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i loved a maid in autumn / tarot readings - Printable Version

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i loved a maid in autumn / tarot readings - cyantist - 08-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]The deck in his hands flows smoothly as he sorts through the cards almost... Absentmindedly. It has become a habit to delve into the future as if it is nothing, and if he honest, it feels like it. The only price that he must pay for foresight is death, and death is so familiar that he fears it not. The curse will catch him if he avoids or embraces it - even if Sanyi was never to intentionally call for a prophecy or check the past again - the curse demands that he bear witness to the timeline as Paddra's guide.

But Paddra is gone. Haerii is levelled. Oerba is dust. The hunting kingdoms have fallen. The Goddess that protected them all is dead. Only he remains as the last living son of Paddra - and yet he is doomed to the fate that has tormented Paddra since it's inception, since Etro took her twisted pity on a people seeking guidance.

Today, he divines without the aid of the curse. Tarot is a method that is old, and the cards can speak to a talented reader similar to how he can see the timeline should he ask. He has half a mind to sell his services and travel across the groups as a fortune teller, speaking in rhymes and tongues and conning people into believing him. He is a true seer, of course, but there's no money to be made in the truth.

"If anyone wishes to have their fortune read or perhaps ask a question of the cards and the gods," He announces in a dramatic tone, laying the elaborately backed cards in a spread on a tapestry of rich reds and golds, "Then ask of me, and I shall see what fate has in store for you."

Re: i loved a maid in autumn / tarot readings - Beverly Resurgam. - 08-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]Tarot cards were a mystery, at least in her eyes. At some point in time, one of the loners who housed Beverly during her travels had offered her a reading, but she had declined under the basis of she had nothing to offer in return. He wouldn't do it for free and, quite frankly, she couldn't blame him. She was already staying among them to rest up before hitting the road again, why continue to take?

Hearing Sanyi's offer, though, the short girl promptly approached, gaze sweeping over the display. "Fortune readings?" Beverly echoed. "You mind reading my fortune?"

Re: i loved a maid in autumn / tarot readings - JERSEYBOY - 08-21-2018

JERSEYBOY ✧informationreferencetumblrpinterest
Spiritual readings, tarot cards, fortune tellings... that was all baloney. Jerseyboy had never believed in that stuff, and it wasn't because his family leaned more towards organized religion, but because he just had ( common sense. ) Honestly, who believed in this shit? Anyone could spread out a deck of cards and make up some random fortune. Hey, that didn't sound like a bad idea, now that he thought about it. Maybe he could profit from such services.

The tuxedo tom furrowed his brows towards the one who offered the tarot readings. He was half-tempted to walk away right then and there, but a part of him was actually curious about what this person would tell him. "Whadda' load a' bullshit." However, he had made his way over and asked, "Oh yeah? Think you can tell my future?" He sat on his haunches before mocking, "Try me, O Powerful One."
© madi

Re: i loved a maid in autumn / tarot readings - PIERCE - 08-21-2018

[div style="margin-top: 30px; text-align: center; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 35px; color: white;"]pierce parker
☀ — just two ghosts standing in the place of you and me
Pierce had never really believed in any sort of religion or anything spiritual at all, if he was being honest. He'd practically been raised by a man who was just shy of being a scientist, one who adored books and learning about the world around him. He relied on logic more than feelings, when it came to most things, his belief in science a solid one, so it was no surprise that he had taught Pierce to believe similarly. It was all that made sense to Pierce, really, after all the reading he had done- and the fact that he had, you know, died himself. He knew reincarnation was a truth, as he and many others had experienced it, but he was also certain there was some sort of scientific explanation behind it. Ghosts, he was more iffy on, but he liked the idea of loved ones staying with him even after death, so he had certainly entertained the idea. Gods, though? Fortunes? None of that really made sense to him. Regardless, Pierce liked to keep an open mind, so when he heard Sanyi's call,  he decided to check it out. Partially because it sounded kind of interesting, but mostly because the other guy was pretty damn hot, even if Pierce didn't consciously recognize it.

"Hey, Sanyi," he greeted warmly, a gentle smile upon freckled features as he stepped forth after Jerseyboy. "Sounds cool! I'd like a reading, if that's okay." His tone was sweet, but as the tuxedo beside him addressed the male doing the readings, he felt his ears push down against his head in irritation. Ugh, he'd forgotten how obnoxious this guy was. However, he refrained on commenting for the time being, not wanting to blow a stupid sarcastic comment out of proportion and instead waiting on Sanyi's response.


Re: i loved a maid in autumn / tarot readings - Ilijas - 08-22-2018

ilijas arthur valentine
reckless wanderer | noble stag
Did Ilijas trust fate?

That was a hard question, really. He seemed to have something akin to a strange relationship with fate, at least when it came to being in the right place at the right time or, more specifically, Beverly. He had never been much of a believer in fate before he met her, writing lucky happenstances off as just that- lucky happenstances. But he had looked into her eyes and felt the strings of fate tug on him, pulling him closer and closer to a practical stranger in ways that he was sure others could not understand. He knew he didn't, not after never having felt that strange and almost mystical connection to anyone else in his life before. So maybe, just maybe, these tarot readings or whatever wouldn't be mumbo jumbo. Maybe they'd explain all the deja vu's or even why he couldn't be separated from Beverly.

Or maybe they wouldn't.

[color=gray]"Yeah, yeah, try it out on me," Ilijas would say as he arrived, stealing a sideways glance at Beverly who he of course opted to sit next to. In comparison to the rest of those present, she was the most familiar (in more ways than one)- it made sense that the young bengal gravitated to her like a moth did a light. [color=gray]"Though I have to ask, who taught you how to do readings? Are they real?"

(this is so bad bc it is late and i'm exhausted aa)
cause god, i never felt young
[align=center][sub]TEMPLATE BY FAUNA[/sub]