern flooded over Atbash's body as she heard the whimper come from the stranger Izuku had curled over. "H-hey, it'll be okay..." Atbash tried to sooth Yuuri as she came closer, placing down a shaking paw in the snow. It was hard to balance with her vision being so discombobulated right now, but she had to try. Atbash bit her lip as she watched the blood come from the canine's eyes and winced, realizing that's probably what her own eye looked like to her tribe. "We-we need to get her back to camp. Izuku, is there any way you can carry her by yourself, or-or do we need something?" Atbash still had her powers, so she could conjure something to carry the other female in if Izuku didn't want to carry her by himself.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: WAITING A THOUSAND YEARS && lost + joining. - Luciferr - 08-24-2018

he danced away from the coming threat, a rattling hiss escaping the creature before he turned and bounded away - cotent with the damage inflicted and knowing he was outnumbered.

the beast was not idiotic, it knew when to cut and run - wait for another opportunity and so it went away, back to its shadows to lick the blood from its claws with content hisses.



Re: WAITING A THOUSAND YEARS && lost + joining. - arcy - 08-26-2018

Ah, just as anticipated. A fucking Pitt member. The dragon can't help but tense and snarl as the other approaches, though responds a little too late to prevent the child's injury. that was .. incredibly unfortunate, and maybe a little infuriating. He's just about ready to get up and fight but Sicarion arrives, and Izuku decides that focusing specifically on the kid is better. He gives the other dragon a nod in thanks, though he's not sure the other can see it with the way he's distracted. Y'know, even if the weird monstrous thing is already gone.
"I can take her," Izuku assures as he considers the pup. Hm. Eye injury. He had enough in his secret stock to cover for that, right. His ears briefly flatten, tail giving a gentle thump against the ground. He sighs. "O -- okay. I'm going to pick you up and bring you home to treat that injury, okay? Um .. What's your name?" Don't just .. pretend she wasn't there, or couldn't hear or something. His voice is as soft as he can make it, softly chirring. Chirrs were a pretty weird sound to make, in Izuku's opinion, but that was just sort of .. a thing he did as a dragon, apparently. But once he's finished speaking, the dragon makes to attempt to gently pick up the pup by her scruff, back of her neck, whatever. He doesn't want to carry her like that -- scruffs weren't the greatest ways to carry people, and Izuku's teeth were sharp and what if he accidentally tightened his grip? He could kill her, and it was bad enough he was so much bigger. He huffs softly, and then, assuming he's been allowed to pick her up at all, he swings his neck carefully to try and place her on his back. The moss that grows from him for whatever god forsaken reason was comfortable enough, and easy enough to cling to if he jostles her. Even if it'll hurt, but what does it matter, honestly.
//srry for late reply gasdjfds
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: WAITING A THOUSAND YEARS && lost + joining. - miss ririchiyo - 08-26-2018

"Yuuri. My name's Yuuri." She muttered in reply, unmoving under the feeling of being lifted. In an instinctive move, Yuuri's tail curled up under her stomach, her paws tucked up as the dragon gently carried her in an attempt to bring her back to his house. The newly-blinded borzoi puppy made no move to retaliate, she was much too tired to fight back. Besides, from the feeling Izuku gave her, he didn't seem bad at all.
"Please take care of me, I'll be in your hands." Yuuri spoke in Japanese, unsure if anyone even spoke the foreign language.
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