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take a breath of myth and mystery / weekly task+ gifts from the typhoon - Printable Version

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take a breath of myth and mystery / weekly task+ gifts from the typhoon - snare - 08-21-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon privateer argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]His first big job as a Privateer, how exciting!  Well, the atmosphere of where he was sent as rather gloomy, but even that couldn’t dampen Snare’s constant good mood.

The wolf pup would trot towards the shady Roseblood border with a basket’s handles held in his jaws.  It packed to the brim with food, herbs, and other small trinkets from the beach like washed up seashells and shiny objects.  Snare would plop his hindquarters down at the edge between loner land and group life, his pale eyes scanning the dark and murky scenery before him.  These were their allies?  Spooky.  He couldn’t a tiny hill up his spine at the sight and strange and kinda gross smells in the air.

He would place his basket on the soft ground and stretch his muzzle out.  ”Heeeellooooooo?”  The young Privateer would echo into the woods, his ears were up and his optics big and round as he awaited to be addressed.  He hoped they would be happy with the gifts he had brought.

Re: take a breath of myth and mystery / weekly task+ gifts from the typhoon - PEYTRIVING P. - 08-21-2018

the scent of the typhoon was familiar to the mortem, though only in the vaguest sense. they had never been to the pirate group, but there was someone who had been that had joined at some point. it was much different than sunhavens, surprisingly. the typhoon's was more of a musk that hung with heavy salt, while sunhaven's was softer and mingled with a flowery smell.

"hey, kiddo. what's that you got there?" the manticore asked with a casual smile, sitting across from snare. "my name's peytriviing, i'm a guard here. thank you very much for the gifts."

Re: take a breath of myth and mystery / weekly task+ gifts from the typhoon - snare - 08-21-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon privateer argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]The puppy’s ears would lift up straight as Pey approached, eyes getting big at the sight of the manticore.  He was still small and young, so everybody seemed big to him but this stranger especially made him feel tinier than usual.  But his expression almost immediately returned to a cheerful look as his tail wagged happily.  ”I’m Snare!”  He yipped with a grin as he introduced himself, his facial features bright.  ”I’m from the Typhoon, I just became a Privateer!”  Innocence expelled from his aura, his youthfulness apparently in an obvious way.

”I brought gifts!”  The wolf pup would say, looking down at his stuffed basket and gently nudging it towards Pey.  Their interest in what the puppy had to bring made Snare feel awfully good inside, warm and fuzzy.  He was being helpful!  ”There’s tasty food and medicine and stuff I found on the beach!  They’re real pretty and shiny.  I tried to find a lot of different food too for everybody.  I hope you all like it!”

Re: take a breath of myth and mystery / weekly task+ gifts from the typhoon - rushy - 08-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: verdana;"]The Typhoon. Lydia was still acclimating to The Rosebloods and their surrounding groups, having difficulty with some of the names still. She couldn't remember if they were the ones on the beach... Or on the island... Either made sense to Lydia. Typhoons were rain, right? Or was that a monsoon?

Lydia shook her head to clear it as she strolled over gracefully to place herself beside Peytriviing. The sheer size of everyone in her comparison was still taking some getting used to, but she was at least glad the manticore wasn't going to stomp her head in. The red tabby looked to the wolf pup with bright eyes, sparkling with joy at how cute he seemed. She cooed slightly as she leaned foreward to look at the gifts. "We can definitely use the food right now," Lydia noted lightheartedly "Thanks a bunch! Nice too meet you by the way, Snare, my name's Lydia."

Re: take a breath of myth and mystery / weekly task+ gifts from the typhoon - snare - 08-23-2018

snare mortem   male wolf typhoon privateer argus x npc
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #633c00;"]The puppy’s expression would brighten as Lydia approached and addressed him, accepting the gift he had worked hard to put together.  His tail wagged happily, a fast energy fueled rhythm as he pranced in place for a few hot seconds.  Snare was a friendly and energetic fellow, and finding those who endured his enthusiasm was especially good feeling.

”You’re welcome!”  The Privateer puppy chirped happily, ears up as he looked at the feline.  He was about to excuse himself and start the journey back to the territory of his homeland, but words from when he got the task to come here rung in his head.  ”Oh!  And before I forget;”  Snare would look at the pair of Rosebloods back and forth.  ”Um, I heard there might be others here with my last name?  It’s Mortem, you know anybody else with that last name?”  That meant he had family here, and he was rather interested to meet any sort of family he had here.

Re: take a breath of myth and mystery / weekly task+ gifts from the typhoon - emil - 08-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]ah, gifts. how kind of them. as he approached the small group, prestige made a mental note to return the gesture, offering the pup a smile in the process. "thank you, snare. we appreciate it very much." he cooed. his ears perked up lightly at the child's mention of mortem, head tipping when he revealed it was his last name. "yes, actually; though there aren't too many left." the snow leopard informed. "our previous leader was sola mortem, and if i'm not mistaken peytriviing here has taken the name as well. do you know your parents?" he cooed out lightly.

Re: take a breath of myth and mystery / weekly task+ gifts from the typhoon - PEYTRIVING P. - 08-24-2018

the food was a gracious gift, give a little boost to their replenishing since the pitt's little visit last week. peytri would look to the wolf pup with a chuckle.

"a privateer? congratulations! you'll do great, i'm sure. you can tell whoever leads that you've been a great polite visitor." they would need to get more information on who was on good terms and who wasn't again. from what they knew so far it was tanglewood as enemies, and the typhoon as an alliance. perhaps paying  a personal visit to the typhoon as well would be good to get a feel of what they were about. see what sorts of things would be good to send their way soon.

at the mention of any mortems in the rosebloods, the guard sheepishly looked away and nodded their head. "yes! I am a mortem. my brother cain has returned to the void for now, and his spouses, also mortems, have gone to do other things as far as I know. but I am here! as well as my niece summermimosa, and my nephew nightsky. who are your parents?" of course there were other relatives they didn't know of. cain had told them the mortem line had grown far and wide over the years.


Re: take a breath of myth and mystery / weekly task+ gifts from the typhoon - rhosmari - 08-24-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]They Typhoon was an ally, she knew that from information she had been picking up here and there. It was a group of pirates who were not as trustworthy as she believed them to be or as most would think. Rather that was a good thing or a bad thing was yet to be determined but she was keeping a well guard gaze upon them. It was the job she was used to doing. Surveying and reconnaissance which was information keeping. Her body moved slowly toward the group and she picked up that this kid here was only here on business. But there seemed to be some leisure thrown into here. The mention of family names and the like tossed forth and she tilted her head a bit. Mortem. She'd heard the name before but had thought nothing of it and to an extent she never thought much of last names. Though this place...these Rosebloods seemed to value such a thing and separate themselves possibly on that notion. Regardless the woman would look over the items that were there before she sat down and angled her ears forward.

The female waited with bated breath as they conversed before she found a way to introduce herself, dipping her head before her orange red eyes narrowed on the child. "Kind of dangerous for a kid to travel so far alone by himself. Shouldn't you have brought an adult in case something happened." She counted him lucky that nothing had happened this time but traveling across large stretches of water to get here was a bit dangerous in her book. But good on him that he survived at all. Still, her face was a bit severe but welcoming as she looked back to the items and went forward to push a few around and take note of what was in there. "Name's Blueridge by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you."