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think of it | storage - Printable Version

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think of it | storage - tropics - 04-04-2018

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Maecenas et semper odio. Nullam vulputate nisi id tellus blandit efficitur. Sed vehicula quam ac fermentum bibendum. Vestibulum eget congue tortor. Vestibulum purus orci, ultricies eu volutpat lobortis, vestibulum vel massa. Etiam at purus a nisi vehicula rutrum. Suspendisse sit amet turpis nec odio pulvinar volutpat at a quam. Proin mauris elit, aliquam et aliquam non, viverra id quam. Pellentesque sollicitudin erat feugiat massa ullamcorper, quis vulputate ante dictum. Ut convallis ultrices nunc, in pulvinar mi imperdiet eu. Nam porta sit amet odio quis sodales. Donec dictum, orci a ornare scelerisque, lacus ipsum sodales turpis, eu tempus sem quam ut dui. Quisque mollis urna mauris, eget pulvinar ipsum finibus et. Donec porttitor feugiat risus, sit amet blandit urna fringilla nec.

Nulla a tristique elit, et auctor nisi. Phasellus lectus massa, gravida eu cursus in, pretium a ligula. Phasellus blandit nunc vitae elementum euismod. Nullam aliquam lacus ac rhoncus blandit. Ut lobortis malesuada elementum. Morbi accumsan fermentum eros eu iaculis. Suspendisse vehicula finibus purus. Fusce eu orci a dui finibus auctor sed a neque. Duis tempor dui ac dolor ornare, ut sollicitudin purus ultrices. Nullam eu ante quis risus eleifend faucibus. Aenean cursus, lacus pulvinar faucibus bibendum, dolor nisl dapibus ex, at viverra orci tellus ut est. Maecenas lorem dui, vestibulum at leo ut, feugiat dignissim augue. Nulla facilisi. Duis ac velit blandit, pellentesque elit vitae, efficitur mauris. Sed ac nisl dolor.

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Re: think of it | storage - tropics - 04-04-2018

Re: think of it | storage - tropics - 04-05-2018

- charcoal bengal
- lavender eyes
- muscular, has neither a lithe nor a bulky build- they're smack in the middle
- extremely stealthy and flexible, often tries to contort her body, just for fun
- little devil horns
- has 0 manners but a lot of charm
- when older - manipulative, persuasive, usually talks their way out of things or into them if they wish
- super family-oriented
- a little arrogant and egotistical
- will not rest until they get what they want
- very driven & focused

Amphirite? Name should have something to do with the sea
Gender? Heck if I know, doesn't matter anyway
Charcoal bengal, as I said. Muscular, in between build, lavender eyes
Smooth fur except for the natural cowlickS

Likes to steal shit and sneak around, loves to overhear gossip
Likes jewelry
Really dislikes being away from the ocean, feels super uncomfortable and trapped
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being most likely to start a cult, they are a solid 7
Really loves to swim, can often be seen grooming salt out of their fur bc eww
Likes to train and excercise, mainly to be like "haha I'm more fit than u"
Obviously very competitive
Possible cannibalistic tendencies because a snack is a snack, yes??

Re: think of it | storage - tropics - 04-07-2018

name - amphirite
nicknames - amph
gender - ??? either male or gender neutral
romantic/sexual orientation - panromantic and pansexual

appearance - a charcoal bengal cat with lavender eyes. fit and flexible, not particularly strong nor fast but has good stamina. wears one earring and sometimes a bandana tied like this (put link when not on mobile). smooth fur but they have a few natural cowlicks that they can't smooth down, no matter how hard they try

personality - family-oriented, arrogant, egotistical, driven, focused, manipulative, charming, rude, extremely dramatic on purpose (they like being the center of attention and will pretend to dramatically faint and everything if they think it'll get them that), competitive, no morals oops, so terrifying self-centered it's honestly sad

plot ideas;
- possibly attacks a clanmate bc they are getting in the way of their plans
- exiled eventually? they're a craphead ok
- possible cannibalistic tendencies!! wheeee!
- need somebody to be killed for you? they're on it as long as you give them snacks afterward
- really tries to climb the ranks, wants to be in power
- possibly spreads gossipy rumors about someone, because they're super stealthy and could sneak around and hear gossip
- definitely would never harm a family member unless they were attacked first. Extremely obedient when it comes to their parents. They're just like "ok sounds cool"
- finds out that they literally cannot deal with being away from the ocean

Re: think of it | storage - tropics - 06-15-2018

- 4-6 months old
- cutthroat, harsh, easily scared, alert
- fiercely independent, will not accept help from anyone
- stealthy and sneaky
- name starts with A?? artemis?
- was never taught manners
- defensive, sensitive, and easy to upset- easy to rile up, has a short temper
- loud and outspoken, will not shut up, likes to be part of the in-crowd
- the litter she was born in wasn't planned.
- unnecessarily violent, doesn't understand that violence isn't always the answer
- a kitten of some sort. small, scrappy, and wiry. has a lot of lean muscle and looks weaker than she actually is. maybe a blue point cat, idk what breed. dilute calico point? longer fur around face, chest, and tail. shorter fur everywhere else.
- hard to gain her respect but hard to lose it once it's gained
- loves being around people and loves attention, although she's unlikely to admit it. will often follow people she thinks are "cool" around.
- plot ideas: makes a friend of sorts and constantly follows them around? would probably be good at spying? develop some healthy relationships?

possible names - accalia or adalia
cis female, demipanromantic + pansexual (when older)
brief appearance - a scrappy dilute tortoiseshell kitten. she is smaller than your average kitten and, in her adulthood, weigh only six or seven pounds. she is wiry and too thin, the typical pudge of a kitten replaced by lean muscle. it is clear that life has not been kind to accalia- her bones stick out, she has a long scar, stretching from her jawline to her shoulder, and her fur is always ruffled. its particularly obvious on the longer parts of her coat; her cheeks, her tail, and her chest. she could certainly use a good bath. adalia looks like someone who has been running through the forest for days, and the wild look on her face shows she definitely has. her eyes are the only part of her that could be considered even remotely pretty. they are massive, expressive, and a beautiful shade of gold that contrasts well with her gray-and-tan fur.

brief history - she grew up in a rough family. it wasn't that her parents were horrific to her- neither of her parents ever laid a claw on her, but they payed her no heed other than to tell her how to fight and that if she didn't understand their instructions, she would be dead. unfriendly loners were common in the area, and if a little kitten pissed them off enough, they wouldn't show mercy. she was a good hunter, with soft paws and light weight, but that didn't mean she got enough food. her parents rarely remembered to drop by and give her a mouse, and so she learned how to steal. she learned the hard way that her parents were right and the loners were unfriendly when one gave her a scar after she took a shrew from them. that was the day that she decided that, if she was going to survive, she did need to be tough and she did need to be violent. she couldn't show fear or hesitate. if she hadn't fought back and given the loner a kick to the eye, she would have met her end. eventually, her parents grew tired of her being around, however little time she spent with them. they told her to get lost and so she did. it didn't change much, anyway.

"i don't need anyone." that's what she thinks. she didn't need her parents. she can survive fine on her own. she can hunt and she can hold her own in a fight- she might get a scar out of it, but she can do it. and yet, when she found the border of some strange group, she hesitated. a little part of her, deep inside her, said that she needed someone. "no." she said to it. but she didn't turn around. she didn't walk away from the border. she stayed and waited for someone to come along.

she can go down two paths - one, where she develops healthy relationships, people show her how to be kinder and less aggressive, and she becomes a better person or two, where nobody encourages kindness and instead they encourage her violent and harsh behavior and she keeps on going down her dark path.

independent and won't accept help, but she needs it. she likes to be around others, even if she is absolutely terrible at it and won't admit it. anyone who gives her praise or positive attention can easily influence her; she's starved for that stuff and will do whatever it takes to get more of it.

Re: think of it | storage - tropics - 11-01-2018

finally (roughly) finished thank god
Name; eris rosario
Nicknames; tba

Physical Age; Unborn
Mental Age; Unborn
Date Of Birth; ??

Sex; Male
Gender; Male
Romantic Orientation; Panromantic
Sexual Orientation; Pansexual

Alliance; The Typhoon
Rank; ...fetus??

Species; Domestic Cat
Appearance; it's hard to tell which parent eris most resembles. his semi-long, fluffy fur is a blend of all three of them. the base is a pale cream, with a patch of dusty gray on half his face, on his neck, two of his paws, and the end of his tail. the darker color fades gently into the rest of his coat. stripes and little spots, almost like freckles, are layered on top of the patches; it creates a cluttered look that contrasts nicely with his pale fur. two stripes on eris's head lead down an inch or two down to horns, a few shades darker than the stripes themselves. like luca's, they are small and will remain that way. to the sides, there are his ears; large, almost comically so. further down, there's a pair of tangerine-orange eyes, with a tint of hot pink around his pupils. it's unclear where the orange color comes from, but the combination of that and the pink make eris's eyes akin to a bright, extremely dramatic sunset. below them, there's a dark gray nose, and a mouth that seems to always be smiling or smirking, showing off eris's white teeth.

he did not inherit junji's similarly pale wings. he did not inherit luca's wings, either. eris is grounded on earth, much to his disappointment. to make up for his lack of wings, eris makes sure to take care of the earthbound body that he has and keep fit. he is muscular and lithe, with long legs, and looks like he has been made specially to be good at running and jumping. he couldn't be called graceful, but he is, at least, coordinated. eris will grow to be the height of an average rag doll cat, and shows that height off with a proudly raised head.

personality traits are in the different text colors.
detailed personality; when one first meets eris, they typically have a good first impression of him. he's outgoing, with a cheerful face and friendly words, and he seems polite enough. one might even go so far as to say he's charming. there's a confident ease about eris, one that says he doesn't worry much about what others think of him and that he has complete faith in himself.

if one were to get to know eris a little more, they might discover that he sometimes is overconfident; eris can be rather cocky. he seems to think that he can do whatever he wants and that logic doesn't apply, simply because he's him and he's great. this can get eris into trouble. he might think he can make a jump when he can't, or make a comment when it's not a good idea, or he might try to fight someone much more experienced than him, all because of his arrogance. this doesn't pair well with his reckless and impulsive nature. eris doesn't think before he acts, and he doesn't care about the consequences of his actions, which is one of the worst combos to exist. one can only hope that eris will eventually learn to think.

there are rare instances where his impulsiveness can become positive. eris is bold the risks he take can be good ones. it all depends on the situation and whether or not he acts properly in it. speaking of that- eris will do things just to see how people react. he's undeniably curious, and will ask many questions, as well as try to figure out the answers to his questions himself... one way or another. these questions range from "why is the sky blue?" to "if i eat that slug, will it taste good?" to "how far down can i jump without getting injured?". if any cat was going to be killed by curiosity, it would probably be eris.

eris's final personality trait is competitive. races, debates, beauty contests- whatever it is, eris wants to compete in it and win it. he isn't absurdly competitive; eris won't cheat or compete against someone with a significant disadvantage, but that's only because he doesn't get the thrill of a well-earned win.

over all, eris has his ups and downs. he's still young, and over time his personality will change. it may be for the better, it may be for the worse, but only time will tell.

Parents; luca, marcellus, and junji
Siblings; tbd

plot ideas;
- eris will discover he has fire elementals when he is about eight months old. before that, he will really want a power, and will be jealous of anyone his age who already has one or more. he will try to compensate for his lack of a power by becoming great at something, like fighting, swimming, etc.
- out of curiosity, eris may try to befriend someone from an enemy group, to see if the creatures in the group are as bad as everyone says. whether he decides they are or aren't, or if he's discovered by someone and if so, by whom, is not decided yet.
- he will understand latin and be able to speak it if he wishes, but generally won't, since almost everyone outside his family won't understand what he's saying.
- eris will probably stay in the typhoon for his whole life unless something happens.
- the lack of angelic or demonic physical features will make eris feel a little less connected from those sides of himself. since he looks more like a mortal being than anything else, eris will feel more like connected to that part of himself, even though it's only a third of his heritage.

Re: think of it | storage - tropics - 11-29-2018

Name; lambrini
Nicknames; prefers bri to anything else; will become irritated if referred to as "lam", will accept rini

Age; Eleven months old
Date Of Birth; ??

Gender; Cisgender female
Romantic Orientation; Panromantic
Sexual Orientation; Heterosexual

Alliance; ??

Species; Domestic Dog; Siberian Husky

personality traits are in the different text colors.
detailed personality; flirtatious, intense, poised, goodhearted, dedicated, curious, sweet, hot-headed, rash

Parents; npc x npc
Siblings; tbd

plot ideas;

Re: think of it | storage - tropics - 08-21-2019

- goes by mercedes, is not troubled by nicknames close to that but anything else is a case-by-case situation
- cisgender female, is
- about six months old; birthday is
- rank of group

important information
- was raised by a dismissive mother who only taught her the basics of life; eventually she stopped following her mother and struck out on her own because she wanted more excitement
- judges anyone and everyone
- presents as superficial and dumb because she prefers talking about shallower topics; is smarter than she shows
- has an excellent memory

- mutt [birth/main] | health: 100%
mercedes is pretty in a lean, deliberate way. she is fit, with a well-groomed coat of short fur that never has a strand out of place. she is a soft, solid cream color, few darker dots around her face, and her hips, almost mimicking moles. mercedes  errs on the smaller side, both in weight and build, and clearly isn't made for any brute force combat. she, over all, has sleek, prim, and pointed features, and takes great pride in her appearance.
- has a small scar on her hock from getting into a scuffle with another kid

- charismatic, outgoing, adaptable
- social, curious, blunt
- prideful, lofty, opinionated, judgmental

- single
- npc x npc | generation 1
- friends with n/a
- enemies with n/a
- gives a good first impression; will mess that up in two sentences

battle tags
- easy physically/medium mentally
- will try to avoid physical fighting; will engage in verbal ones
- has basic training in fighting; will dodge excessively and plan her moves carefully
- attack
- feel free to powerplay peaceful actions; her reactions will vary

in human aus, she's a thirteen-year-old with tan skin and highlighted blonde hair. she is fond of clothes she considers trendy, large sweatshirts, athletic shorts, and the occasional butterfly headband.

Re: think of it | storage - tropics - 09-07-2019

- goes by solana, will accept nicknames directly derived from that
- cisgender female, is pansexual
- seven months old | birthday |
- rank of group

- tends to show up suddenly and soundlessly as she's very light on her feet
- her parents taught her the basics of survival and left her on her own at three months old; she stole from others to survive and split from the area at six months old

- domestic cat [birth/main]
solana has somali and turkish angora blood in her, and it shows in her long, silky, white fur. she is sinuous, lithe, and muscular, and has a certain elegance about her, but is too thin. her face is sophisticated, with sharp cheekbones, large ears, and crimson, almond-shaped eyes. she carries herself with a raised head and a self-imposed importance, and her steps are quick and purposeful.
- has a good-sized claw mark at the base of her skull

- adaptable, determined, poised
- manipulative, ambitious, intense
- cold, ruthless, self-serving
- generally presents as polite and aloof for first impressions

- single | no crush | ½ N/A
- npc x npc | generation 1
- Friends with N/A
- Enemies with N/A

- physically easy/medium mentally
- knows the basics of combat; tends to use speed and agility on her side, will be constantly moving
- will start fights, but is more inclined to start verbal ones, and will actively avoid physically fighting someone much larger than her
- attack in bold crimson
- feel free to powerplay peaceful actions, but her reactions will vary

in human aus, she's a fifteen-year-old with deathly pale skin and white-blonde hair. she's fond of loose but practical clothes and errs toward neutral colors. her eyes are a middling shade of warm brown.

Re: think of it | storage - tropics - 10-29-2019

idk what else the character would be about, but they have the voice of their dead twin (whose death they caused, maybe?) in their head