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WE WAKE WITH BRIGHT EYES | joining - Printable Version

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WE WAKE WITH BRIGHT EYES | joining - jabberwocky - 08-20-2018

She was unsure of why her gods had drawn her to this place, and yet she was always the obedient servant, unable to resist their demands. She had been walking for a few hours, at this point, but seemed to have arrived - the territory was rolling plains, the edges marked with the distinctive scent of a clan. She wasn't even sure what group this was, at this point - she was unfamiliar with many of the groups in the area, and this one was included. Still, she wasn't frightened - she sensed no high amounts of deaths in these lands, which means they were unlikely to be a violent bunch.

Carefully, the borzoi took a seat, tucking her paws close to her body. Her pale green gaze drifted over the horizon, as if trying to pick up on movement, but she neglected to call out, assuming someone would eventually pick up on her presence and choose to meander over.


Re: WE WAKE WITH BRIGHT EYES | joining - MOONMADE - 08-21-2018

[size=9pt]Technically, he was demoted. So he had no business herb hunting. He should be off lounging by the Starpool, conversing with his Clanmates, catching up with what he'd missed. But that'd never been his style. Staying in one place for two long made him twitch. And there was nothing weirder than seeing a malnourished, injured lion sitting and just twitching. So he'd taken off. Herb hunting.

He's locked in on the scent of flowers, and it's all he's paying attention to. Seeping into his senses, he's completely unaware how close he is to the border, and just who is sitting at that border. It's only when he emerges from the undergrowth, into a small clearing, that he realizes he's no longer alone. Blinking himself from his haze, the lion lifts his head and lays eyes on the creature in front of him. It takes him a moment to realize it's a dog, because, frankly, out of all dogs ever, this particular type is the least dog-looking. He's seen them before; they look like a cross between a deer and a God. "Fuck," says Moon, as he would if he were actually facing God, "You scared the shit out of me. Sorry." He pauses, glances at the bizarre creatures hood for a moment too long, before remembering there's protocol he's supposed to follow. "What are you here for? Joining, or just enjoying the view?"

Re: WE WAKE WITH BRIGHT EYES | joining - imperia - 08-22-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align: justify; width: 55%; font-family: georgia; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: 0px;"]Collecting herbs in spite of not being an official healer is not a big deal. After all, young Miss Arceneau has been collecting herbs for as long as she can remember. It is not only resourceful, but relaxing and educational. It is also just something that Imperia does because she's, well, she's Imperia. The petite she-wolf happens to be around for reasons similar to Moonmade, her satchel bulging with various flowers and leaves. A sweet floral scent clings to her pelt as she approaches on silent paws, her movements fluid and graceful as if she were simply a specter moving through the grass.

A faint smile dances upon black lips at the sight of Moonmade speaking to the stranger, his mane unruly and littered with foliage debris. "Hello," she greets softly, slowing to a halt to stand beside the lion. Indeed, the borzoi does look strangely wonderful--what a horse would look like if it suddenly became a dog. Supernaturally beautiful.

Re: WE WAKE WITH BRIGHT EYES | joining - BASTILLEPAW - 08-22-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille was a relatively understanding individual. He was literally an empath, and felt their emotions just as aggressively as his own sometimes, and therefore he found it naturally easy to see someone and understand. He just... didn't always care, per se. Just like he really didn't care if Moon was being horribly melodramatic about his maybe-temporary demotion, and would full on roll his eyes or laugh in his face if he kept bitching about it vocally. It was just Moon, anyway. The guy was way too chill for Bast to actually take his complaints seriously.

At least Peri was just as well-tempered as ever. He offered her a smile in greeting as he joined them, shoved his shoulder against Moon's front leg (lightly enough, noting his injuries), and studied this stranger with vague interest. [b]"Yo," he supplied, "'M Bast. What's up?" She seemed like she was just relaxing, which was fine by him, but it was an odd location to do so if not joining.
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: WE WAKE WITH BRIGHT EYES | joining - trojan g. - 08-22-2018

Roman was still mentally exhausted and pained from his journey back home from the Typhoon, and although he no longer had injuries due to the body that he was now in, the canine could still feel the pain sometimes, still felt the need to carefully judge his steps in case his paws would crack open and bleed once more, and that scared him. What scared the shiba inu more, though, at this point in time, was the unknown of others; who they were, what they wanted, why they were here. It was a bunch of stuff that he could easily ask someone, but the last time that had happened - or, rather, he had gotten close to asking that - the other had captured him and tortured him days in and out, leaving him to almost die before escaping, forcing to face one of his biggest fears - and one does not always get over those fears once they have been faced.

Padding carefully over towards the others, Roman would look the borzoi up and down for a moment, remembering a time when he had a body such as that one, though short lived it was, before offering a smile as he sat down next to Imperia. Though at this point in time he had been gone for a while, he still considered her a friend, and hoped that she thought of him as the same.