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PROUD OF YOU — o, ooc prompt - Printable Version

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PROUD OF YOU — o, ooc prompt - MARCELLUS - 08-21-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
The morning had set in as the sun began to rise from above the horizon, glistening amongst the water as the waves crashed up against the sandy shore. Marcellus had been resting in shack, the male shifting onto his back into a more silly but comfortable position as his chest lightly heaved and he gave off a gentle snore. The sound of one large wave crashing against the shore was enough to wake up him, eyes flying open in shock before he realized that all he heard was the shore next to his shack, a sigh escaping his mouth as he got to his paws and shook out his sleek pelt. He was soothed usually by the waves crashing up against the beach but today they seemed a bit more aggressive than usual, causing the male to grow a bit worried but pushing it aside. Probably him just overreacting per usual. The king cheetah briefly looking out the window and wincing as the sunlight bloomed against his face, causing him to take a step back as if he were just blindly. An annoyed huff escaped Marcel before he decided to just start the day, slipping on his golden collar as it lied on the nightstand and heading out through the door that was slightly broken due to the events of his panic attack that had occurred only a few days ago.

Marcellus allowed his paws to pound against the sandy terrain beneath as he looked from to and fro before making his way towards the water for a brief drink for his parched and dry throat. His eyes closed before he opened them and they darted instantly to the tag around his paw, lifting his paw to get a closer look at it as he raised his head from finishing his drink. He couldn't help but be a tad reminiscent of his tag and every time he viewed it as it was a reminder to him that he was a survivor, someone who survived the humans when others around him in their lab, didn't. He was a survivor and because of that he didn't want to ever take off his tag or lose it, to show that he was one of the few to make it out of that hellhole. For a moment the king cheetah closed his eyes in thought before opening them again and sighing. He just wanted a day where he could relax and frankly that didn't seem like today considering it was only a few minutes of him waking up and he was already reminiscent of his past.

The king cheetah sighed and decided to go back into his shack and return out with a bag of jolly ranchers, plopping a cherry one in his mouth and relaxing in his hammock.

Re: PROUD OF YOU — o, ooc prompt - CLEO R. C. - 08-22-2018

Eshe had once warned Cleo against trusting a survivor until she knew what exactly they had done to survive. The child hadn't been fazed by what clearly was extended to her as helpful advice, met with no concern towards matters of surviving or even persevering and far too young to be bothered by what her snake meant by that. The mamba had of course been frustrated by her carelessness towards the matter, coiling herself a little tighter around the bengal until her breath came to her as a struggle and she teetered dizzily on barely steady paws.  Cleo was foolish for not listening to Eshe, especially given the fact that she knew nothing about the reptile, nothing save the fact that she, too, had survived some circumstance she refused to give detail on.

But as Cleo approached Marcellus, not a single thought pertaining to survival danced in her mind, attention instead focused upon the bag of Jolly Ranchers he had with him. "What are those?" The child inquired, her tone revealing quite easily that she wished to try one. Her anger had subsided in the recent days, more of a dull ache now than anything else. She was free to think of things like candy and the wanting of said candy. Candy that Marcel currently had in his possession. Did she dare attempt to be forward? Or was the cheetah smart enough to figure out that her incessant gaze correlated with her longing for something sweet. "Oh, you were the sick one... Are you feeling any better?" She suddenly inquired, wondering if feigned concern about his health would assist in her mission to try a Jolly Rancher.

Re: PROUD OF YOU — o, ooc prompt - guts - 08-22-2018

In her days at sea with her family, she hadn't had much contact with humans, at least not until they killed everyone but her and her sister. They were the only ones left after the attack, simply because she had been able to fend them off. After that began her interest in battle and training. She would never be weak again, and she wanted to be able to protect those she valued--even if the one person she cherished most wasn't around anymore. She liked to think that if she were, she would want her to continue and get stronger, do what she enjoyed doing. With that thought in mind, she tried to live her life as close to how it was before everything happened as she could.

Naturally, some things were harder than others. Even if she thought she was doing good, she only thought that way because she didn't want to acknowledge the bitterness she actually felt. Her eyes were a bit darker, her face a bit more stone-cold than before. The former trickster was nothing but a shell of herself. Though she wished she couldn't, she could relate to being the only survivor.

Padding over to the child and the cheetah, Aineias eyed them both before her eyes landed on the bag of Jolly Ranchers, her expression softening as a curious look took over. She cocked her head to the side. "Is that a human thingy?" she couldn't recall ever seeing something like that before, so it must have been something the humans made. With that realization, she frowned, no longer interested in trying it. She didn't want to even touch something that belonged to those beasts.


Re: PROUD OF YOU — o, ooc prompt - Character Graveyard. - 08-22-2018

Kirishima had been up before the sun would appear from beyond the horizon. He'd been working on a few random scarves that he had forgotten to bring with him outside. Oh well- it was too hot for anybody to be wearing scarves but he'd probably start to pass out them in a month or two. As for himself, he wasn't sure if he was going to make a scarf or a sweater.

He had come across three of his fellow crewmates- Aineias, Cleo and Marcellus. A invisible brow raised, he'd noticed the candy that the king cheetah had and he would blink. The last time he had candy was back in the old world. Did he miss candy? Oh, yeah. It made him very happy to see that candy was a thing in this world. "Mind if I have one?" Kirishima would question.
tags :: updated 7/26: