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Dancing In the Moonlight (Nightsky) - Printable Version

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Dancing In the Moonlight (Nightsky) - Aurora Clemens - 08-21-2018

With the night sky a clear and deep blue speckled with hundreds of thousands of stars, tonight was the perfect night for star watching. Nights like these had been her favorite when she was traveling with Vin. When they'd lay on their backs, eyes up to the sky as she watched her father point out the constellations and the odd shooting star, telling her to make a wish. She never did tell him her wishes, but he also didn't ask. Though he always seemed to know, as he'd always get closer to her and press his flank to her's. She supposed she made it easy when she always made the same wish, and every time she'd shed a tear or two, hoping it'd come true.

Unfortunately tonight she didn't have Vin to watch the stars with, but she felt like she couldn't miss it. So the small fennec fox had made her way up to the roof and just as she had hoped, it offered an excellent view of the stars along with the milky band that stretched itself across the sky. The moon tonight was a simple crescent, which made the surrounding forest seem even more dark than usual.

Aurora had brought her satchel stuffed with a small blanket which seemed somewhat clean along with her journal and a pencil. Once she found a decent spot she laid out the blanket and then pulled her journal and her pencil out of her bag before finally leaning her back against the short wall that went around the entire edge of the roof. After taking a moment to look up at the stars she opened up her notebook to the section marked "Constellations" and she started to draw Orion beside two previous drawings of the little and big dipper.

Re: Dancing In the Moonlight (Nightsky) - cyantist - 08-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Nightsky was named after the very stars and constellations that were mapped in the heavens, and he was happy to say that he was. His name was almost prophetic, and Night believed that the sky he was named after could be used to tell the future as if it was an open book. Well, maybe not an open book, but it was more like... Poetry? Open to interpretation and meaning differing things to differing people, but there's always what was intended underneath all the inferred meanings.

He was a scholar, not a poet. And he usually watches the stars from his little observatory, tucked away in the lofts of the Rosebloods mansion where he has his own private space. It isn't that he doesn't love his sisters, he does, but sometimes they're too loud and he wants to study the stars and do his work in peace. But tonight, he wants to be out in the forest, and that's when he runs into the newcomer.

He's never seen a fennec before. She's so small, and he's small, but he's convinced that about 40% of her is just her ears. It's so strange, but he doesn't dislike how she looks. Cute, that's what he heard someone else use to describe her, and that sounded like a good way to describe her. Not that Night would know anything about that. "Oh, you stargaze too?" He asks, assuming the answer is yes with a beaming smile as he sits down with his satchel. His own journal and the tarot cards are within the pack, and he seems amazed that someone else shares his passion.

"I haven't met anyone that does - do you know about astrology and astronomy too?"

Re: Dancing In the Moonlight (Nightsky) - Aurora Clemens - 08-21-2018

While Aurora wasn't named after the sky, she was named after the time she had been born. According to her parents, the sun was just barely peeking over the horizon when she came into this world as an only child. And so, they thought "Aurora" was appropriate for their newly born daughter. While not as prophetic as Night's name, it seemed to be just as fitting for the girl.

Luckily Night didn't voice his summary of Aurora's appearance, as she tended to be quite conscious of the massive radars that sat atop her head. The only other people she'd ever seen with ears as big as her own had been her parents and well, they weren't around anymore. Thoe only other people she'd seen had been cats, dogs, and even a manticore, and all of their ears were at least proportional to their bodies. She supposed her ears were rather useful at times, but sometimes she just had normal ears. Then again, as her mother used to say, "hoping will never get you anywhere, you might as well accept who you are and be proud of it". That always seemed to make her feel better when her anxiety was getting the better of her.

It seemed that her large ears were proving themselves useful yet again when she heard Night approach, so she didn't jump and mess up on her drawing when Night spoke. Aurora spent a moment finishing a line before she lifted her mismatched gaze up to the kitten and gave him a bashful smile. She was about to nod at his first question before he suddenly decided to sit down and give her company. While she didn't mind the company of the slightly younger kitten, she wasn't expecting him to invite himself into her personal space. While her smile did flicker in surprise for a moment, she managed to retain it. She was actually happy to see that someone seemed to enjoy the stars as much if not more than herself.

Then Nightkit asked her about astrology and astronomy. While she knew some about astronomy, she knew even little about astrology. Vin told her it was a method that people used to try to find their fate, but he said it didn't work, as he didn't really believe in fate. And that had really been the end of astrology, but he had been happy to share his knowledge of the stars with her though. "Well, I don't know too much about astrology, but I know a bit about astronomy." She said before she tilted her journal in Nightkit's direction. "My dad taught me about the constellations and has shown me things like the North Star. Here I've even drawn a few of them, I'm currently working on Orion." She said, showing him the page with the dippers and part of the Orion constellations drawn in a "Connect-the-Dots" fashion. Although the dippers looked like there was more detail added on, making them look a bit more three-dimensional.

While she was pretty sure they met at the border, she felt the need to reintroduce herself, as she didn't think they had properly talked when she joined. "You're Nightkit right? I'm Aurora" It was neat to meet someone with a traditional name like Night's, and given how much he seemed to like the night sky, she thought it was aptly named. She liked it.