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IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - Printable Version

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IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - axiom - 08-20-2018

© lexasperated
The tigress felt quite pleased that Jericho came around to the idea of an alliance with the Typhoon - but it only made sense with their current politics, considering their neutrality with the Pitt. She hated slaveholders more than pirates; if she could tolerate that lowlife scum interacting with her home, then she thought the pirates much more appealing as friends by comparison.

Reaching the bell located by the crashed train, she raised one of her large paws to ring it. Given that she recently came here to trade her bone jewelry, it didn't take her long to locate the thing. Tail flicking behind her, she glanced over her shoulder to check that Jericho was still behind her - she always felt a little paranoid that she might accidentally step on the tiny blind cat. Looking back at the Typhoon's territory once she caught sight of the tomcat, she called out, "We're Jericho and Quantum Caralho from Sunhaven, here to request speaking with Captain Pincher." Given their recent visit to the Typhoon, she felt reasonably confident they remembered Jericho's leadership role in Sunhaven, and her own reckless personality.


Re: IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - CLEO R. C. - 08-20-2018

It seemed as if Cleo was the first to appear, sanguine eyes wide as she studied the large tigress. Quantum certainly towered over her, even more so given how undersized Cleo happened to be, her tiny figure more comparable to a speck besides the wildcat. She was unbothered by their size difference however, gaze unwavering as she continued to stare up at her, a tiny frown blossoming upon her lips. "Why?" She'd inquire, her question not accusatory or even bitter, asked in a more inquisitive fashion because she, for the life of her, could not understand why these odd smelling strangers wished to speak to her father. She had not had any run ins with the members of Sunhaven, completely unaware of the existence of the group if she was being honest. It sounded nice though, whatever it was. Perhaps she could visit one day if her father was on friendly terms with these individuals.

Shifting her weight, the child would perk ears attentively, jaw involuntarily clenching. "I"m Cleo Roux-Cipher," Cleo finally decided to introduce, hardly a fan of the silence that had followed her initial greeting, "Pincher is my father."


Re: IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - no more - 08-21-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Salt, so familiar a tang, welcome in comparison to the bitterness which clung. Dark eyes rose from wandering paws, tracking each step as it was made, drawn across familiar path, for no more reason than to simply keep them occupied for a time. It had grown hard to push themself to work, the team had dwindled and seemed to struggle more under the pressure of caring for so many, but where others hide it well behind porcelain marks they could not. A few seconds passed before they thought better of continuing their walk, allowing their momentum to shift, gaining a quicker pace as they changed their direction.

Cleo. Faint was the bubble of joy which rose within them, fading in mere seconds, but enough it curled their lips, smile little more than a ghost. Slowly as they neared Aita chose to stand by their sister, leaning close to gently press their nose to her cheek, before attention shifted to the strangers before them. Already undersized the wildcat was a giant before them, though there seemed no fear for what towered above them was but a minuscule thing to some they called family, and so there was nothing in dark eyes or features but curiosity. “Aita Roux,” voice rose into a volume that scratched and burned, throat sore for it seemed they were forced to scream quite a bit in these past few days, seeking to be heard, thinking better of uttering the second part of their last name. If the one who gave it to them cared not for her children and the one they knew saw nothing in them so be it, they were no family of theirs.

Re: IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-21-2018

Sunhaven. Didn’t they come a while back and Pinched declared them open for attack? ”You have three seconds to leave before I make you.” Caesar snarled as he came over, practically trying to shove CLEO and AITA out of the way as he came closer to the area. He stared up intensely at Quantm, as if daring her to defy him. He had no fear of challenging her, even if she was twice his size - more than that, even. Hell, he’s been killed by a raptor once. He just doesn’t learn.

Or rather, Caesar knows he can cheat death by possessing a new body. But he wouldn’t admit that out loud.


Re: IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - Luca - 08-21-2018

Luca wasn't one to settle disputes. It only took a few seconds of political chat for him to start fidgeting and tapping his paw impatiently. He would much rather talk about something interesting like gossip or the latest internet trends, so when he lay eyes on the scene unfolding in front of him, he was filled with a deep and burning pain. He knew he should but in and try to calm things down while they waited for Pincher, but he just didn't want to. Eventually the more rational part of his brain won him over though, and he turned on his paws to head towards the gate. The hellhound sucked on a strawberry flavoured lollipop as he trotted up behind the trio of his clanmates, pushing the sweet to the side of his mouth before speaking. "Don't cha think we should wait to see what they're here for?" he asked Caesar halfheartedly, staring at the bright feline's behind for a bit before turning his gaze to Quantum and Jericho "Um, Pinch should be here soon-ish maybe, but it would be good to know what you want, I think." He didn't mean to be impolite, as easy as it was to assume that from his bored and noncommittal tone. It's just that he would rather be doing literally anything else. Luca kept his eye on Caesar to make sure that he didn't have to hold the guy back, keeping an ear out for any sort of response.

Re: IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - MARCELLUS - 08-21-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
As far as he remembered, Sunhaven were enemies and frankly he didn't exactly take well to enemies showing up on the border. On the inside he wasn't sure what to do, should they attack or not? And even then it was fairly obvious that he would be hesitant too. Slowly he was hardening in terms of emotions and not letting them too much through the surface but he definitely wasn't a pro at it yet and it would be obvious for when he was hesitant on things or unsure. As he padded up besides Luca, the feline would try to keep a straight face as everyone else seemed to ask the questions, though he had to admit to being annoyed at Caesar jumping headfirst into a fight with these guys and start a whole dispute and frankly Marcellus wanted to stay on the safe side to make sure he didn't do something that would get him in trouble. At the sound of Luca's words the king cheetah would find himself agreeing with the hellhound, giving a nod towards them to show that he did. Other than that, patiently the male would wait with the group for their Captain as he studied the two members of Sunhaven, wondering what an enemy would want with them.

// sorry short!

Re: IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - no more - 08-22-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Little of the political side of things held interest for the Sage, their work was within the care of the group and making sure injures weren't left untreated, and so it was confusion which touched their features, yet all too soon was it wiped away. Barrelling through them with seemingly no interest in any other besides his lemon coloured ass they had barely any time to duck away before Caesar was present, filling the space they had previously occupied.

“Fuck you too,” grumbling beneath their breath Aita moved away from the Officer, putting some distance between the two, yet stayed with ear shot, curious now for it seemed these two came from a group deemed enemies.

Re: IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - PINCHER - 08-22-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently married. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Despite Pincher being neutral towards the Pitt, he was rather disgusted by the idea of slaves. It would be rather contradicting for a group that believed in the freedom of self to connect allies that went against that. Sure they did prisoners here and there but not to do their bidding because well, Pincher knew the feeling all to well. His father had forced him into many things he had not wanted to, became his servant and frankly, the specific kind of frustration he had felt was something he didn't want no one to experience even his enemies. Sure, the Typhoon were wild rowdy pirates that sought trouble in places of "peace" but at least they had some standards and restrictions on what was ethical or not. He sure was a bad guy with blood splattering his paws but he held a greater empathy than one would really think he would have. The only problem was that Pincher wasn't afraid to have his paws soak into more blood if a decision demanded it.

The brawny figure of the jaguar was speaking to some npcs, giving orders of cleaning up some mess that some crewmate had made, a common thing in Pincher's eyes. However, he was never shaken up by it. He rather enjoyed the little acts of rebellion and challenges that were offered for him to work through even if they tended to break his head. His voice was low and patient as he spook with the two crewmates before the scent of Sunhaven danced through the air and caused his frigid glacier blue gaze to narrow, slowly flickering away from the current situation he was dealing with towards the direction of the only land entrance to the island. Why the fuck were they here? The scarred male rose to his snow white paws and excused himself, heading over to see what the hell was happening. He didn't worry too much about there being a fight since Sunhaven wasn't really his main target — more of an opportunity of mischief to be fully honest. The Ascendants were more irksome at the moment and his full murderous attention was on them.

The tattooed figure of Pincher finally made way, small bursts of cough fluttering out of his aching jaws but he forced himself to not appear as sick as he felt. He rose his head a little higher as he reached the others, catching sight of Caesar and narrowing his gaze, his low rumbling order snapping out quickly. "Oi, stand the fuck down." His icy tone sliced the air as he aimed to shove back Caesar the same way with his thin pupils locked onto the Officer for a quick glare before turning to focus his attention towards Sunhaven, calculative gaze holding a slight suspicious tint to it. "The fuck you want to speak to me about, eh?" Pincher inquired flatly, his left jet black ear twitching as he sniffed softly, waiting for a response from either Quantum or Jericho.

Re: IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - Luciferr - 08-23-2018

"It was jet-black. A shade of black so deep, your eye just kind of slides off it.
And it shimmered when you looked at it"
trust ceasar to amke a situation escalate from 0 to 100 real fast - the dragon just barely kept from rolling mercurial and livid red eyes - the dream demon was honestly more trouble than he was worth at times but thankfully Pinch seemed to have stopped him in time.

as it was the dragon merely sighed and shook his head, staying back behind Pincher and the others like the shadow on the proverbial wall - like usual really, his main job these days was shadowing his people like a large plated bodyguard or a worried mother hen, that both were interchangeable and almost indistinguishable wasn't so strange.


Re: IT'S IN THE ATMOSPHERE // sunhaven - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-23-2018

Caesar opened his mouth to reply to Luca just as Pincher arrived and shoved him back, barking orders at him to stand down. The demon listened of course, though only because of the position he held here. He already learned what disobeying the Captain meant, and he definitely didn’t want to deal with that shit again.

Caesar narrowed his eyes at Pincher however, clearly angered by the Captain’s sudden change of heart - at least that’s what it was to the Officer. Pincher has a tendency to do this, first with Tanglewood, then with Snowbound after they brought back supplies, and now with Sunhaven. It was irritatingly disgusting in how quickly Pincher changed his mind. Despite his thoughts however, Caesar did not challenge Pincher and just remained where the panther had shoved him back, claws digging into the ground while his fur twitched, showing his outrage at being so suddenly pushed back.
