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BANG BANG | open, dual joining - Printable Version

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BANG BANG | open, dual joining - CHERRYWINE - 08-21-2018

//hI it’s almost 1:30am as i post this so i’m sorry if it sucks + please wait for jamie to post !!
tldr; check the last paragraph :^)

Cherry really couldn't believe they had made it. Three months, she had been wandering after the attack on the family, dethroned and humiliated because of one stupid fucking mistake, but unable to slow for fear that she’d been followed. She'd stopped only shortly in a place called Tanglewood, decided she hadn't liked it, and headed off again. As to be expected, it'd taken some time to get from a fucking swamp to where she was now - the desert -, and she'd made a couple stops along the way, one of which included a junkyard in the middle of nowhere. There had been disgusting mountains of trash stretching on for at least a mile, ranging from just straight garbage to what looked to be old cars. How it had all gotten out here, she had no idea, but it was full of trash-dwelling people that had taken refuge in the abandoned cars, boxes, and other miscellaneous items found in the junkyard.

Out of the grime-coated strangers (who, by the way? Smelled absolutely rancid), Cherrywine had stumbled across someone familiar, someone who, though rendered homeless and in a far worse position than he had previously been, looked pretty much the same as he always had, with cream fur covered in soot and dirt and amber eyes alight as he sat before a fire he had assumedly set on a mattress. It’d taken  very little convincing to get him out that shithole, though he’d insisted that he would “miss his new friends” and that she “would’ve liked them too”. Yeah, no. Yuck.

She really had missed him, though, even if she’d never admit to it. What could she say? He was her brother. However, his goofiness would likely wear thin on her once more very soon- there was only so much of that she could take.

The two of them walked on for a few days more - it couldn’t have been more than a week - until they finally reached what had to be the border of some clan. The smell of a scent line was distinct, and there looked to be trees, or something, in the distance, but that could also possibly be a mirage, because Cherry’s head hurt like hell and it had to be a thousand degrees out there. Still, she stopped, Jamie likely following suit (or maybe not, and she wasn’t about to try stopping him when he stood over a  head taller than her), shifting her weight from paw to paw as the sweltering sand began burning her skin. Fuck. Taking a deep breath, dry air sucking moisture from her throat, Cherry tried to ignore the feeling of her tongue sticking to the roof of her mouth, instead calling, [color=black]"Hey, fuckers! I’m Cherrywine Fawkes, this is my brother.”
She gestured to Jamie, but didn’t bother to introduce him, assuming he'd take care of that himself. ”What is this place?" A clan, or group of sorts, she assumed, but last time she’d asked about that, the kid that’d showed up just seemed confused, so she would let these people - wherever they may be - explain themselves first.


Re: BANG BANG | open, dual joining - JAMISON - 08-21-2018

In the three months since the fall of Cherrywine's empire, her brother and right hand man had spent the majority of his time in an enormous junkyard full of rotting garbage, broken pieces of automobiles, and aggressive inhabitants who smelled just as bad as their surroundings. His sister hated it, called it repulsive and horrid. And, yeah, she was right, but even so, Jamie had had the time of his life there. He had stumbled upon it in his search for his twin and had found himself easily distracted by it, losing track of time as he found 'treasures' among the garbage, made new friends, and set things on fire. Although he had been ecstatic to see Barbara again when she finally turned up, he had been less pleased to leave the junkyard behind, following his twin like a reluctant child at the end of a playdate.

However, never one to stay down for long, he had since perked up on their way to the desert. He really had no fucking idea what was going on, but that was pretty typical for the boy - Barbara had always been the shotcaller out of the two of them, and most of the time she seemed to know what she was doing better than he did, so he was all too happy to just be along for the ride. Besides, as much as he needed her guidance, she needed him too, whether it be to keep her out of a fight or to serve as her personal meat shield. Whatever the case, he was always happy to help.

When Cherry stopped, he bumped into her, not having been paying attention since they had been walking for so long already. The two of them really did look alike - they had the same sharp facial features and cream fur - but Jamie dwarfed her easily, his impressive stature making her appear even smaller than she was. [color=#FF8C00]"Oi, watch it!"
he meowed, sounding briefly offended before he realized they had apparently reached their destination. Unlike Cherry, he didn't find the desert too bad. He could live with a little heat. He didn't know who his sister was talking to - he didn't see anyone yet - but it seemed like he was supposed to introduce himself, so he went ahead. "Heya! The name's Jamison." He was loud - louder than usual, anyway - and his thick accent contrasted his twin's, something that was strange but also something he hadn't ever really questioned too much. After speaking, he glanced around, looking pleasantly confused as his amber eyes searched for whoever they were greeting.


Re: BANG BANG | open, dual joining - Cosmic - 08-21-2018

It was a good thing that the two of them had stopped behind the border, or else the Erudite was sure that they would have been attacked by the more aggressive Pitt members. They were greasy, smelling faintly funny as the mutated feline came up to them. The small, scaled and plated Xeno child gave them a once over, a deep part of his subconscious feeling the need to take a little strip of flesh and give it a taste, but the much more civilized conscious mind kept his alien instincts in line.

The demiboy offered a hesitant nod, curling his plated tail over his... clawed hands? The sharp, dangerous mutant weapons were big enough that Hope wasn't sure anymore. He was sure they were clawed paws as normal, however.

Light, green-gray eyes studied the pair with the intensity of a scientist, taking in everything he could about them for future reference. High intelligence flickered within the ethereal depths, and his expression was, for the most part, neutral and friendly, even. Fresh blood was always needed around these parts, and they seemed calm and peaceful enough.

"Hey there. Cherrywine, and... Jameson? Like the alcoholic beverage? This is the Pitt. I'm going to have to ask your business here."

Re: BANG BANG | open, dual joining - Luciferr - 08-23-2018

It was hybrid-sister-drone that kept Blacktide form initially running forwards and attempting to shred either or laying an ambush - for they were stranger-prey - but sister-drone had approached them and spoke prey language, so the juvenile stayed his claws for now.

he merely strode up alongside the much smaller xeno, a brief contact of carapace in the way of assurance and hive - here he was, hivemates together - before his eyeless face watched the two with pinpoint and eerie accurate intelligence, a low rumbling hiss of breath from twin mouths as lips peeled back over glinting teeth in a macabre parody of a smile.


Re: BANG BANG | open, dual joining - JAMISON - 08-24-2018

Oh, there was someone! Jamie gave a friendly wave as the stranger approached, a broad smile softening his thin features. He looked genuinely friendly and pleased to see them, though there was something inherently devilish in his grin as well, as though it might be best not to trust him too completely. His bright eyes scanned the other briefly - what the fuck kind of animal was this guy? Oh, he'd ask in a minute - before he opened his mouth to speak again. [color=#FF8C00]"Like the beffridge?" he asked, letting out a cheerful laugh. "I didn't know they named a drink after me! Ay?" He nudged his twin as though this was hilarious before taking it upon himself to answer Hope's next question.

"We're here ta, uh, join, or somefing like that. Right, Barbie?" Again, he really didn't know what was going on, but Cherry did, and she was probably already sick of him talking. Jamie found himself distracted from Hope anyway as the other guy showed up - if guy was even the right way to refer to Blacktide. As the much larger beast offered up it's best smile, Jamison gave it a small, somewhat hesitant wave, clearly not sure as to the best way to address him.


Re: BANG BANG | open, dual joining - GRIMNYTE - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:GAINSBORO; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]( i am so beyond sorry for the late replies!! activity has been sluggish )

The heat was a common complaint with newer members, and even if he could only feel the heat in very, very small measures, he could not blame them. The desert was a wasteland, unkind to the woes of trespassers. Much like their sharp-tongued occupants who would be quicker to draw blood than discuss any peaceful alternatives to violence. That, besides the casual ignorance of the members themselves, was one of the many cons of being in such a place. No matter - he would not pretend to be a saint in that aspect, nor would he seek to change the attitude. In fact, he stuck by it, went so far as to invoke all of their ideals to fend off strangers asking after their nefarious intentions. If someone stole something of yours, clearly you were not deserving of it. That they had the gall to threaten them on their own borders rubbed him the wrong way afterwards.

"Of course. Here we have an auto acceptance policy that allows anyone to join unless we have good reason to deny them." sometimes he did not know how that would be efficient. What if there was a spy to show up one day, infiltrate their ranks, and reveal their secrets? All because they had been careless? Never mind that. The leopon ambled forward, his cold eyes gliding over the forms of his children before settling on the two that would be joining them. "I'm Esklav, the warpriest here. Our leader is Yes Man. If you have any questions, direct them to me or anyone else of authority, and we'd be happy to assist. Do try not to get mixed in with the slaves if you can help it."

Re: BANG BANG | open, dual joining - Stryker - 08-27-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ —  //tracking bc i see a jamison and can't post rn!!

Re: BANG BANG | open, dual joining - melantha - 08-27-2018

Silent as always, Melantha approaches closely behind Esklav. Though black lips remain tightly pressed shit, piercing eyes the color of grecian olives shine as they sweep over the figures of the newcomers. Twins, eh? That is what the ratty, nasty smelling one--Jamison, is it?--claims. The female, Cherrywine, is far too gorgeous to be related to the male, but Melantha keeps these thoughts to herself. It is not her job to make comments. It is her job to watch, to observe, to absorb all the information she possibly can. Oh, and keep Esklav from dying. But at this point, she thinks the guy could use getting his ass whooped. Builds character, her dad would always say. Melantha cannot remember her father well, but she remembers that, for some reason.

Chiseled muscles ripple beneath a pelt of tawny gold as the huntress slows to a halt beside the warpriest. her expression is vacant, bland; though curiosity shines beneath the distant haze of those luminous green eyes. "I am Melantha," the strong arm says curtly, deciding that she can at least introduce herself even if she is not in the mood for chit chat. Granted, the female is never in the mood for chit chat.