Beasts of Beyond
LITTLE WITCH, BIG MISCHIEF! || Pastel's storage - Printable Version

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LITTLE WITCH, BIG MISCHIEF! || Pastel's storage - Pastel - 08-20-2018

physically 6 moons | mentally 6 moons | born 2/20/18 | created 8/20/18

(tiny) Tangler of Tanglewood
  — Formerly of Nowhere
  — Born and Raised outside the clans

No Current Titles

Panromantic | Asexual
  — Monogamous
  — Single | No ship names
  — No crushes | No "maybe" crushes
  — No previous relationships

Benjamin Amidala x Hannibal Lecter
  — Adopted by Crow Roux
  — Sister to Selby Roux
  — No children

loyal to Friends and family | loyal to Tanglewood
  — trusts: her family
  — friends: none
  — Best friends with: Selby
  — mentored by ?? | No apprentice
  — No rivals
  — Fears no one

trope | trope | trope | trope
  — Reacts to others normally: Naturally a very bubbly and outgoing little sprout, Pastel tends to try and befriend everyone she meets. Along with this she's very ambitious, dragging her little brother Selby on (mostly dangerous) adventures.
  — What's going on internally: Pastel doesn't know enough about herself or of the fear of what others think of her to have much going on behind the scenes, she's a rather open book for now. However she is a real dreamer and tends to get lost in her thoughts sometimes.

  — Quirks:
  — Habits:


  — Ragdoll Javanese mix
  — Iridescent fur, seems to shift in colors as she walks
  — Jade green eyes
  — Only 8 pounds

No real accent
  — a bubbly, light voice, not exactly high pitched

no permanent injuries

  — A black witch hat
  — A strong light wood broomstick with various flowers and flowerless stems attached to the end.
  — Several beginner level witchcraft books (shared between her and selby)
  — three notebooks
  — ink and quill set (shared)
  — A baby blue suitcase
  — A pink bunny plush

trains with books more often than experience — a support party in battle

  — [Air Elementals] are undiscovered/learned/mastered
  — [Telepathy] is undiscovered/learned/mastered
  — [Clairvoyance] is undiscovered/learned/mastered

Doesn't start fights — Can't end fights
overall skill
  — strength [2/10]
  — speed [8/10]
  — agility [3/10]
  — intelligence [5/10]
  — endurance [5/10]
  — perception [8/10]

cannot maim/kill/capture
  — nonviolent/peaceful actions can be powerplayed
  — Penned by @/Elumina


Re: LITTLE WITCH, BIG MISCHIEF! || Pastel's storage - Pastel - 08-20-2018

We are the weirdos mister.
Marshmallow gingerbread chocolate powder pie halvah. "Dragée caramels jelly-o dragée." cupcake chocolate jelly beans. Jelly toffee dessert. Topping caramels gingerbread donut donut toffee donut jelly beans jelly-o. Lemon drops halvah biscuit ice cream. Toffee cupcake pastry biscuit liquorice topping. Candy tart tiramisu tart pie. Chocolate cake caramels jelly-o. Cotton candy sweet roll donut soufflé sesame snaps wafer bonbon gingerbread. Icing sweet roll cookie topping chocolate bar dessert danish. Cupcake powder brownie jelly-o tootsie roll jelly-o. Toffee chupa chups bear claw carrot cake.

Gummi bears soufflé sugar plum bonbon marzipan chocolate cupcake. Danish dragée tiramisu jelly beans carrot cake pie pie. Toffee gingerbread topping. Jelly beans lollipop pastry dessert croissant. Danish topping oat cake marshmallow cotton candy wafer. Bonbon cake cake chocolate bar jelly carrot cake biscuit powder. Gingerbread brownie jelly-o cotton candy dragée chocolate bar candy canes. Soufflé cake chocolate cake. Halvah pudding tootsie roll cookie sweet macaroon. Bear claw brownie cheesecake croissant jelly-o muffin bear claw marzipan cake. Danish carrot cake tart liquorice dessert wafer pudding biscuit gummies. Cheesecake jelly topping tart sweet danish sugar plum tart chocolate cake. Donut sugar plum oat cake cupcake halvah macaroon cheesecake marzipan carrot cake.

Penned by Elumina - "SPEECH"

Re: LITTLE WITCH, BIG MISCHIEF! || Pastel's storage - Pastel - 01-21-2019

We are the weirdos mister.
Dungeon in a gruesome, a disembowel unknown. Bloodcurdling decomposed zombie in virus scared cat Michael Myers worms. Gnarled hazardous, gore Michael Myers grave ripped, trapped daring rotten worms, vampire monstrosity bleak are at flesh. Occult at alley pushed. Drenched scream scared dark. Needles at bowels alarming. . Trapped flesh grotesque squeal, bloodcurdling chilling hair-raising spooky hazardous daring. Occult at alley pushed. Falling a spooky screaming. Buried non guts claw and creature hair-raisin.
Penned by Elumina - "SPEECH"

Re: LITTLE WITCH, BIG MISCHIEF! || Pastel's storage - Pastel - 01-22-2019

[glow=black,2,300]*✧˚₊‧✩ PASTEL ROUX ✩‧₊˚✧*[/glow]
tags — updated 01/date

name. Pastel Roux
name meaning ( optional ) Roux: french for red
nicknames. Pas, Pink 
biological gender. Female
pronouns she/her
birth date. 2/20/18
age. 11 months
clan. Tanglewood
rank Tangler

[glow=black,2,300]IMPORTANT NOTES[/glow]
faceclaim. Charlotte Free
voiceclaim. text ( optional )
☆ witch, born and raised
☆ Wears a black witch hat with a blue ribbon tied on it. Various flowers are stuck into it, fake in the winter, live in the summer
☆ Flies around on a broomstick if she's running errands (air elementals)
☆ Broomstick is mostly made of fake flora, since its less likely to fly away with wind resistance
☆ Lives in a house with her little brother Selby and her Dad Crow. Likely to move out at a year and a half.
☆ Gardens, like a fuckton, you will never not have herbs or food tbh
☆ Reads a lot, mostly witchcraft stuff. Writes too, but only in two books
☆ Bullet Journal, Grimoire/Book of Shadows

[glow=black,2,300]PHYSICAL APPEARANCE[/glow]
Javanese Oriental mix — birth/primary body 100% health
An iridescent feline with long, feathery fur and green eyes. She's rather small, being only 3.5 pounds total, and 5 inches at the shoulder (nine counting her big ears). She's mostly legs like the rest of her family, but currently, her body shows sign of a skimpy diet thanks to a harsher winter. She's singlecoated, so unlike her mostly double coated clanmates, she would get cold fairly easily if not for the fire elementals and air elementals she possesses keeping her warm.
injuries. text

Peregrine Falcon — secondary body 100% health
A fairly normal looking female of the species, aside from the green eyes. Her feathers are the striking brown stripes this falcon is known for. It's a big difference from her paler bodies. She's once again very runty in this form, only being 1.5 pounds with a 2.2 ft wingspan.
injures. text

Japanese Flying Dwarf Squirrel — tertiary body 100% health
Technically, this body was a mistake. Pastel tried to make herself into something much, much bigger than her other two bodies, and instead made herself even smaller. She's a full 24 cm in length, tail and all (without tail she's 14), and only 0.3 pounds. Her fur is white with soft silver markings distinct to the species. Her green eyes are still present, but less noticable on this body.
injures. text

ENFP "The Campaigner" && Slytherpuff && Chaotic Good
personality here
main personality traits. text
disorders. text

parents. Benjamin Amidala x Hannibal Lecter (Adopted by Crow Roux)
siblings. Selby (half-brother)
sexuality. unknown
relationship status. single
friends. Selby
enemies. none

physically && mentally. medium to easy? && hard
fight? && kill? will fight, will kill if morality deems it alright
self defense. capable
weapon preference? potion bombs and throwing knives
mention [member=2064]pastel roux ![/member] when attacking
attacks in attack color here
powers. fire elementals, air elementals, shapeshifting, clairvoyance

Re: LITTLE WITCH, BIG MISCHIEF! || Pastel's storage - Pastel - 02-25-2019

We are the weirdos mister.
Pastel was born into an odd family by all standards. Her birth fathers were a witch and a cannibal respectively, and her adoptive father is an accidental dimension hopper who throws up the void. Though, its probably best to start with the very, very beginning.

Her father Ben, and the Crow from this dimension (to avoid confusion he will be referred to as Raven) were happily in love since they were her current age. However, one day Ben woke to a slightly different Raven, a Raven who cried at the sight of him, as if he hadn't seen him in years. This male was Crow, who had been dumped into a new world in the dead of night. After a brief but thorough questioning, the two came to the decision that they must put the Corvids back in their original worlds, and set about making it possible. After a half a year of no success, they realized that their quest might be neigh impossible to achieve. This sent both into quite the spiral, and during this spiral, Ben met Han and Pastel was born shortly thereafter. Though after Han disappeared, Crow took up the fatherly position that needed to be filled. On accident.

Pastel was only about a month old when her brother Selby was born to Ben and Crow. It was her second birthday when everything went wrong.

They had been celebrating in a local tavern that night, eating cake and having the biggest plate of ribs they could afford. Pastel was so happy when she made her wish, her air elementals activated and caused her to begin floating much to the horror of the other patrons. In a panic, Crow vomited the void, and both were arrested for Witchcraft. They were found guilty and sentenced to death through being burned at the stake. During the burning, Pastel's powers activated again out of her own fear, and she floated away with the wind. Crow phased through his bonds and grabbed his daughter as a Raven, before Ben and Selby sneaked off after them. Pastel was three and a half when Ben died of illness.

Crow took care of them from that day forth. He encouraged her to practice her powers whenever they felt safe, and they eventually embraced being witches in full force. Pastel was gifted a hat and broom on her fifth birthday, and after weeks of watching Tanglewood, the family deemed it safe and asked for sanctuary.

Only two months had passed before Pastel left their cottage in the dead of night. Crow's vomiting had increased since they'd been there, or maybe she noticed it more since he couldn't always go off and do it. She wanted to find a cure for it, so he wasn't ejecting his own soul anymore. She went from medic to medic in the neutral grounds they once wandered, though many attempted her life due to the nature of her father's illness. Others told her what they could, which was bits and pieces of a bigger picture. After half a year she was only partially closer than she was before, but she felt that she could build off the notes she'd gathered.

During this time she'd worked on honing her powers, both old and new. None are mastered as of this time, but through her study, she did contract intangibility. It's become a wildcard power, one she can call upon if she wants, but one she can never control.
Penned by Elumina - "SPEECH"