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ALL NIGHT - open; hunting party - WEEKLY TASK - Printable Version

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ALL NIGHT - open; hunting party - WEEKLY TASK - rhosmari - 08-22-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]For one of her weekly tasks she had been given the job of gathering up a hunting party to take out into the territory so that they could restock the food pile that had been raided not too long ago. There was a separate and second part to her tasks but she was going to focus on this for now. Clearing her throat the woman would stretch out her wiry form, thick fur brushing against the ground as she stretched out her hind legs. It was definitely time to get the leg out and she arched her back as she stood up, releasing the tension that rippled through her body. Flicking her tail her eyes then shifted around the foyer before she sat up straight, severe stance a bit intimidating at first but she knew that those in this group had nothing to fear from her. As she was a friend of their's and she was rather intrigued with the lot of them. Lifting a paw she flicked her reinforced claws before calling out lightly with the hopes of gathering some attention. After she wasn't just sitting at attention in the foyer for her heath. "Rosebloods! We need to stock back up after a recent theft. So if you would like to come on a hunt with me then come. We need to take down small and big game so all are welcomed."

Re: ALL NIGHT - open; hunting party - WEEKLY TASK - rushy - 08-24-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]Hunting was not Lydia's favourite, nor was it really her forte. If there was anything physical-labor-based that she was good at, it was definitely either fighting or torture, just not hunting. Part of it was that she was just the size of a feline, at least that's what her excuse was, and it seemed pretty viable considering most of The Rosebloods were pretty formidable in size. Mostly it was just because she was quick to give up on anything she wasn't immediately acclimated too, easily frustrated by her own failure.

However, Lydia supposed this was part of her "duty" as a member of the group, and especially considering the recent food raid that depleted their storage, they needed as many helping hands as they could get. She was reluctant, but it seemed as if her conscience moved her feet before her laziness could hold her back from doing so. The red tabby appeared in front of Blueridge with a rather hesitant look, and gave her a small smile. "I'll definitely join," she spoke with a small nod "I'm small, but I think that I can manage to catch some stuff for our smaller members..."

Re: ALL NIGHT - open; hunting party - WEEKLY TASK - Jiyu Simul Stamus - 08-24-2018

They could nothing to feed her, luckily it was not her food which had been stolen, she didn't have any lying around because she left the territory to perform her own hunting. For the calico? No prey existed within the borders of their territory yet, and it was exceptionally hard to find suitable prey outside of the bounds they lived in as well, she had to find something that was not going to come back to bite them each time. However, she still hunted a good deal inside of the territory, she could never be stagnant for too long and when she didn't have to patrol she hunted to protect them from empty bellies. No matter what she was doing in some way it always seemed to be connected to violence no matter how distantly, even her paint was made with the blood of her own personal hunts. What else was she supposed to do? Sit around and talk to the animals she did an excellent job keeping safe? That was a ridiculous idea, bonding with them would comprise her and they didn't want to know her anyways, their little worlds were perfect without her demons and she intended to keep it that way for their sake.

"Hnn." colored ears flicked once as she padded up beside Lydia, empty gaze flicking from one cat to the other as she looked down at them due to being taller by a good foot at least if not several inches on top of it. What should she do, tell them that she was coming with? They already knew that the second they saw her, if she stopped long enough to wait on them, of course, she was going with them, there was no reason to say it. The only time to speak would be if another large animal or two showed up, to plan out hunting some large game together in order to take down a target without getting injured themselves.

Re: ALL NIGHT - open; hunting party - WEEKLY TASK - sephiroth - 08-24-2018

[Image: tumblr_p18fkxSdpR1ugq03no1_r1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #292727; color: white; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Hunting was an easy enough task, not to mention it was important after recent events.  He was also skilled at it naturally, with his size and might he could take larger prey that others couldn’t.  So Sephiroth would approach the small group, his head up as he stood among his groupmates.  ”I’ll participate.”  The lion would offer up his services, unsheathing his claws.  They were thorn sharp and moved slowly along the ground underneath him, clearly dangerous and ready to be put good use.  He hadn’t had the chance to properly put them to good use, and craved the thrill of the hunt like the predator he was.

Re: ALL NIGHT - open; hunting party - WEEKLY TASK - COSMIIX - 08-31-2018

He still had several clanmates to introduce himself to or meet but he didn't really care all that much for those social affairs though at the mention of hunting, the jaguar would make his way over with both ears angled forward. Kunta enjoyed hunting even if he didn't make the activity known to be one of his favorites. Although, he did enjoy knitting and crafts more than getting his claws dirty. "I will participate as well," They needed food especially after the Pitt stealing theirs.

[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: uppercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px #17181e; font-size: 12px;"] KUNTA BEKOE GHANA

Re: ALL NIGHT - open; hunting party - WEEKLY TASK - rhosmari - 09-01-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]The size of a creature was never something that she took in to consideration. She was about the same size as Lydia, a domestic feline and she looked to the female as she pointed out that she was small. Perhaps she thought because of that she couldn't do much but the woman merely looked the other over for a moment, orange red eyes intense before she turned to face here fully. "Never doubt yourself because of your size. You may have more potential then others." Her words were said with energy as she watched Jiyu come forward though the calico didn't speak and then came the large silver lion. Hmm, an interesting party. Then she watched as her boyfriend walked forth and spoke about him also going. Her tail flicked once and she dipped her head to all of them and then turned her head toward the gloomy forest where the prey was likely to be. "We'll start with the forest, there is likely to be small and large prey there. You may split up into groups or not, up to you. Bring back what you can." With little pause in her steps the woman walked off into the lush and thick foliage, easily making her way deeper and deeper before she parted her jaws and breathed in deeply the scent of the forest around her.