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LOOK BACK | o, attempting to steal - Printable Version

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LOOK BACK | o, attempting to steal - CROSSFADE - 08-21-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-size: 11pt;"][font=georgial]The fox. It was a cunning and wily creature, and this particular vulpine had no clue what he was doing so deep into clan territory. At first, it'd been a self-inflicted dare to see how far he could push himself without getting caught, but Duke had managed to get deeper and deeper without anyone batting an eye. It made relative sense, the russet coloured creature absolutely reeked of the ocean, and keeping to low cut foliage meant that his presence wasn't totally out of the ordinary. The game had been rather fun and simple, all up until Sunhaven's town entered his vision, then it turned into a quest. Empty market stands filled to the brim with foods and accessories that could make him look like some badass pirate... it was too good to be true! A stomach growling had been enough to set the fox too deep to turn back now. Through sheer god damn luck this time he was still undetected, that, and because it looked like some random guy was having a meet and greet out in the open. The sight caused him to smirk, intrigued at the unintentional collaboration between complete and utter strangers, Duke would have to give him a gift basket of gratitude later or something.

Ankles gazing against the floor with how low he was sinking, Duke's sudden lightheadedness made him realise that he wasn't breathing properly. He was holding it, as if exhaling was gonna attract the attention of the Great Gods that watched over this place. Aladdin would've played out a whole lot differently if the street beggar had gotten smited down, if the fox was desperate enough to steal food he at least wanted a good story to be made out of it! Then again, normally he'd target loners, here he was a little fish swimming in a pool full of sharks, at least there was no blood to be sniffed out yet. Carefully he breathed out a hitched breath, tail lashing as the adrenaline kicked in once more. Currently behind a stall, he heard the voices of many strangers, only separated by some thin pieces of wood and cloth. Duke's nose wrinkled as it became clear that this was a fishmonger or something along those lines and it was a disappointment that he couldn't help but grumble at. Fish here, fish there, even if he wasn't in the right place to be a chooser, he would've thought these clan types would've found some variety somewhere. "Ah crap!" the male suddenly yelped out in surprise as a pain shot up through his tail, turning his head to see what was up.

A crab... a freakin' crab... had decided that it wanted to pinch his precious fluffy baby. "Get off," he hissed quietly to the bugger as he lashed his tail about, but this crustacean was a stubborn thing. In his panic to get the scarlet devil off of his bushy appendage, Duke bumped into the leg of the stand, the hard 'clunk' sound being followed with a fish net and its deceased contents falling on top of him. An ebony paw pushed right through one of the holes when it stuck to his form, but the other limbs scrambled about hopelessly. Heartbeat roaring in his ears, sure that his antics had attracted some attention by now, the vulpine started cursing repeatedly under his breath. Movements slowed down drastically from his initial panic, as if scared to move a muscle in case Zeus had a thunderbolt with his name on it. Instead, Duke lay there, blue eyes squeezed shut with his head and ears perked towards civilisation. Blanketed by sea bass, it seemed that the best thing to do at this point in time was to play dead, and that was exactly what he did. Please be deaf, please be deaf. You gotta be deaf right?

Re: LOOK BACK | o, attempting to steal - SUZUME - 08-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]The one thing about spending his time in the shadows was finding other people with similar ideas of stealth, though rarely were they anything impressive. Some could keep their footsteps quiet and breathe softly, but it wasn't just about going unseen- they had to be part of their surroundings, and regardless of how feather-light their steps, if they brushed against a wall or caught on some outlying object, they were ruined. Sparrow had been surreptitious when he was younger, but after the incident, the background became his home, because where they occasionally wanted to go unseen, wanted to briefly blend in for a bit of subterfuge, Sparrow constantly sought invisibility. The stares of strangers always lingered too long on his burned skin, just as offending as an unsolicited touch, so while he'd been a bit conspicuous in his arrival here, it didn't take him long to disappear again, to become little more than a ghost.

Curiosity and embittered amusement drove the canine to trace the fox's movements through the territory, who had done well until he inevitably made a mistake and separated himself from his environment. The fox wriggled furiously beneath the net and fish, before falling motionless, as though a flopping pile of long-dead creatures was clandestine. "And so the thief catches himself," Sparrow commented quietly, accented voice slightly muffled by his mask. "Impressive." He placed a prosthetic paw on top of the pile, approximately where the fox's side was. "I could kill you, and no one would know you were here." He didn't know anything about this thief, but he was alone, and desperate enough to come this far. Or perhaps just too stubborn to stop. "Any reason I shouldn't?" No guarantee that it would change his mind. Sparrow just liked hearing the sorts of things people came up with to bargain for their lives.


Re: LOOK BACK | o, attempting to steal - buckingham barnes - 08-21-2018

[Image: 5R7CswU.png]
When Buckingham padded his way through the seatown village on gentle paws, he didn't expect to run into anything, or anyone, suspicious. The former assassin was planning to go back to his docked boat, while it was small and cozy, it was the perfect living space for him. But all thoughts of spending a majority of his night there were quickly tossed to the side. His tufted ears pricked up at the sound of a loud yelp, and then a clunk sound. His head quickly snapped towards the source, light blue eyes narrowing slightly. The moment he picked those up, and when an unfamiliar scent invaded his nostrils, the maine coon quickly made his way over. Bucky has enhanced senses, he can pick up sounds and scents far easier than the average person- that strange scent lead to the source of the yelping. They didn't smell like a Sunhaven member, meaning they must be a trespasser who sneaked their way in.

Bucky quickly padded into the scene after Sparrow, his ears flattening to his skull as his gaze locked on Duke, who was stuck under a fishing net. The fox looked pretty pathetic, with the dead fish all around him- Duke is definitely going to smell like a fish for the next couple hours. Plus, it looks pathetic because the net just makes him easy to catch, showing the fox's clear failure. "Wow, you managed to get yourself caught in a fishing net," He snickered for a moment, his tail slowly swishing behind him, "What a fucking idiot, really." His ears pricked near Sparrow, catching the male's quiet comment with his enhanced senses. If they were in a more violent based group, and if Bucky wasn't trying to change, he'd be on board for killing Duke. The assassin inside of him would have loved to spill the fox's blood and get their fur stuck between his metal claws. "We shouldn't kill him. Let's wait for Jericho to arrive, I'm sure he'll have a good idea how to handle this thief." He commented as he shook his head, before he focused back on Duke, eyes gleaming with disapproval and anger. It was clear that Buckingham wanted to go through with the killing, but forced himself to disagree. He was angry that he's still struggling with who he is- looks like he just has to continue working to change himself. And even if he feels like he can't do it, or wants to give up, he must continue.

Re: LOOK BACK | o, attempting to steal - miss ririchiyo - 08-21-2018

coma baby
Persephone had adopted the habit of following Buckingham around a bit too much often, more in a stalking matter, but she still did it. Maybe it was admiration? She didn't really care, anyways, but she had noticed how the brown, metal-legged feline walked over to a fishing net where it seemed Sparrow stood as well. Killing someone? Ooh, Persephone wanted to see!

Of course, Perse had to act the part of this child's body. She was merely reincarnated into this girl's body, forced to relive life all over again. So, slowly, the small german shepherd-akita mix walked over, ears pricked to listen as telekinesis lifted the dagger out of her belt holstered on her hip, spinning it around midair behind her form. "Intruder? How.. How will Jericho deal with him? C-Criminal.." She was doing a good job at acting shy, scared, right? Hah.
tags :: updated 8/18:

Re: LOOK BACK | o, attempting to steal - JERSEYBOY - 08-21-2018

JERSEYBOY ✧informationreferencetumblrpinterest
[div style="background-color: #fff; border: 1px black solid; width: 500px; line-height: 110%; word-wrap: break-word; text-align: justify; margin-top: -1px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; color: #7d484d; overflow: auto; padding: 10px; text-size: 8px; font-family: Georgia"]
Oh boy, oh boy — what was the drama now? This place was nice and all, but perhaps things were getting to be too nice. Jerseyboy couldn't help but [sub]indulge[/sub] in a bit of day-to-day drama. The tuxedo tom trotted up towards the others, eager to see what the cat had dragged in this time. And what he found was... a fox tangled up in a net with a flopping fish. Oof, that must've sucked. It must've been humiliating. Jerseyboy knew what it was like to be caught in the act of stealing, as he once had to steal for his meals as well. Unlike these sticklers for rules and ethics and morals and whatnot, he could empathize with the thief.

So, he ( o p e n e d ) his mouth ( like he always did ), "C'mon. You're all gettin' worked up over a guy stealin' a fish?" These guys had to have been deprived of drama in their lives if stuff like this was what got them riled. Sheesh. They acted like they had never been hungry or desperate before in their lives. What would they do in a similiar situation? "Why don'tcha' just give 'im what he wants and send 'im on his way, huh?" And then they could all move on with their damn lives instead of wasting the leader's time and the thief's.

Re: LOOK BACK | o, attempting to steal - SAMUEL M. - 08-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: verdana;"]Samuel's amused at the turnout, here, having followed at the sound of commotion - he honestly expected his much gentler clanmates to let the thief go. Then again, Jericho had yet to arrive, and the Sunbearer didn't think the leader would be all for killing or capturing a trespasser that likely just needed some herbs, food, and a quick rest out of harm's way. Pity, how such a thing could die so easily for the mere act of surviving. Was the fox not doing the same as they were, trying to make a home of this wilderness? Samuel supposed some were simply ill-fated to fail, too unintelligent, too weak, or too stubborn to put up a worthwhile fight.

He looks at Duke and tries to pity him. Instead, he chuckles. "If you want to make an example of this one, you should do it quick. I doubt our friends would agree with capital punishment." Or, they could let him go and uphold the much simpler nature of Sunhaven's judicial system. Frankly - and Samuel knew this already - it wasn't that deep. It was just entertaining to rile up a show. The serval tilts his head, peering down the length of his muzzle as he gave the trapped Duke a prod. "Tell me, are you worth defending?"

Re: LOOK BACK | o, attempting to steal - rhosmari - 08-21-2018

There seemed to always be something going on. He was tired and a heaviness clung to his webbed paws, causing them to drag against the ground but the male was rather alert today. Perhaps because he wasn’t eating he was starting to get desperate and he too a deep breath in smelling the air before releasing it slowly. There was a commotion going on and he pulled his ears forward just a bit to listen to what was happening. Someone had gotten caught trying to steal a fish? Stuck in a fishing net? A part of him got a little anxious because he hoped it wasn’t his fishing net as fixing that would be a pain in the butt but at the same time a fish was just many in a sea of others. The problem was small and of little value to make a huge scene about. Scrunching up his muzzle a bit the mutant walked forward at a slow pace not really having the want to make an appearance but he needed to get out of his progressing slump somehow. Socializing was something that was supposed to help with that.

As he approached the scene his eyes of pearls narrowed a bit as he examined the fox and then the rest whom didn’t seem like they were all too kind about the situation. He had ears the thinly veiled threats on the fox’s life and he sighed a bit before he shook his head before looking at the pile of fish that would certainly leave a rather nasty smell in the air and one on the fox who was buried underneath it all. ”Instead of threatin’ him how bout ya get him out the pile of fish. Help him out a bit.” Came the dawnguard’s voice as he came a bit closer to the scene at hand. His fin raised up a bit the appendage swaying slowly but his body was tense and he narrowed his eyes a little bit more before turning to look at the fox as he stepped forward and moved to attempt to help the fox out of the pile of fish, a grim look upon his face. ”What’s ya name, laddie?”

Re: LOOK BACK | o, attempting to steal - PIERCE - 08-22-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
Despite his rather docile, compliant demeanor and his whole "fighting for what is right" thing, while all genuine, Pierce's morals were not as black and white as they appeared. He had done bad things for the greater good, things he'd regretted in the short-term to make sure his loved ones would be okay in the long-run. So, though it may come as a surprise to some, he didn't believe that stealing was always a bad thing, nor did it automatically make someone bad. Stealing from those who already didn't have enough was bad, but when someone clearly hungry was taking food from a place like Sunhaven, with more than enough to spare? He didn't see why they were met with hostility rather than hospitality.

The fox had gotten himself into quite the mess, it seemed, and though he seemed relatively unharmed, Pierce couldn't help but be mildly concerned as he stepped forth, attempting to assist Monroe in getting the netting and all the dead fish off the trespasser. Alongside Monroe's, Pierce posed a question of his own, "Are you alright?" Though he didn't think stealing was inherently wrong, he didn't exactly condone it, either, which was noticeable in the lack of usual warmth in his voice. However, it was soft as ever, touch gentle as he tried to help the vulpes out of his sticky situation. For the time being, he ignored the others' words, focused more on making sure the stranger hadn't hurt himself, or anything.


Re: LOOK BACK | o, attempting to steal - JA´SUNNA - 08-22-2018

”Overreacting, the lot of you.”

Ja’sunna’s expression can only be described as unimpressed. When she pads over to the scene, annoyance is itching at her gums, and she licks the front of her teeth when her gaze lands on the pathetic scrap of fox on the ground, unceremoniously blanketed by fish-net and fish. He appears to be a sorry looking thing completely down on his luck; unfortunate for him, it seems none of the other members of Sunhaven are as lenient with thievery as she is. He might as well have murdered a cow with the way they’re acting.

”See? Three of you seem to be on the right track. Gold star for Monroe, Pierce, and what’s-his-face over there.” When the tigress finally sits herself behind the circle of gathered people, her vermilion gaze lands on Jerseyboy to indicate that he’s the one she’s talking about - she hasn’t seen him before, but he seems to be showing more sense than the other trigger-happy members, and that’s pretty much an A+ in her book. ”Right. This is a waste of time. Everybody give the poor lad some space and let him up, send him on his merry way out of here. Pretty sure his wounded dignity is enough punishment.”

Re: LOOK BACK | o, attempting to steal - CROSSFADE - 08-22-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-size: 11pt;"][font=georgial]Perhaps he hadn't been as amazing of a ninja as he'd originally thought but hey, Duke had felt pretty badass about it all nevertheless - at least up until the point where he trapped himself. He would've gotten away with it too if it wasn't for that meddling decapod. A voice caused his ears to flick back momentarily as the heat rushed to them, feeling a pressure on his side. Attempts of pretending to be dead already marred by his own gestures, the fox quickly opened his widened eyes when he was threatened with death. It was a phrase that almost caused more surprise than the entanglement itself, who would've thought that a bunch of merchants threatened thieves with death? Even ancient civilisations would chop of someone's hand or paw instead of going straight to the immolation. "Ok then... you want me to beg? I'll beg,". Vision blocked by the lattice, Duke still swore that there was something unnatural about the one closest to him. He tried not to think about it as he reasoned with it. "Kill me now and my blood's gonna get on all of this prey. It'll taint it and make it less valuable, thus ruining the profit and maybe even someone's livelihood. So if you're gonna slit my throat, at least get me away from all of the food,". If he was free, just for a second, there was chance of escape.

What a fucking idiot, really. "Hey, now that's just not nice," he pouted as he spoke, trying to gesture his head about to get a better look at Bucky. Despite the gravity of the situation, his voice still seemed almost disingenuous  with somber. Of course the male cared about whether or not he lived or died, but despite the aggression of the first couple of creatures that confronted him, Duke had trust in his own talking skills. Jack of all trades, master of none, the fox didn't think he'd need an overbearing amount of charisma to appeal to the non-crazies. Silence overcame the vulpine just for a moment as two more came and gave their two cents. One was scorning, the other... actually didn't seem so bad. He was about to appeal when he felt someone jab his side, a chuffing sound of disapproval coming from the vulpine straight after. He was a living being, not a statue, surely this guy knew what he felt like already! "Uh, yeah dude! I'm a pretty big deal in Imaginaryland, I owned a freakin' unicorn, impressive huh? How many foxes do you know that have owned a unicorn?" he grinned, confidence flooding back to him now that reasonable creatures had started to emerge. As someone moved to help him, the fox began to wriggle about again, hoping to dislodge both of the heavy paw close to him and the fish from somehow hampering his escape. Gods he was gonna be one oily canine for the next couple of days.

"Name's Duke, yes I'm alright, just tell me if that crab's gone please, I hate them spider looking things,". He was a little wary to look around for himself, these loose cannons had every chance of slicing his throat if he moved the wrong way. More reasonable words came through from the final stranger, the male nodded his head just slightly in some sort of gratitude. Swallowing the remnants of a lump in his throat, Duke decided to push his luck a little but further. You're not in a position to make conversation, dumbass he scolded himself. "Since we appear to be fifty fifty on whether or not I'm gonna be stuffed and sold as a trophy... can I at least get some info on where the heck I am? I just wanted some food, I'm not a threat, I promise,".