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diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - Printable Version

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diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - Stryker - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Potential. Stryker hated wasting potential. When he noticed Tsuyu's daunting smile, fearful eyes, and quick reactions, he couldn't help but see something new within the younger female. She had something tragic with her. Something... powerful. He didn't know what she held inside her, but his nosy personality wanted to let loose and intervene with her mind. If he could use her, he would do it damn well. First, he just had to get her cornered. And thus, he did.

Before the tip of his claw, the ravaging lion had her in front of him as he encircled her slowly and mockingly with a large smirk upon his lips. Her neck was chained, making her escape impossible. He hoped for more of an escape route for her, seeing that he did like a good chase scene, but with his warning after her vague attempt to injure his mates, he couldn't allow that. Still, he didn't exactly imagine this to be the kinky intervention he could of had with Tsuyu's tongue but... oh well. There was always later.

Awaiting for her awakening from his venom, the lion tapped his sharpened claws against the main hall's marble flooring. "Well," he cooed in a whisper, "You can't say I didn't warn you."

// Wink [member=1262]TSUYU.[/member]

Re: diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - TSUYU. - 08-20-2018

It happened too fast. first, she was trying to defend her tribemates from a bunch of villains, and then the next, she was face to face with stryker before she blacked out. it all happened faster than she could process, she was out so fast.

tsuyu's head ached as she stirred from rough sleep, feeling the tightness of a chain around her neck. it took a while for the frog-manx hybrid's vision to adjust after she had been literally paralyzed and knocked out by this fucking giant's venom. some may say it was completely obvious that tsuyu wasn't happy. at all.

her tongue had been hanging from her jaws as always, as she tried to opened her maw to speak, to insult the bitch who had chained her up. that was, until her vision adjusted, and she saw the form of the toxic-fanged lion pacing around her. encircling her. cornering her. "fuck.. you. ribbit." tsuyu managed to slur out, before she unsteadily got to her paws, frost coming from her lips in quick pants.

had she gotten bitten by him that easy? tsuyu was disappointed that he managed to do such things. "too bad your poor mates couldn't do much. all you got was me, pity. ribbit." she played it cool for now, unknowing if he actually managed to knock out anyone else, in reality.

tsuyu was wary of the male, webbed pawpads filling with dirt as she grinded her paws into the dirt anxiously.

Re: diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-21-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Atbash knew firsthand what could come out of this, and when she heard Stryker’s booming voice from outside of the medic cabin, the she-cat had tried to quickly come out as soon as possible. Of course, she actually ended up stumbling out of the cabin again, knocking the air out of her.

”Don’t -“ Atbash tried to call out, before she was interrupted by a paw being placed on her back. The Hailcaller briefly saw a flash of orange out of the corner of her good eye, but nothing more than that. All she could tell was that the guy who had her pinned smelled strongly of cigarettes and, of course, The Pitt.

”Speak again and I’ll cut your tongue out,” The Pittan hissed at her, a male by the tone of his voice. Atbash bit her lip in reply to him, her body shaking as much as it could under his weight. She was trapped beneath his paw and was now practically being forced to watch this go on.

bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - arcy - 08-22-2018

.. Izuku isn't sure if there's anyone he hates more in this world than Stryker. Stryker. Izuku hadn't had a terribly positive opinion of him to begin with, and it'd gone down after the attack, sure. But Izuku doesn't care what the guy did to him. He cared what he did to his clanmates. They were -- they were all Izuku really cared about, these days. Cared about with all he had, because they were all he really had. And Stryker? Stryker was hurting them. Izuku may not have seen what the villains of his world did after he was dead, but he imagines it was a lot like this.
"Don't fucking touch her," Izuku's voice comes in a deep snarl as he strides over. It's unclear if he's referring to Atbash or Tsuyu -- it's both, really. He seems agitated -- of course he did. His talons are digging into the ground and he feels sick. He wanted to hurt them. He wanted to hurt him like he was hurting his clanmates. And, really, the only think stopping him was the imbalance of power. Izuku could take them. He could. But Atbash was pinned under somebody and so was Tsuyu and if he tried to protect either of them the other was probably dead. And he didn't know what to do. He wasn't a hero, but he didn't have any favorites to pick here and it'd be wrong if he did anyways. He .. wants to cry. It's been a while since he'd cried. But he wants to, and he wants to scream. Tsuyu is going to be hurt. Tortured. And Izuku just. Doesn't. Know. What. To. Do. Honestly though, the only reason he hadn't been pinned like Atbash was was because of how big he was. And also the electric crackling of his scales. That would do it, too.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - Stryker - 08-23-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ —  His tongue rubbed against the inside of his cheek, eyes narrowing as she spoke. Funny. She thought that Stryker wanted more than her. Maybe in the future, but for the sole purpose of finding what Tsuyu was capable of, the lion had never intended to gather more than her for this beautiful torture session. "Cute," he mockingly muttered. The lion paused in his tracks in front of her, his face near her own. "I would of gotten more if I wanted, sweets." A paw aimed to reach out, caressing her cheek lightly. Smirking, he stepped back and pulled away. For a moment, his neon gaze wandered to those who spoke behind him in worried tones.

Atbash had crawled out of her cave and Izuku, as always, was there to ruin the hype of the moment with his incessant rambling on why Stryker shouldn't take the actions to get what he wanted. Lord, if only he cared. The lion merely ignored the bumbling powder puffs. He'd deal with them later. Their words meant nothing to him and he'd gone too far to come back from what he is about to their dearest friend... maybe their soon to be enemy. Depends on the results. Either way, what he was going to do to this poor young adult would finally prove his final overall point. Being passive wouldn't solve everything.

His gaze shifted back. "We're going to make this easy," came his hiss. "Either you're going to listen to me-" Slitted green eyes widened as he attempted to gain control of the female's mind, hoping to put her into an unnoticeable hypnosis where she would obey his every word and begin to believe his ideals. While he attempted, Tsuyu would be open to retaliate and realize the effects for a few minutes until she finally succumbed slowly to his control. "-and prove my point-" Claws aimed to grab ahold of the top of her head in an attempt to keep her gaze focused on his own. Otherwise, the effects would be lackluster. "-or we're going to do this the hard way, powder puff." Hopefully, she would come around... Right?

Re: diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - TSUYU. - 08-23-2018

He was so close to her, she could smell his breath on her face as he spoke. She wasn't willing to let him touch her, growling when he lifted up her chin with a paw. Disgust filled charcoal eyes as she glanced up at the much larger male, lips pulling back into a snarl as she launched forward, attempting to latch onto his paw. If this was successful, she'd use the contact to her advantage, frost hopefully taking over the male's appendage as long as her jaws held his paw in her mouth. The effects of this landing would be frost burns and numbness.

Her gaze was trapped in those toxic hues, soon enough, though. She stumbled forward, shivers running down her spine. She tried to shake her head away from the gaze, eyes widening in fear. "Tokoyami.." Tsuyu croaked out softly, lip trembling as she dug her claws into the ground. She was fighting, but even she was too inexperienced with fighting. Soon, her gaze fell empty, and Tsuyu stopped moving.

Stryker had managed to get control of her mind, but for how long?

Re: diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - ninazu - 08-23-2018

The slender wildcat came over, three balls of fire slowly orbiting her thin body. The cold hurt so, despite the energy it took to maintain her fire, she kept up her magic as long as she'd stayed here. Keeping a wary eye on the Snowbounders, she stood and waited to see just what Stryker intended to do with the frog-like feline.

Re: diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - Luciferr - 08-23-2018


a low rumble echoed up from darker corners as a strange shadow made flesh stalked out, the juvenile form of Blacktide's carapace glinting from the reflected light upon eyeless faced dome - the xeno's lips peeled back over two sets of pearly teeth in excitement as he prowled near where Stryker was conducting himself.

the panther-born creature hissed inquisitively at Serpent-lion-warrior, would there be body parts a lopping? if so, the beast was very interested in that - limbs made good food for a still growing form.

the cold snow of this place did not bother the creature - no extreme temperature truly did unless it was flash frozen carbon dioxide or other unnatural means, so designed was his genome to be resilient in the face of such things.

the creature knew better than to outright tackle smething larger than him - there was an unnatural alien intelligence to he and his kindred, no mere beasts were they even if they did so appear to be - unbidden the creature wandered up near [member=597]ATBASH CIPHER.[/member] a chirrup of dangerous curiosity - hmmm, would prey miss an ear? -

/any permissions to scar or lose an ear? just wondering c: also same fr any other snowbounders?

Re: diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-24-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
//Aah I'd prefer if she didn't lose an ear, but he's free to bite/nip at her to cause scars elsewhere!

If Atbash hadn't been pinned down by a large Pittian, she probably would have either tried to attack Stryker or got in front of his attack to protect Tsuyu, but alas, the much larger creature had her held down and she was unable to move under the guy's large paws. Out of the corner of her good eye, Atbash noticed movement and tried to look over as another Pittian begun to approach her and she let out a squeak of terror as she stared at the strange creature in front of her.

bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: diamond in the rough | TSUYU'S PUNISHMENT - Dimitri - 08-24-2018

  "Hey, Dickass.” Dagon wasn’t talking to Styker, he was talking to Blacktide. He moved, trying to shove the Pittan NPC over and stand over Atbash. "No need for violence over here, just go watch the show and we’ll all be just fine.” He hissed and looked over the two, thinking about unsleathing his claws already.
