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MAD LOVE — o, oneshot + development - Printable Version

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MAD LOVE — o, oneshot + development - MARCELLUS - 08-20-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
notes to self:
tw; gore, anxiety and panic attacks, negative feelings of self-worth

In his own eyes he was weak, not worthy of being apart of the Typhoon, not worthy of even being the division of the Grim Rays. He had no weapons, barely any ability to fight. If he had siblings he probably would of ended up being the runt of the litter not for his size, but for his inability to even defend himself properly. When he was younger he could of done so much to prevent himself being taken by the humans but he didn't and thus he considered it his fault that he was taken when he could of easily done so so much to stop it from happening. His parents always told him that they never viewed him the way he viewed himself, though he usually always thought that as a lie as he couldn't read the thoughts inside their head and what they really thought. The way they acted towards him, those words meant nothing to him and he could only wish to hear the thoughts that were inside their heads. He could imagine them to be thoughts of him being worthless and nothing more than that, a disgrace that two strong parents like Nikolai and Amora, could produce something so incapable like Marcellus.

It hurt so bad to think like that but he couldn't control the thoughts. Deep down inside he knew they truly didn't think that way and that they loved him for real, but he could only view himself in the light of being pathetic. Worthless. Weak. Those three words were what he could only use to describe himself as he didn't believe any other.

The day was slowly coming to an end as the sun set behind the horizon in the distance and Marcel was out on his own on a stroll down the beach, his eyes peering around as he was on his way back to his shack that was lined up a bit ways along Barracuda Bay. His paws clicked up sand as he strolled along until he heard another set of the pawsteps a bit in front of him. Stopping, the king cheetah departed his jaws and tried to identify the scent to make sure an enemy hadn't gotten in undetected, but what came next was a shock to him as he couldn't smell any scent. Not a single trace. For a moment he thought nothing of it until a rough wind pushed up against the side of his body, nearly making him fall over into the sand. For a moment all he could do was stand there in shock but he pushed any ridiculous thoughts out his head, simply thinking to himself that this was natural. Hesitantly and cautiously, the king cheetah continued on down the bay, slowly growing more and more paranoid as sounds followed after him, all of them unable to be explained.

As quick as he could manage the male broke down into a run at the sight of his shack up ahead, eyes widening in relief as he practically leap straight in, disregarding the amount of force he used on the door which had caused it to nearly break. His breathing grew uncontrollable as anxiety raced through his body and his eyes darted everywhere to see if what had been following him had still been out there. He remained in the corner of his shack for a long while, afraid and anxiety ridden, until the sounds died down and he could no longer hear anything but the sounds of the waves crashing and the seagulls that usually flew above and make their noises. He slowly began to calm down with his breathing going back to a normal and steady pace, his paws carrying him to the doorway where he would peek out to see if anything was there.

All he could remember at that point was his vision going black and his body hitting the floor with a loud thud.

A groan escaped his jaws as he slowly forced himself to get up and all he could manage to see upon opening his eyes were pitch black and nothing but that, his head swinging from side to side as he slowly started to sink back into a panic. "Okay Marcellus, it's okay. Just, stay calm. You're okay." His voice held nothing but panic and he failed to believe even his own words. It didn't take him long to realize that the feeling of being sick was completely gone, along with his sore throat and even his limp. He could walk on all fours instead of using the usual three legs. His eyes glanced back at his now working crooked leg in shock but also happiness as it was all he ever wanted; to be able  to use all four of his legs and not be completely useless. The working of his leg was something that calmed down a bit, helping his mind to clear up.

He had to do something, anything.

The king cheetah hesitantly began taking a few steps forwards before his slow steps broke into a full out run, one faster than he would be able to with only three legs. He had easily began to forget that he was stuck in a completely pitch black background that  seemed to go on forever, his paws carrying him faster and faster as he gave a laugh that signified his happiness and content with being able to run with all four legs. Though not all good things last forever and so quickly the tides changed, the male ending up back in a place where he never thought he would.

His old home.

He was surrounded by thick undergrowth and trees, dry grass and multiple little streams that used to provide him water. One step forward he took and pushed through the bushes that guarded his old den where he would rest with his parents before he was taken, his eyes softening as he padded towards it at a brisk pace. He inspected the small stone den before he heard the sound of snapping sticks and twigs behind him, the crisp leaves breaking under every pawstep the stranger took. Marcel battled with himself with the thought of turning around and confronting this visitor head on, though it seemed he didn't need to.

"You were always a curious one, Marcellus." The voice was easily recognizable to the male, his eyes widening before he spun around to get a view of his parental figure, his father. He could feel small tears well up in his eyes before he dashed forwards and moved his head to press it into his fathers shoulder, feeling as the battle-scarred cheetah suddenly backed up away from his embrace, confusing Marcel. His father had always loved to cuddle the male when he was younger along with his mother, so this behavior to Marcel made him grow weary, though he would push it back and allow a smile to grace his maw.

"I missed you so much! I'm sorry I ran away! I promise I will never run away ag-" His words were cut off by the sudden change in atmosphere, all of the undergrowth and the forest quickly becoming dead. A fire could be scene in the background slowly rushing towards the two cheetahs as they stood there. Nikolai made no efforts in moving, instead his face turning from one of happiness swiftly to one of disgust and hatred. Marcellus was taken back as he began to take a few steps back, looking at his father with shock and confusion. "Father, we have to go the fire it's"

"Coming?" The other king cheetah swiftly interrupted, a smirk lacing his maw as he took a threatening step forwards. "Yes, Marcel, I know it's coming. It's exactly what I want." Every moment they wasted talking was another moment the fire would come closer, the flames starting to nearly encircle the two.

"W-What? I don't understand? Why do you want the fire to come here? We have to go!" Slowly Marcel would grow insistent on getting away from the flames, the king cheetah quickly turning away and getting ready to dash out the remaining exit but before he could he could feel a pair of claws slam down into his tail, quickly pulling him back and causing the king cheetah to wince. Upon looking over his shoulder to see why he couldn't leave, Marcel would see his own father with a wicked grin on his face as he held down Marcellus by the tail.

"You were always quite the weak one, weren't you, Marcel?" Nikolai would coo softly, the flames beginning to grow hotter and hotter as they got closer to the pair. "Good riddance you disappeared. Maybe if you weren't so pathetic, you'd be here with us and not miles away." With every each word the males voice grew more and more taunting, watching as tears built up in Marcellus' eyes. "You deserve to die, Marcellus." With that last sentence, his voice grew chilling and maniac-like, his eyes turning into a dark glowing red as a menacing look graced his features. A wicked laugh escaped the males jaws as he slammed his entire body into Marcellus', feeding him into the wicked flames.

Screams and yells could be heard from the flames until they died down, Marcellus' body becoming nothing more than bones and rotted flesh.

Hours passed and the king cheetah's eyes slowly opened again to reveal his mother in the same setting of the now charred and dead forest, hovering over him and sobbing, crying, tears dripping onto him. "Mother! Amora! You're here! Nikolai, he-" His words were cut off when Amora turned away from him as if she hadn't even heard him in the first place, disappoint lacing her features. Confusion was well on his face as he took a step forward to try and follow her.

Amora's body burst into flames and she slowly turned to look at him over her shoulder, eyes narrowed and flames strong. The now ghost king cheetah flinched and took a step backwards, eyes looking on with fear.

"HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME!" Her voice boomed all over the dead forest, the female cheetah taking a step towards Marcellus and shaking the entire forest floor, her body growing in size until she completely towered over Marcellus by a couple of feet, Marcel cowering down to the forest floor as he began to burst out in complete tears; wailing and crying with anxiety and fear all over, his emotions all over the place while he tried not to look at Amora but instead point his head towards the forest floor with his eyes closed in cowardice.

"YOU'RE WEAK, PATHETIC, USELESS!" Her screams only grew louder and so did Marcellus' wails as he then tried to speak over her.

"Please, please, p-p-please! Please mother, I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" Uncontrollably the spirit sobbed, his eyes tightly closed shut. Due to being in this form he could not feel her flames but her anger felt as if it was able to burn her despite him now being dead. He could feel his breathing beginning to speed up extremely quick, barely able to catch any breath at all .

Amora looked at him with disgust and hatred until it died down into a soothing and kind look. Taking a step forwards, the cheetah placed her large paw gently against Marcellus' spirit, her flames dying off completely as she looked like her normal self. "Oh Marcellus." She cooed gently as she looked down at him. Suddenly her expression grew hardened and a snarl built up in her throat. "Remember, you are worthless." With those last few words, the flesh of Amora began to drip off her body to give a skeleton figure in return, the bones collapsing to the ground as flames shot up on it and burned the bones. Instantly after, Marcellus returned back to reality.

The passed out male's head shot up as he looked around with fear, eyes widened as if he had just returned from the dead and his claws digging into the floor of his shack. His breathing grew quickly uncontrollable as he began to feel himself slip into a panic attack, his heart racing and his eyes darting wildly around the shack's walls. Trying to move forwards, the male could barely manage before falling out of his shack and onto the sand beneath it, barely able to breathe as his panic attack only grew more and more with the minutes that he lied there, the world slowly fading in and out of consciousness. He gasped roughly for air.

tdlr;; he had an extremely negative dream involving his parents that impacted him very strongly emotionally and now he's having a full blown panic attack on the beach.

Re: MAD LOVE — o, oneshot + development - GABRIEL - 08-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-size: 9.4pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Gabriel had always known he'd gotten lucky with his family. Not everyone had a kind mother breaking her back to take care of six kids, who ran herself thin providing for them while still finding the time to instill discipline. Sure, if Gabriel fucked up, she'd give him a good ass-kicking, but it was always deserved, and he never did it again. She didn't abuse them, didn't ask for more than they could give. When they were small, he could remember how she'd sing to them, offering so much warmth that to this day, Gabriel could find no equivalent to it. Maybe he was a mama's boy, but hell, it wasn't like he'd had a dad around. Didn't seem like he needed one, not to mention having two parents didn't always guarantee a happy childhood. Just as often that meant twice the mistreatment, so as curious as he'd been as a child, he didn't care to ask about his father when he grew older, focused instead on easing some of the burden from his mother's shoulders.

He missed her. Gabe didn't even know if she was still alive, and he wouldn't visit even if she were, because he wasn't the son she'd said goodbye to. Nothing she'd ever said or done had given Gabriel the impression that she was disappointed in him, yet it felt like it was too late now, that he'd already dug his grave. All the love she'd shown him in the middle of strife was the whole reason Gabe started on the path that led here. He'd just- lost sight of a few things, so for all his reluctance to let her see him again, he could use some motherly advice right about now.

But, as aforementioned, that wasn't an option. So, in his antsiness, he'd taken a walk around the territory, hoping to clear his mind, except the relative peace was interrupted by a feline stumbling out of his shack, collapsing on the sand. At first, Gabriel thought he was physically injured, and went from ambling to sprinting, but he skidded when he saw no wounds, only the signs of a panic attack. He knew nothing about this kid, but he couldn't just keep on walking and ignore him. "Hey, kiddo, can you do something for me? I want you to breathe with me. Deep breath, count up. One, two, three, four. Now let it out and count down. Four, three, two, one." He exaggerated his own breathing to match with the counting, hoping the cheetah would catch on. "This won't last. Wherever you went, you're not there anymore. You're safe, and I'm here to help you."

Re: MAD LOVE — o, oneshot + development - MARCELLUS - 08-21-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
A voice, a barely audible one and Marcel could barely find himself able to understand a word. Tears streamed from the king cheetah's eyes as his breathing remained out of control, his eyes not looking over to Gabriel in the slightest and barely realizing his was there. Everything around him was muffled and slowly he was fading in and out as fear shot up inside him. What if they were still there, what if that voice was them? His eyes widened more and his breathing slowly got worse, his body beginning to twitch a bit. The voice was soon beginning to break through and even though he couldn't hear it completely clearly, the male would move his eyes to read Gabriel's lips. Breath, one two three, one two three. The male slowly tried to follow the instructions of Gabriel, sobbing, crying, breathing hard but trying to control it. His heart raced but was starting to begin to slow down as he tried his best to try and make it so he would relax. Moments passed before his breathing finally began to slow down a little, still in a panic attack as he sobbed uncontrollably but it slowly going away. He was scared on the inside, not only of the vision he saw of his parents but now himself as well and everything around him.

His voice drowned out Gabriel for a brief few moments more as he tried to understand what was going on due to it feeling as if he ended up black out as well, his eyes darting around but a lot slower this time. With the passing time his panic attack slowly began to go away, Marcellus now actively trying to calm himself in his own head. "You're okay, please. You're okay." The voice of his rang in his head as he tried to convince himself that everything was alright, that he was going to be alright now. He heard the last words of Gabriel's voice, telling him that he was no longer in the place that had caused him so much emotional pain and strain, but yet he still felt trapped and afraid. He was afraid of them coming back to bother him again, he couldn't go through that pain again. His calming voice in his own mind got louder as he thought more encouraging phrases to himself. It wasn't long until his panic attack died down enough for him to manage a silent 'thank you' towards Gabriel as he began to burst into more tears, no longer from a panic attack but instead his own sadness.