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HUNTED (Open, prey) - Printable Version

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HUNTED (Open, prey) - MirrorEdge - 08-21-2018

It was probably known by a good chunk of the Ascendents that she was not doing to well, mentally, at least.

And that was proven to anybody who would stumble upon her, bloodied boar at her paws, almost unrecognizable, pale blue eyes settling on the carcass with nothing but indifference in them. Thea had gone overboard, sure, but it was still edible.

It had been a nice challenge, for her, a good workout, and she had grabbed a hold of it's tough skin, beginning to drag it to camp, the thin trail of blood following it. "Food! It wasn't much of a challenge, but still! It's food!" Grin on her face as she deposited the animal in front of the Observatory, not really caring if she was scolded for 'playing with her food' or whatever they decided to do. She just didn't care.

//This was supposed to be nice and well written and look where that got me
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Re: HUNTED (Open, prey) - FELIKS - 08-21-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 60%; font-family: georgial; font-size: 11pt;"]The male had given up caring about his own mental health a long time ago. Through his eyes, everyone was a selfish bastard who couldn't appreciate how god damn cool the griffon was, and it was a tale he was willing to believe if it quelled the horrors of loneliness. Feliks was a danger to himself when the only paw he had to hold was his own, and as much as he ran circles around all of these different groups he needed them. He wished he didn't, but there wasn't a genie in a bottle he could turn to in order to rid himself of an addiction to socialising. They weren't thoughts that he held often, but seeing that mangled ol' boar hauled into camp as if it'd started a fight with a meat grinder... it certainly brought up some old memories for Feliks.

Rabbits had been his prey of choice to toy with at his lowest, but they'd already been dead. With his jammy leg, hunting was nothing more than a pipe dream. "Wouldn't known it was a boar if you hadn't have told me there pumpkin," he mused hoarsely, deciding to stay as neutral as he could in regards to guiding this poor soul. He remember her from the meeting, picking a fight with the leader for demoting her, it was an admirable courage for her age but Feliks himself would've gone about it another way. "Good catch though, I guess,". Enabling such behaviour felt a little dodgy, but it wasn't his job to tell a cat to stop playing with its food. "Name's Feliks since I ain't met ya before," the mythological beast wore a subtle smirk on his beak, green eyes keeping a lookout for any clanmates just to check our their reactions.

Re: HUNTED (Open, prey) - imperia - 08-22-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px;"]Unlike Feliks, Imperia cares greatly about mental health. Her own, and the health of others. It is her job. Well, actually, it was her job. Without the official title of cleric, the she-wolf is little more than a concerned party. Not that it is a bad thing. In fact, Peri takes it upon herself to care when no one else will. Which is why Imperia does not take a neutral stance upon seeing the mutilated boar carcass that Thea is trying to call "food." Granted, the young canine words her thoughts in a way that is less critical and more constructive. "Are you going a little stir crazy?" she asks, avoiding the gruesome sight of the "boar" and instead gazing upon Thea. "Perhaps we should get you into some sparring sessions or hunting competitions." Physical activity is always a good outlet, and the young girl has always been a high-energy one.

Re: HUNTED (Open, prey) - MirrorEdge - 08-22-2018

A griffin, huh? Looked like a challenge. The young Fireball tilted her head, saying nothing for a few moments. Then, her usual grin broke out, bubbly tone probably a bit of a shock coming from the leopard who still had a few drops of blood on her face. "I'm Thea! Nice to meet you!"

She was still Thea. Cheerful and bubbly, if not a bit more violent now. If somebody were to try and point out what she did wrong, she wouldn't understand, not much, anyways. The boar was dead. That had been the point of the whole thing.

"Perhaps we should get you into some sparring sessions or hunting competitions."

Those words, at least, 'sparring' and 'competitions' in particular, caught her attention, and the younger Ascendent nodded eagerly. "Yeah! We have hunting competitions?" The sparring sessions, she knew of, having watched a few, whether it was between Carolina and Washington, or Bastille and Roy.
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Re: HUNTED (Open, prey) - BASTILLEPAW - 08-22-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille wished he could claim to have been a perfectly well adjusted Fireball, but that was just... not true. He wasn't even a well adjusted Observer. He was a better adjusted Observer, vaguely, and had mostly overcome the pent up anger and frustration that his souls had carried over to him by now. It was an easily emotion in others, though, and he'd noticed the way that Thea was walking along a thin like lately — she and Oni both, really.

His gaze slid over the butchered boar slowly, but he made no comment on it, instead bobbing a nod in greeting to Feliks before fixing on Imperia's words. [b]"Lucky for you, squirt, I've got something planned for you and Oni," he drawled, a slow grin hitching upwards. He was looking forward to it, frankly. He knew Suiteheart was busy lately, and saw no issue in bringing her Fireball along with him; besides, what he had planned was more than just... training. "Something better than mauling prey, I think," he added, a note playful.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: HUNTED (Open, prey) - MirrorEdge - 08-22-2018

Pale blue eyes lit up at Bastille's words, and she was quick to materialize in a few feet in front of him, boar forgotton. "Really? What? What?" Tail swished back and forth in excitement as she spoke.

Hopefully it would include something such as pitting her against Oni. Sure, she could crush the little ball of fur, easy, but she was sure there would be a way to make it more of a challenge. Like that newfound power of his! Didn't he already kill somebody? Yeah, he did, didn't he?

That would definitely be fun.
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