Beasts of Beyond
A SINNER ALL MY LIFE // JAMISON - Printable Version

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- Jamison Fawkes
-----"Jamie," "Rat."
- Male
- 15 months
- The Pitt
- 2/8/17

- Domestic Feline | Birth/Main | No other bodies
- Jamie is very, very tall and extremely thin for his age and species. Everything about him is long and skinny, from his legs to his body to his facial features, rightfully awarding him with the wily, handsome visage of a trickster. His ears are slightly large in comparison to the rest of him, and the whiskers that protrude from his face are, of course, extra long and narrow. The fur that covers this narrow frame takes on the pattern of a cream tabby, so light he could be described as a striped blonde. It's long and slightly fluffy, and though it could be beautiful, it is always dirty and unkept, continuing to play in to his carefree, troublemaker look. His eyes are bright, piercing amber, and always glitter like he's looking for a little chaos.

- ENFP/T - The Campaigner
- True Neutral or Chaotic Neutral
- Hufflepuff / Gryffindor
- Friendly | Outgoing | Enthusiastic | Loyal
- Protective | Forgetful | Defensive | Sensitive | Humorous
- Impatient | Careless | Violent | Stubborn | Childish
- Low self-esteem

- Speaks with an Australian accent, which he used to be self-conscious about
- Accent is actually not natural, caused by foreign accent syndrome
- Moderately ADHD
- Tries to hide/repress negative emotions
- Easily distracted
- Will talk to anyone about anything
- Swears a lot
- Loves fire, explosives and the destruction they can cause
- Quite the jokester, will make fun of / jokes about anything
- Often does unpredictable and strange things
- Slightly deaf due to setting off explosives
- Voice reference: x

- NPC xx NPC
-----Had an abusive childhood, one of the only things he won't talk about
- Twin brother of Cherrywine Fawkes
-----Very close sibling bond
-----Very similar in appearance

- Currently single | Asexual Demi/Homoromantic
-----Never feels physical attraction
-----Only becomes romantically attached after experiences w/ said person
-----Even then does not always fully recognize romantic feelings/feel the need to pursue a relationship
-----Only feels this sort of attraction to other males

- Hard physically & average mentally
- Attack in #FF8C00
- Unpredictable, impulsive, & aggressive when fighting | Prefers to pair up with his sister or other ally and work together
- Can powerplay peaceful/non-violent actions on
- IC opinions