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GHOST TOWN && "seance", weekly task. - Printable Version

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GHOST TOWN && "seance", weekly task. - ONISION. - 08-20-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
So, Moonmade had told him to go check out the ghosts or something, apparently. Oni was chill with that, he didn't really care. The only problem was that he was hesitant to even enter the Observatory again after it had shut down and closed up on everyone. Oni didn't like the dark, he didn't like ghost stories, either. But, he remained stone-faced, carrying himself onwards with his head held high.

It was dark out, allowing the flickers of the Observatory's lights to enrich the gathering crowd of NPC's inside with its glorious glow. A blanket had been set out for Oni and the others, to communicate with the spirits around them. Silently, Oni wondered if ghosts even existed. But then again, who was he to think that? He could focus on a bunch of other more important things, right? Like.. Completing his weekly task, yeah!

"If anyone wants to join me on my fucking Seance, feel free to."

Re: GHOST TOWN && "seance", weekly task. - Zjarr - 08-20-2018

[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Ghosts were very much real, and Zjarr knew this because he had quite literally been one before. Once his physical form had died, and he was not able to possess it (or any forms) for quite some time, leaving him but a lonely, desperate spirit that could not directly communicate with anyone. He could only interact with objects and hoped that those around him would take a hint. He remembered Deut resolving to bury his corpse, only to watch it mysteriously fly across the camp into Zjarr's quarters with not a (living) creature touching the damn thing. He had to admit, that had been funny as shit, but nothing else beyond that was even remotely enjoyable.

Perhaps he was a little sympathetic for the lost souls that were trapped into such horrid forms, unable to possess a physical body and directly speak to those they wanted to interact with rather than give vague signals through their surroundings. Maybe some spirits were able to talk to mortals, but the many ghosts he had seen lacked that advantage. And in a way, he did feel a little bit of sorrow for the anguished fellows.

But he didn't feel as if there were any ghouls in the, he would have felt them otherwise, wouldn't he? Regardless the wolf would address the situation plainly: "Hmm. Just be careful, a'ight?" On that note he'd flop down next to the young fireball, setting his head upon his prosthetic metal forepaws as he watched the dim light flicker as a n energetic dancer.

It was then that Zjarr had to suppress his amusement, for he had concocted a brilliant idea: to briefly exit his form and act as a spirit, to humor Onision and the other inquisitive folk that would arrive for the sake of participating in someone else's weekly tasks, or perhaps to see if there really were ghouls and goblins roaming the territory. Hell, if nothing was going to happen tonight, he would make something happen.
[glow=#f24b00,2,300]how'd it get so scandalous?[/glow] —

Re: GHOST TOWN && "seance", weekly task. - MOONMADE - 08-21-2018

[size=9pt]Yeah. Half of those weekly tasks had been pulled out of his ass. He highly doubted there was a fucking ghost in the Observatory. It would have gotten sick of the star nerds long ago and fucked off, if there was. But, then again, Edgar wasn't one to lie. Maybe there was. Maybe Onision was about to get the shit scared out of him. For that reason, Moon was silently hoping the old mole was right.

Or, not so silently, "Good luck, kid." says Moon, though he sounds more humorous than anything. He sits just outside the Observatory's doors. It'd been hot that day; the perfect excuse not to follow them in. "Just, remember; you feel it in the air first." Was he trying to fuck with him? It's likely.

Re: GHOST TOWN && "seance", weekly task. - ANIMA B. - 08-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 540px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica; font-size: 9pt; line-height: 1.4;"]Oh, they were holding a seance were they? How interesting. Was Annie considering revealing her wraith form simply to fuck with the poor apprentice? Perhaps. Possibly. It was tempting, but then again, that meant actually revealing that she wasn't mortal and normal. It meant intentionally embracing a curse that she didn't want to admit, and it meant accepting the fact that she was well and truly fucked.

Was that worth a prank that probably wasn't even that funny? Nope. She thinks not.

"Where's the salt kiddo?" She asks, doing her best to sound concerned about his wellbeing. Perhaps the fact that she's grinning like a Cheshire cat. She wasn't an exorcist, nah, her monsters were strictly corporeal and usually draconic in nature, but she does know that salt is usually good for banishing and protection. "In case there's a poltergeist hanging about."

Re: GHOST TOWN && "seance", weekly task. - melody - 08-21-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]The kitten made her way over, blinking cluelessly at all these words. "Wh's a say-ants?" She stage-whispered to the nearest adult, who happened to be Zjarr. "'N a potterg- a polt- a pot-geist?" Melody tripped over the word a little, eventually just settling on the closest thing she could say. Shifting her big eyes, Mels blinked at Onision, wondering what this odd event was about.

Re: GHOST TOWN && "seance", weekly task. - ONISION. - 08-21-2018

[div style="width: 310px; font-family: verdana; color: #B07224; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]BROKEN, RUINED, DEAD.
Onision let out a grunt in response at Moonmade's comment, shrugging it off with a growl of annoyance towards the older male. He didn't like Moonmade, and he was sure the fool knew that. He probably staged some bullshit. Ghosts weren't real. "Ain't got no salt. Guess we're gonna have to deal, yeah?" He mockingly replied, a shit-eating grin taking up his face as he turned Zjarr. "I'm the epitome of careful." Oni replied sarcastically, before lighting the candles with a matchstick, tail swishing side to side.

When Melody asked the question, Oni's ear twitched in response. Should he scare the poor girl? Yeah, definitely. "We're gonna talk to ghosts.. They're big, scary dead people that haunt us even after they die." He spoke in a dark, deep tone of voice as he leaned towards Melody. "And when you aren't paying attention..  BOOM!- He stopped after the sudden scare-attempt he tried, before continuing. "You belong to them!" He snickered, rolling cold blue eyes before turning his gaze back to the blanket.

"Spirits, I ask you to come forth and communicate with us. Those who have long passed, or have haunted this Observatory before we dwelled here, please come forth and talk." He spoke loud enough, his voice lazy and unheeding. It was obvious he didn't believe in this shit.

Little did he know, he was going to get the shit scared out of him.

Re: GHOST TOWN && "seance", weekly task. - BASTILLEPAW - 08-22-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Bastille probably should not be fucking with his own Fireball, but-- well. Said Fireball was also practically his younger brother, having watched (and helped raise, vaguely) this kiddo grow from birth -- nevermind the fact that Margy had staked a claim on him the second she joined, it seemed. And older brothers were supposed to fuck with younger brothers. Beyond all of that perfectly good reasoning, there was the simple matter that Oni had scared Mels, who was tiny and precious, which meant he was just asking for it at this point.

His fur was glowing a strange black, obscuring the grey base of it, when he was suddenly just there in front of Oni. Teleportation was a nasty trick -- as was abusing the instability of his souls just to get a creepy fucking glow -- but whatever. [b]"Boo," he teased, clearly not putting too much effort into his "scare". He bumped Oni playfully as he stepped back to sit beside Mels, as if to keep her from his Fireball's antics, and he added, "Careful, Oni, you might accidentally exorcise Ani."
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST

Re: GHOST TOWN && "seance", weekly task. - Owlie - 08-23-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]There were warning signs to Anakin’s arrival. Dust kicking up and the air becoming warm. Anakin’s presence was a delightful sun, coming to cheer you on. Such a presence had once been vital on the battlefield, but now it wasn’t much of anything. Anakin wasn't quite allowed to mess with mortal issues. Not unless they were world ending, and even then, the most he was suppose to do was lightning strike and boom the word of God from his maw. He was a large contender on the battlefield, always had been.

He remembered- he remembered Vader slicing through people and Vader holding a poor soul's neck in those grotesque, awful hands. Crushing bones and cracking ribs under his boots.

May as well do his thing. He was a light-hearted guy now, right?

Dust started swirlingand his form materialized behind Onision, his cloudy form grey and neutral- he raised his arms, claws out and ready to attack her. His body glowed, fully revealing his self, making a show of himself by lighting up the room, trying to surprise them. "BOO!" Blue jedi robes conformed to Anakin's body, layering over his form and white, pupiless eyes looking at the lot of them. Maybe there was a hint of annoyance in his gaze, but there was a restrained, calm look about him, too. 

If this worked or not, Anakin would lean back, laughing and chuckling. He straightened back up, walking around to the front of them, possibly through someone. "Speak ill of the dead and they will hear..." He warmed, face suddenly turning serious.

"If you wanted to see me, you should have gone to the Starpool. What do you want?"

Re: GHOST TOWN && "seance", weekly task. - ★ HAZEL - 08-23-2018

as love filled night gives way to day
Ghosts? Hazel believed in ghosts. She believed in ghosts that haunted her dreams and warped them into nightmares. She believed in ghosts that clung to her so fiercely they were impossible to forget. Because Hazel's ghosts weren't always people: sometimes they were the metallic scent of a closet filled with chemicals. Sometimes they were the echoes of glass shattering against the floor. Sometimes they were phantom pains that made her paws twitch like a reaction. Most of the time, they were of her past.

Hazel didn't want to go on a ghost hunt; she'd rather keep them locked away in her brain where they belonged. But she tagged along with Oni's seance anyway, taking a seat somewhere on her own where she could wrap her tail around her paws and convince herself that the boy couldn't literally summon Mother or Titanium. "What would you need salt for?" She asked finally, Zjarr's odd comment jarring her haunted stupor. Willingly trying to distract herself, she tried to focus on why the hell one would need salt for a ghost. She jumped when Oni shouted, but it paled in comparison to the shriek that fell from her lips when Bastille popped out of nowhere.

"Quid opus est ut te facere sentire?" Hazel demanded, golden eyes flaring as she wished she had something to throw at him. "Et mihi est cor impetum!" She would have gone on, the Latin pouring from her mouth quicker than her English normally would, but then Anakin appeared, claws out and a fierce yell on his tongue. Hazel jumped again, another yelp tearing itself from her throat. "Why do you all do that?" She wheezed out, leaning forward until her forehead hit the blanket.

(Quid opus est ut te facere sentire? - why do you feel the need to do that?
Et mihi est cor impetum! - you gave me a heart attack!)

Re: GHOST TOWN && "seance", weekly task. - Zjarr - 08-23-2018

[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]Well, Onision wasn't exactly incorrect with his explanation, but Zjarr was still willing to pitch in his answer to the kid as well. At the arrival of some curious and confused-looking young'un, the wolf murmured softly with an amused smile, "Oh, just what he said. A bit of some ghost-proddin'. Seein' if they're out and wanna mingle with us livin' folk." His smile only widened at Melody's attempts, finding himself struggling to maintain his composure for the kiddo. Aw, it was just...cute. Rarely did he admit it, but he really did like having kids around. Which was why it only hurt more to find Pele spit in his face, but that was not the most urgent matter here.

His heart jumped as Bastille suddenly appeared before the group, his fur just glowing for some bizarre reason, but Zjarr forced himself to hold his tongue. Bast...wasn't a threat. He was just trying to give the fireball a scare, right? Just like the cyborg wanted to. With a soft huff he would return back to Melody's inquiry.

"Poltergeist?" he offered the kitten with a twitch of his ear. "A...loud ghost, I'd say. One that might like to throw stuff. Simple as that." And the big ol' polty's about'a make y'all shit yourselves, he added silently, suppressing the devious grin that tugged at his lips. Once more he would lay himself down as if to rest, skimming over ideas as to how he were to accomplish the feat in question and what reactions he would gauge from these people. They really were going to—

Wait a minute, what the fuck is that?

The wolf's head rose as dust settled into the room, the air growing much warmer than he recalled it to be. His onyx black nose twitched as his eyes widened ever so slightly, his ears flattening against his cranium to best express his sheer confusion. No, no fucking way there was a real spirit up in this bitch. No dead hoe was going to beat him to the punch. His muscles tensing and his metal claws clicking against the hard floor, the demon watched in awe as some horrible apparition began to form beside Onision, extending its awful limbs, ready to pounce at its victim. A subtle growl erupted past his maw, which he would silence as the form of a quite living lion appeared in the spirit's place, a cackling feline.

Deep exhales pushed through the demon as he watched the lion anxiously. Okay, I am not losing my shit over this. These...pranks. With a frown he would bury his head back down and hope that he wasn't losing himself. He'd have to bring his composure back, but he couldn't magically become a big ghosty boy now. After two scares in a row, there had to be something in between, a sense of relief that nothing was there. And it was then that he would strike...hopefully.
[glow=#f24b00,2,300]how'd it get so scandalous?[/glow] —